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Forspoken, like many other modern open-word games, features several unique areas that ask the player to stop, if only for a moment, to contemplate and commemorate their time in the game-world. There's little doubt, regardless of how players feel about other aspects of the game, that Forspoken's Athia has a long list of places worth experiencing. From ancient, crumbling structures to the massive rock monuments that reach towards the sky, the world that Frey Holland inhabits is truly remarkable.

These unique areas, which are built into Forspoken's narrative, are known as Photo Spots. While Frey will notice the small camera symbols as soon as she begins exploring Cipal and greater Athia, it is important to note that they are tied to a specific Detour - Forspoken's name for side quests - which offers rewards and a special achievement. Make sure to approach all the Detours during the early-game section to acquire this quest. It will be given by a small group of children just before leaving to take on Tanta Sila.

Related: Forspoken: Every Nail Design (& How To Get Them)

All Photo Spots in the 'Somewhere Near Cipal" Region


Cipal and its surroundings are the first region of Athia that Frey will have access to, and as such, it will likely be where her journey to complete every Photo Spot will begin. It features 3 Photo Spots in total, which can all be found in the Blessed Plains District.

Area: The Blessed Plains

The Blessed Plains are found along the southern border of Cipal and features 3 photo spots.

Photo Spot 1:Blessed Plains Pilgrim's Refuge

This Photo Spot is located directly outside the refuge. Once interacted with, simply turning around will reveal the subject to be the refuge itself.

Photo Spot 2: South of Pilgrim's Refuge

This spot is a small distance south of the Blessed Plains refuge. Frey must shoot the Locked Labyrinth: Hill. The Locked Labyrinth can be seen on the map with a symbol of one of Forspoken's cloak rewards.

Photo Spot 3: West of Thane

This final photo in the Blessed Plains is located west of the small town of Thane. The subject appears to be the remains of a massive Nightmare, one of the creatures that spawn from break zones.

All Photo Spots in the Praenost Region:


Praenost will be the first of the four regions Frey visits that is still under Tanta rule. Here, Sila holds sway, and obtaining her magic will be Forspoken's first major goal.

Area: The Guardian's Way

The Guardian's Way sits against the eastern border of The Blessed Plains. It contains two Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: South of Solida Guild

Both Photo Spots are found in the northen area of Guardian's Way. Here, the spot can be found just south of the Solida Guild, which will also be the subject of the picture itself.

Photo Spot 2: North of Guardian's Way Refuge

There are two ways to get to this spot. First, Frey can use the rock tunnel that leads from the Blessed Plains to Guardian's Way. If Fray is fast-traveling back to the area, she can head north from the Pilgrim's Refuge. The rock wall that the Photo Spot sits on has a series of stairs that Frey can climb. This spot has a beautiful view of the valley, including the massive circular monument, which will be the Photo Spot's subject.

Area: The Citadel

After entering the Praenost Depths of Corruption, Frey will enter the region known as The Citadel. There is only one Photo Spot in this region.

Photo Spot: Fort Praenost

This spot will be very hard to miss as it found at the entrance to Fort Praenost. The Fort's main entrance will be the subject of the image.

Area: Pioneers' Plain

Pioneers' Plain is the next region after the Citadel, and includes Praenost Castle Town. Here, Frey can find two Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: Waking Up in Pioneers' Plain

This first spot is located just after the small room that contains the same items as a refuge. From here, Frey can see the entire southern section of the district. The subject will a large swath of the visible region. Simply look south and line up the shot.

Photo Spot 2: Praenost Castle Town

The second Photo Spot in Pioneers' Plain can be found on the western edge of Praenost Castle Town. If Frey is having trouble getting up the wall, try returning to the entrance and scaling up there. The subject will be Praenost Castle, the home of Forspoken's first big bad, Tanta Sila.

Area: Middle Praenost

Middle Praenost is found northeast of the Citadel. It contains just one Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: South of the Western Belfry, East of the Western Refuge

Frey can find this spot high up in the rocks of Middle Praenost. The camera symbol will be visible on the map sitting south of the Western Belfry. The subject will be te sheer cliff walls obscured by a direct look into sunlight.

