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Upon discovering the truth about the Tantas’ past and the story behind the ancient demon Susurrus, Frey is ready to defeat this monster once and for all in Forspoken. Long ago, when the Tantas were at war with the Rheddig, the latter unleashed a monster hidden in the deepest part of the Labyrinths to destroy the four rulers, which caused the Break. The Tantas used their powers to seal Susurrus inside four cuffs while sacrificing their sanity.

Many years later, Susurrus manipulated Frey's emotions and convinced her to kill the Tantas, so he can restore his powers. Sadly, all went according to plan and the ancient demon attacked Cipal in Forspoken. It’s now up to Frey to defeat Susurrus and free Athia from his twisted beliefs.

RELATED: Forspoken: What Caused the War Between Rheddig and Athia

How To Defeat Susurrus In Forspoken

Frey riding a dragon in forspoken

To defeat Susurrus, players must beat him in all three stages, like most bosses in Forspoken.

First Stage

dragon breathing fire in forspoken

The first stage is the easiest out of the three. Here, Frey is riding the dragon she encountered in the first chapter of Forspoken, which turned out to be her mother, Tanta Cinta.

RELATED: Forspoken: Chapter 12 Walkthrough (Awakening)

Susurrus will unleash hundreds of damage-inflicting birds that’ll attack Frey and Cinta. To beat them, use the dragon’s fire breath by holding R2 to kill the birds. At random points of the fight, Susurrus will appear in his sphere-like form; make sure to attack him with fire until his health is depleted.

Try not to use a lot of Health Draughts as they will be needed in the second stage.

Second Stage

skip spell in forspoken

During the second stage, Frey is all on her own but an enormous advantage she possesses is the ability to Skip during the fight along with unlocking her Tanta’s powers in Forspoken. Susurrus' second and third stages rely heavily on parkour dodging or wrapping as most of his attacks are deadly.

Frey using skip spell in forspoken

At first, Cuff will be in his sphere form in the middle of the arena and Frey can cause some damage. A powerful attack he may use is when numerous circles start glowing in front of him, signifying the number of laser beams he’ll release. Immediately use the Skip Spell to wrap up out of the way.

frey unable to move in forspoken

Additionally, a golden bird may fly toward Frey at an incredible speed that’ll cage the girl and restrict her movements for a couple of seconds. It’s a huge disadvantage so try to dodge using parkour upon seeing the bird.

attacking enemies with olas magic in forspoken

After causing some damage, Susurrus disappears and calls for a horde of different types of enemies to attack Frey. To make it easier, keep using Olas’s Magic as all enemies will be vulnerable to the Tanta of Wisdom’s magic, allowing Frey to gain more Battle Ranking points in Forspoken. Some horde of enemies will drop Health Draughts once players defeat them, so make sure to pick them up.

susurrus sphere form in forspoken

Around mid-health, Cuff’s sphere form will split into three. Two will be on either side of the arena while the third will be on top of the building. Keep attacking the spheres until they disappear while avoiding incoming attacks.

using the zip skill to reach susurrus in forspoken

To reach the one on the top, make sure to use the Zip Spell in Forspoken on one of the glowing rocks. In addition, being on top of the building can protect Frey from some deadly attacks.

susurrus human form in forspoken

Once his HP is critically low, Susurrus will take a more humanoid form with six wings and gold skin.

RELATED: Forspoken: Things To Do Before Leaving Cipal City In Chapter 3

To not cause Cipal any more harm, Frey teleports them both to another dimension for the final battle.

Third Stage

frey and susurrus in forspoken

The last stage is probably the hardest one yet. A crucial detail players must know is that Susurrus will go through four phases while changing his Spell type once Frey deals significant damage to his health bar. This means that switching between Spell Trees in Forspoken is essential to attack Cuff with his weakness.

RELATED: Forspoken: All Founts of Blessing Locations

There are some attacks that’ll be repeated throughout the four phases which players need to avoid using parkour:

susurrus hand slam attack in forspoken
  • When Cuff raises his hand in the air and slams it on the ground causing AoE damage.
susurrus light balls attack in forspoken
  • When he gathers some power to unleash multiple light balls.
susurrus sphere attack in forspoken
  • When his whole body glows then turn into a mobile sphere to attack players.
susurrus laser beam attack in forspoken
  • When a huge white circle appears and Cuff releases a laser beam.
susurrus body slam attack in forspoken
  • When Susurrus spins up into the air then slams his body down and deals massive AoE damage.
susurrun deadly attack in forspoken
  • When he glows and curls up to let out a dangerous shockwave.

Phase One

susurrus activting sila magic in forspoken

At first, Susurrus will attack normally then suddenly wave his hand in the air and start glowing red. To cause damage, use Sila’s Magic in Forspoken as he’s vulnerable to it in this phase.

Avoid using the Crucible from Sila’s Spell Tree as it limits players’ vision and may make it difficult to see Cuff’s location.

Phase Two

susurrus activting prav magic in forspoken

Upon removing a good chunk of his health, a small cutscene will begin, and by the end of it, Susurrus will glow blue and change his Spell type.

attacking susurrus with prav magic in forspoken

Now, players must use Tanta Prav’s Spells in Forspoken to cause damage. Cuff will move to the end of the arena and float up for a period of time, creating a chance for players to attack him.

oubliette spell damage in forspoken

When he finally returns to the ground, try using the Oubliette Spell in Forspoken to trap Cuff and deal continuous damage. Most of his attacks are the same as before, so dodge them as usual.

Phase Three

susurrus activting olas magic in forspoken

After causing some significant damage, Susurrus will switch to Olas’s type. Use the Tanta of Wisdom Magic to inflict decent damage. At the beginning of the phase, Cuff will unleash multiple tornadoes that can be avoided but will still keep pulling Frey to them. Players must keep resisting by using parkour while attacking the ancient demon.

susurrus unleashing birds in forspoken

One of the most dangerous attacks is when Cuff throws six golden birds at the ground which splits into hundreds of unavoidable birds. Use the Skip Spell in Forspoken to dodge this attack.

Phase Four

susurrus activting frey magic in forspoken

When the HP is lower than half, the demon will switch to Frey’s Type, making him vulnerable to Frey’s Magic in Forspoken. Attack him as usual while dodging any incoming attacks.

susurrus attack and frey dodging in forspoken

The moment Cuff talks about showing Frey something special and then engulfs himself inside a sphere, immediately use the Skip Spell to wrap around the arena to avoid taking any damage. The special attack will leave Susurrus in a vulnerable state for a while, giving players a chance to quickly end the fight.

the tantas helping frey in forspoken

Upon receiving the help of the previous Tantas, Frey captures Cuff’s last essence and keeps it within her. Players will get an insane amount of EXP after the fight as well as an Epilogue.

Forspoken is now available on PS5 and PC.