Arcade racing games are pretty easy to get into and are among the most popular types of games within the racing genre. The majority of these games are just gameplay, with no simulation, or realism, but rather a fun time with players and their friends. As gaming becomes more modern, racing games become complicated as well, but arcade racing games still retain the fun aspect of it all. The PS3 was home to many arcade racers that were definitely popular among players.

While there were many racing games on the PS3, some didn't break into the mainstream. It's a shame, because they are still fun to play, but major racing games made these titles fly under many players' radars. These arcade racing games are underrated, but this list may help bring life back to these special games that deserve a second chance.

5 Motorstorm

motorstorm player racing and approaching a bridge

The PS3 had a wide variety of games, both which hit the mark for players, and ones that were completely missed. The Motorstorm franchise falls under the latter. One reason why many players didn't try it out, is that it is an off-road racing game, which made things a little more difficult. However, because of that way of playing, Motorstorm created its own way to race. It forced players to be alert of their surroundings, and also be aggressive while racing.

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Being one of the launch titles for the PS3, it had a lot going for it: great graphics, smooth gameplay, and a fun multiplayer aspect. At the moment, Sony doesn't seem like revisiting this great racer. However, players will be pleased to know one of the Motorstorm games, Motorstorm Apocalypse, is on Sony's gaming service Playstation Plus. This game plays rather differently from its predecessors, but retains the over-the-top action, allowing a new generation of gamers to try it out.

4 Pure

pure player doing a trick of a jump

Pure was unique in its own way, being an ATV-centred racing game. In Pure, players could race through intense tracks full of twists and turns, and build up their trick meter. This allowed them to do physics-defying tricks over these large hills. This made Pure fun even for players who don't even like these types of games.

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On top of that, the customization was not a headache. There was a lot for players to create their unique rides. They had to unlock parts by racing. This made players try hard, and play more overall. It's quite sad because Pure had everything for all sorts of players. It incorporated typical racing action for players who liked that, and was accessible for players who had never tried an ATV game before.

3 Wipeout HD

wipeout HD player racing with another being attacked

This arcade racer is for a niche crowd, giving players futuristic racing vehicles and putting them on tracks that can bend and turn in extreme ways. While it's a niche racer, it still has something for all sorts of players. For those who want to play a racing game that has a different style to it, Wipeout HD is probably the best way to go. Much like other games that got better with a different console, Wipeout HD looked and played well on the PS3 itself.

On top of that, it featured combat, which made racing quite fun and could change the course of the race in a second. Playing with friends was entertaining as well. The combat and the fact that these vehicles were rather sensitive made racing a little different.

2 Blur

blur cars racing

This arcade racing game should have been played by many. It offered the same combat mechanic that Wipeout HD has, but with licensed cars. This meant that players and their friends could pick real-world cars and take each other out in a Mario Kart fashion. It's sad to see that Blur was not only forgotten on the PS3, but also on the Xbox 360. Much like other sports games that were unique, Blur has deeper mechanics, even though it's arcade racing.

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Unlike Wipeout HD and Mario Kart, Blur rewarded players for everything that they did, from how they took down the other drivers, to how many drivers they took down. This made gameplay fun and over-the-top. Hopefully, as more players discover this arcade racer, it will get new life.

1 Split/Second

splitsecond cars racing with an explosing the background

Split/Second was a fun and aggressive racer that still holds up today. Players are dropped into a world where the race is like a reality TV show, and the twist is that the environment can be weaponized. While it's considered one of the best arcade racers, it didn't sell well. It allowed so much to happen, and made racing secondary. Players didn't just have to stay in first place ahead of all the other cars; they also had to survive. This became even more fun when playing with friends.

One player could be doing really well throughout the race, and another could trigger a bridge collapse, or a helicopter falling down causing it to crash into the lead players. The race could literally change in a split second, hence the name. While there are few physical copies of this game in the wild, players will be happy to find that many services have made it available.

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