Area: Opal Hills

It's entirely possible to go the length of the entire main story and not enter the Opal Hills district a single time. If that is the case, fast-travel to either the Pioneers' Plain Belfry or the Fields of the Fallen Pilgrim's Refuge and head east. Hovering the cursor over the clouded area east of these two regions will reveal Opal Hills. There is only one Photo Spot in the district.

Photo Spot: North of Opal Hills Belfry

From the belfry, head north to the camera symbol. The subject is the large, red rock wall near Fort Fides.

Area: Fields of the Fallen

This is another area that was not regularly traveled during the main game. It sits to the east of the Citadel and has only one Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Northern Belfry

This photo can be taken just up the hill from the Fields of the Fallen: Northern Belfry. The subject is another group of rocks that appear to be glowing with Sila's red magic.

Area: Dianthus Wood

Dianthus Wood sits to the east of Guardian's Way and The Blessed Plains. It contains one Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: North of Vule

This Photo Spot is found directly north of the village of Vule, which is found in the northern section of the district. The subject is the signature circular rock seen throughout Forspoken's open-world.

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Area: The Mustering Ground

Found to the south of Pioneers' Plain, The Mustering Ground features two Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: South of Praenost Castle

This first photo is taken on a large pillar of rock that juts out of the ground just south of Praenost Castle. The subject will be one of the iconic rock arches that can be found in several areas of Athia.

Photo Spot 2: West of Parno Village, North of Monument of Love

This spot is east of the Parno, the village where Auden's mother comes from. Head into th rocky hills to the east of the village to find the camera symbol. This spot's subject is another rock arch, however, this time a castle can be seen in the distance.

Area: Brass Hollow

This final district sits in the northeast corner of Praenost and contains two Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: North of Brass Hollow Refuge, East of Brass Hollow Belfry

Look for the camera symbol high atop the brown rock pillar. The subject will be a section of the bridge that extends out across the valley.

Photo Spot 2: Brass Hollow Southern Border

The second Photo Spot is find down along the border with Home of Heroes. Look for the camera symbol very close to a mutant (if it's still alive). The subject will be the remains of a massive Nightmare creature.

This marks the final Photo Spot in Praenost.

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All Photo Spots in the Avoalet Region

The Avoalet region is the second major area that Frey visits in the game. It sits directly in the middle of Athia and features 14 Photo Spots. This area of Forspoken is ruled over by Tanta Prav.

Area: The Water Garden

The Water Garden is the northernmost district in Avoalet and features 6 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: The Rosewood Fount

The first spot in The Water Gardern focuses on the Rosewood Fount of Blessing. The camera symbol is seen directly southeast of the fount itself, which serves as the photo's subject.

Photo Spot 2: West of Chichek

This is found right on the border between Visoria and Avoalet. Look for two black flags that mark the border crossing.

Photo Spot 3: Northern Waterfall

At the north end of The Water Garden, Frey will find the third Photo Spot. The subject is a waterfall that is clearly seen falling from the rocky cliffs.

Photo Spot 4: East of the Ruins of Marr

Frey can find this Photo Spot on a hill overlooking the Ruins of Marr and the surrounding Valley. The subject will be a bridge.

Photo Spot 5: East of West Garden - Southern Refuge

This Photo Spot is located directly east of the Southern Refuge, sitting right at the top of a cliff. The subject is a zoomed-out view of the whole valley.

Photo Spot 6: Shoal Pond Island

The final Photo Spot in the Water Garden is located on the small island in the middle of Shoal Pond. The subject is Pastoria Courthouse, which sits to the southeast.

Area: Trout Moutain

Trout Mountain sits right on the edge of The Water Garden and features only one Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Eastern Border

The district's lone Photo Spot can be found out on the eastern border, just before Middle Praenost. The subject will be the gate between regions.

Area: The Fountainfields

The Fountainfields district is located west of The Water Garden. It has only one Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Floating Rocks at the Eastern Border

The Photo Spot is located on the border between The Fountainfields and The Water Garden. The subject will be the large number of floating rocks that are clearly visible.

