While some people are getting a bit frustrated with the update and release schedule of Halo Infinite, it turns out that there may be a very good reason why things are coming out at the pace they are for the newest installment in the long-running series. In fact, while Halo Infinite seems to be declining in popularity, one former Halo 5: Guardians developer explains that the slower pace of updates and releases might have been because of the struggles workers had with the last game.The arrival of Halo Infinite came more than six years after the launch of its predecessor. While Halo 5 wasn't universally beloved, it appears there are some things it got right. In fact, it appears that one big thing the previous game did better than the newest entry is that its content drops were quite a bit more consistent in the eyes of some of the franchise's most devoted players.RELATED: Halo Infinite Players Want Loading Screens to Feature Map ImagesThat came to light late last week when popular Halo player The Act Man took to Twitter to complain about how long it had been since there had been any real update for Halo Infinite. While explaining that he won't ever just stop playing Infinite, he doesn't understand why 343 Industries was so consistent with its updates to Halo 5 and it's been three months without so much as a roadmap for the new game.

That prompted a former member of the Halo 5 development team to respond directly to The Act Man, explaining that there might be a very good reason why things aren't coming at the same pace for the current installment. Patrick Wren, who now works for Respawn Entertainment, said that the way the company did things for Halo 5 led to quite a bit of burnout. He added that, "monthly releases like that were extremely unsustainable."

Because he's not with 343 Industries anymore, he apparently can't speak definitively as to that being the reason that Halo Infinite content updates are coming at a slower pace. Instead, he just seemed to want to make it clear that he understands 343 couldn't or shouldn't have tried to keep up that previous pace.

That explanation may not satiate some players that are unhappy with the way that Halo Infinite content has been rolled out since the game was officially released. However, it does shed some light on why the company appears to be working at a more slow and deliberate pace this time around.

Halo Infinite is available on PC, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X/S.

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