
  • The PS2, launched in 2000, was a hit with its next-gen graphics and DVD player, a great deal for gamers.
  • Early PS2 RPGs, like Legaia 2 and Summoner, may have been overshadowed but offer unique gameplay and storytelling.
  • Forgotten gems like Evergrace and The Bouncer paved the way for iconic RPGs on the PS2, with innovative features and memorable characters.

The PS2 launched on October 26, 2000, in North America. It was an instant hit for a plethora of reasons. Not only was it a next-gen leap in graphics, but it also included a DVD player. At the time, DVD players were expensive, so in a way, it was a heck of a deal to get a gaming console along with a media player.

10 Most Timeless PS2 RPGs, Ranked

The best PS2 RPGs on the market have proved themselves as timeless classics that are still worth picking up over 2 decades later.

Like all console launches, it took a bit of time for the best games to release, and this was especially true for RPGs. In-between heavy hitters like Final Fantasy 10 were some great PS2 titles that many may have forgotten. The span for these early years will stop at 2002, although most examples can be found between 2000-01.

Updated April 29, 2024, by Michael Llewellyn: The PS2 became known for having a massive library of games that covered multiple genres. It was home to a plethora of incredible RPGs, with megahits from the Final Fantasy, Persona, and Dragon Quest series being easy standouts. While many of these RPGs have remained iconic to this day, others were not so lucky, especially those released during the early years of the PlayStation 2's life cycle. Though not every gamer will have forgotten these titles, it's hard to ignore how little they are discussed when compared to the more popular role-playing games available on the PS2.

8 Evergrace

An Unusual Action RPG From The Creators Of Elden Ring

Darius Looking At Sky in Evergrace
  • Platform: PS2
  • Released: April 27, 2000
  • Developer: FromSoftware

Evergrace is an early PS2 JRPG from the creators of Dark Souls and Elden Ring. While it doesn't live up to the studio's latest work, Evergrace is an experimental and unique JRPG that features changeable armor and outfits that are displayed on the character and change their abilities and stats in combat. It's a feature taken for granted in modern games, but at the time, JRPGs rarely display outfit and armor changes.

Another unique mechanic in Evergrace is the ability to switch between two protagonists, Darius the swordsman and Sharline the homemaker. Despite its technical limitations, Evergrace is an atmospheric game with great level design that feels like an early development of what the Dark Souls series would become. It's filled with weird and wonderful NPCs and excellent creature designs, both becoming synonymous with FromSoft's later work.

7 Legaia 2: Duel Saga

A Unique JRPG That Is Still Fun To Play By Today's Standards

Lang in Legaia 2: Duel Saga
Legaia 2: Duel Saga

October 1, 2002

Legaia 2: Duel Saga is a sequel to the PS1 original and early turn-based PS2 JRPG. At launch, Legaia 2 wasn't as well-received as its predecessor, and its script was notably weaker, but it's still a great JRPG in its own right. The series wouldn't continue after this, however, and studio Prokion was shut down, but the game maintains a cult status among devoted JRPG fans.

The battle system was turn-based but utilized combinations with the D-Pad, making it unique in the early 2000s and still fun by modern standards. It features mini-games, side quests, and crafting to keep fans happy outside the main story. Legaia 2 has a good cast of characters, a likable hero, and a great cast of villains.

6 Summoner

A Hybrid Action And Turn-Based RPG

Joseph holding a sword in Summoner
  • Platform: PC, Mac OS, and PS2
  • Released: October 24, 2000
  • Developer: Volition

Summoner is an RPG developed by Volition. The now-closed studio is better known for the Red Faction and Saints Row series. It puts players in the shoes of an unassuming farmer who can control the Rings of Summoning. It was an ambitious RPG that merged the complexities of computer-style RPGs on a console, a task many thought was impossible in the late 90s and early 2000s.

Most of the combat is in real-time, but players could access a turn-based style menu to cast spells. It was a system that worked well on the PS2. Summoner's world is huge and a testament to the developer's capability of creating terrific open worlds they became known for. A sequel, Summoner 2, followed in 2002, improving the first game's flaws with improved visuals, better draw distances, and better choice-based mechanics. Unfortunately, the series didn't continue after the second game.