Related: Forspoken: How To Beat Tanta Sila

Area: The Untrodden Forest

This district is found south of The Fountainfields and features just one Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Twin Rocks West of the Ruins of Tarihi

Head southwest from the Untroffen Forest Refuge to locate this Photo Spot. The subject will be the Twin Rocks that rise in the distance.

Area: The Misty Shore

This district is located directly beneath the Untrodden Forest and has 2 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: Ballow Tree

Look for this Photo Spot in the vicinity of Avoalet Castle Town. The subject will be one of the Ballow Trees Frey is searching for.

Photo Spot 2: Above Avoalet Castle

There is a lake that sits just south of Avoalet Castle Town and above Avoalet Castle itself. This spot is located on the southern edge of the lake, overlooking the castle.

Area: Samum Coast

The Samum Coast is found down to the right of The Misty Shore and features 2 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: Dam

This photo can be taken down below Avoalet castle, near the dam that is clearly seen on the map.

Photo Spot 2: Avoalet Castle Close

This Photo Spot is found directly above Avoalet Castle, and requires Frey to shoot the castle from relatively close.

Area: The Moulderings

This small district is located at the southern tip of Avoalet. It contains 1 Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Eastern Border Gate

This Photo Spot focuses on yet another border gate. This time the subject can be found right where The Moulderings meet The Mustering Ground in Forspoken's open-world.

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All Photo Spots in the Visoria Region


Visoria will be the third region Frey visits during Forspoken's main story. Here, Frey faces Tanta Olas and her green magic. It sits on Athias' west coast and features 13 Photo Spots.

Area: Humble Plain

The Humble Plain is one of the first parts of Visoria that Frey enters during her search for Tanta Olas. It contains just 1 Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Humble Plain - Eastern Refuge

Just outside the refuge, Frey will find the sole Photo Spot for the district. The refuge is also the subject of the photo.

Area: The Windy Hills

The Windy Hills are found on the eastern edge of Visoria. They feature 1 Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Center of the District

Find this Photo Spot right in the center of The Windy Hills. Take a shot of the whole valley laid out before Frey.

Area: Inner Visoria

Inner Visoria is found in the southwestern corner of the map and features 2 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: The Rocky Peak in the South

This Photo Spot can be a bit tricky to get to. Players must come from the west and gradually climb the hills until they reach the top. Use the Inner Visoria Belfry to reveal the exact location.

Photo Spot 2: Eastern Edge of Inner Visoria

This Photo Spot is another picture of a gate between districts. Frey can easily approach it.

Area: Acadamy Hills

This district is located north of Inner Visoria and contains just 1 Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: The Western Corner

The Photo Spot is found in the western corner of Acadamy Hills. The best option is to approach from the west as the actual Photo Spot is on a plateau. It can be reached by going through Tanta's Demense.

Area: Tanta's Demense

This area is connected to the same plateau that Visoria Castle is near. To reach it, instead of going straight through the gates into Visoria Castle Town, turn in to the direction of Tanta's Demense and go through the doors. It features 3 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: Kamali Library

This Photo Spot can be found southeast of Kamali Library, whic is also the subject.

Photo Spot 2: Visoria Castle Town

This photo can be taken on the top of a building right outside the Visoria Castle Town refuge.

Photo Spot 3: Visoria Castle Underground

Frey must circle around the outside of Visoria Castle to enter the underground area where this Photo Spot is located.

Area: Homestead Hills

This district is one that many players may not know even exists. It served no purpose during Forspoken's main story, and yet, there is a single Photo Spot residing there. It can be found on the southwestern edge of Visoria.

Photo Spot: Western Ruins

This spot is located near the center of the district, right on its eastern edge. Look west to find the small group of ruins that make up the photo's subject.

Area: Visorian Plateau

The Visorian Plateau makes up the large district east of Visorian Castle Town. It contains 2 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: North of the Ruins of Hwan, Eastern Belfry

Look for the grouping of rock pillars.

Photo Spot 2: West of Visoria Plateau: Eastern Belfry, South of Western Belfry

Watch for the large number of enemies surrounding the ancient ste. The subject will be the ancient doorway.

Area: Southern Plateau

This region sits far to the south and can be tricky for Frey to reach. Forspoken's main story doesn't bring Frey down to this section of the map. When Frey checks in at the refuge, the camera symbol will be revealed on the map.