5 The Bouncer

A Stylish But Short Beat 'Em Up RPG Hybrid

Sion in The Bouncer
The Bouncer

March 5, 2001
Square, Dream Factory

The Bouncer is an early RPG from Squaresoft and Dream Factory. It was released in 2000 in Japan but didn’t hit the West until 2001. It is a brawler where players can go through multiple characters with new characters such as Sion, Kou, and Volt.

Sion is the main character who looks like a combination of Squall from Final Fantasy 8 and Sora from Kingdom Hearts. Like most brawlers, the campaign was quite short, which caused a bit of controversy. No one wants to pay full price for a retail game that can be completed in a few hours.

4 Jade Cocoon 2

A Monster Catching JRPG With Great Character Design

Kahu and the supporting characters in Jade Cocoon 2
  • Platform: PS2
  • Released: August 30, 2001
  • Developer: Genki

Jade Cocoon 2 was released first in 2000 in Japan, followed by a 2001 launch in North America. Both this and its PS1 predecessor are rather obscure RPGs, but the games stood out from the crowd of JRPGs at the time.

Katsuya Kondo is an artist who developed the models and overall artwork for Jade Cocoon. He also worked at Studio Ghibli. So, years before the Ni no Kuni series started, this was a thing, and they shared more than the artistry. Jade Cocoon is also a game about monster catching, albeit in a more archaic way.

3 Okage: Shadow King

A Clever Tim Burton-esque JRPG

Promo art featuring characters in Okage Shadow King
  • Platform: PS2
  • Released: March 15, 2001
  • Developer: Zener Works and Sony Computer Entertainment

Okage: Shadow King stars a young boy named Ari whose shadow becomes possessed by a bigger demon. Shadows play a huge part in the story and combat. They are similar to the Personas from the Persona series, although they are far less flashy.

Aesthetically, this 2001 game resembles A Nightmare Before Christmas with its gothic cartoon-like visuals. It was an interesting concept, but the story's pace, movement speed, and combat make it hard to get into when compared to the quality of life features available in more modern titles.

2 Orphen: Scion Of Sorcery

An Entertaining Action RPG With A Unique Combat System

Orphen laying down in Orphen Scion Of Sorcery
  • Platform: PS2
  • Released: August 3, 2000
  • Developer: Shade

Orphen: Scion of Sorcery was a launch game in North America for the PS2. It was based on a series of Japanese light novels, which have since spun off into other things like anime. This anime adaptation would come to North America a year after this game launched.

10 PS2 JRPGs With The Best Combat System, Ranked

There were a lot of great PS2 JRPGs that came out during the system's run and some of them had some insanely fun combat systems.

The battle system can be off-putting because it is both turn-based and action-oriented. When battles begin, the party stands relatively still, and a reticle appears. Players can then launch spells at targeted enemies, like a stationary version of Star Fox.

1 Shadow Hearts

A Gothic Lovecraftian RPG Set In the 1910s

Yuri in Shadow Hearts
Shadow Hearts

December 12, 2001

Shadow Hearts is a Lovecraftian alternative history RPG set in 1913 and features real-life historical figures. It is a somewhat traditional turn-based affair with some unique features to help it stand out. Players have access to a battle mechanic called the Judgement Ring. If they time their button presses right, they can do extra damage to enemies with their attacks like in the Mario RPG games. A better comparison would be the Xbox 360 exclusive, Lost Odyssey. Lost Odyssey was developed by former members of the Shadow Hearts team and features a similar mechanic called the Aim Ring.

Released in 2001, this series was popular among JRPG fans but wasn't a mainstream success like Final Fantasy. Its cult success inspired a Kickstarter-funded spiritual successor in Penny Blood, with many of the Shadow Hearts team returning, including the creator Matsuzo Machida.

The Best RPG From Each Year Of The PS2's Life

During its lengthy lifespan, the PS2 saw many great releases, including these awesome RPGs.