Photo Spot: South as South Goes

The Photo Spot is found on the edge of the southern cliffs. It sits right next to Laera Villa, which is the subject.

Area: The Northern Corridor

This final Visorian Photo Spot is very easy to miss. Frey must start in Humble Plain and work her way north.

Photo Spot: Looking Towards Junoon

Head north from the Northern Belfry or the Western Refuge in Humble Plain. A small corridor is barely visible at the top of the map.

Related: Forspoken: All Necklaces, Ranked

All Photo Spots in the Junoon Region


Junoon is the final Region that Frey will explore. While there are certain areas she can access earlier, the whole region will become accessible during Forspoken's post-game exploration. The region contains 7 Photo Spots, including the final challenge in Nowhere.

Area: Cipalian Way

This district centers around Junoon Castle, the same castle Frey finds herself when first entering Athia early in Forspoken. It contains 3 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: Junoon Castle

This Photo Spot is located on the southeastern corner of the wall that surrounds the castle.

Photo Spot 2: Cinta's Crater

The crater from Forspoken's twelfth chapter is clearly visible on the map, seen along the western border of Cipalian Way. The Photo Spot is right next to it.

Photo Spot 3: Northwestern Corner/Rock Monument

The final Photo Spot in the district is located right along the border with The Sacred Peaks. Take a shot of the massive rock monument and move on to the next district.

Area: The Wolfwoods

This district is found just west of the Physic Garden district. It features 2 Photo Spots.

Photo Spot 1: South of the Wolfswood Belfry

After using the Belfry, the first Photo Spot should become visible on the map. Another border gate is the subject.

Photo Spot 2: Waterfall

Check the map after the first Photo Spot is complete, the second should now be visible down in the fog. It sits southeast of the first spot,

Area: Crosstide Coast

To get to the Crosstide Coast, Frey must drop into the Wolfwoods' Depths of Corruption. This district has just 1 Photo Spot.

Photo Spot: Rock Islands

Once Frey is down in the lower area after entering the Depths, cross the lake to find the Photo Spot.

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The Final Photo Spot in Nowhere


Reaching the final Photo Spot will require Frey to have several key spells that will allow her to traverse the challenge and reach Forspoken's final Photo Spot.

How to Reach Nowhere


From the lake in Crosstide Coast, head east down the river using Glide. If Frey completes Forspoken's Glide Spellcraft Challenge, then the stamina cost will be removed entirely.

As she continues on the river, she will reach Nearcoast Terrace. Look for the Ruins of Teharnaa. Just east from the ruins, Frey will find a large rock pillar that she can climb. She will jump from pillar to pillar until she finds one that has old construction on it. From here, Frey can use Skip to get across to Farcoast Terrace.

Once across, look for two stone pillars with torches. Continue on this path into Farcoast Terrace. Here is where the terrain puzzles begin.

The first section is simple. Use Zip to launch from the yellow crystals. Go slow, follow the path. While on the path, Frey will be attacked by Nightmares, the creatures that come from Forspoken's break zones. They are extremely vulnerable to Olas' magic. Do not stop to fight any single group of enemies. Just keep going up. This can be an extremely difficult run for many players. It may be impossible without the Skip spell, so make sure to acquire that first.

Final Run to Nowhere


Frey will finally come out of the Nightmare sequence only to find she is not yet finished. There is a guild tower and another torched gate to go through. This section is not nearly as hard as the first half. Use all the traversal tools Frey has at her disposal, and she'll make it to the Nowhere refuge.

Area: Nowhere

Nowhere has the one final Photo Spot

Photo Spot: Under the Arch

Head under the rock arches to locate the Photo Spot. Take a photo of the ruins.

Completing the "New Perspectives" Detour


Before Frey left the city to take out Tanta Sila, she accepted a request from the children of Cipal, agreeing to bring back any pictures she took of Athia. Completing this request will earn the "Happy Snapper" trophy, and gain Frey several camera-based rewards. The quest asks Frey to return in intervals, increasing in amount each time. However, if Frey wants, she can simply return once she has all the photos done.

Forspoken is now available on PS5 and PC.