
  • The Sorcerer's Apprentice was a 2010 film that didn't perform as well as other Disney movies, despite having a talented cast and elements of imaginative magic.
  • The plot involves two ancient sorcerers who battle each other in the modern day, with a young boy named Dave becoming the successor to the greatest sorcerer of all time.
  • Critics gave the film a low rating of 40% on Rotten Tomatoes, but fans were slightly more generous with a rating of 53%. The movie is considered a simple fantasy romp without much complexity.

Disney live-action remakes feel like they’re coming out each and every year at this point thanks to the smash successes that the company has managed to have from time to time. Before the live-action movies were clear cash cows, Disney put out a now-forgotten gem in 2010 featuring some imaginative magic known as The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. Starring the likes of Nicolas Cage, Jay Baruchel, and Alfred Molina, it’s safe to say that all the necessary talent for a great film is there.

Directed by Jon Turteltaub and featuring a script and story that was worked on by a variety of writers, The Sorcerer’s Apprentice was based on the old stories and Fantasia shorts of the same name. While it wasn’t a total flop, the movie wasn’t a major hit, resulting in a box office disappointment, especially when considering how well Disney films can do. It may be forgotten now but calls to remember this simplistic and fun movie are growing each day.

Disney's Push Towards Live-Action Remakes Is Already Out Of Hand

With constant remakes in the works, even some for movies that are less than 10 years old, the Disney magic isn't as effective as it used to be.

What Is The Sorcerer’s Apprentice About?

The Sorcerer's Apprentice Poster

Two ancient sorcerers are pulled into the modern day in order to continue their eternal rivalry, wrapping up ordinary geek Dave Stutler into their battle since he has the potential to be the true successor to the sorcerer Merlin. Back in medieval England, Merlin is betrayed by Horvath, one of his three apprentices, during a battle against the infamous Morgana le Fey. One of the other apprentices, Veronica takes Morgana’s soul into her own body and is ultimately saved by the third apprentice Balzathar after he traps them inside of a Grimhold. Balthazar takes on the task of finding Merlin’s successor, battling those seeking to free the evil sorceress, battles that include defeating and trapping his old comrade Horvath.

Over a thousand years later, a young boy named Dave wanders into a shop during a field trip and is identified as the Prime Merlinean, making him the successor to the greatest sorcerer of all time. Unfortunately, the inquisitive lad ends up releasing Balzathar’s old rival from the Grimhold, ultimately resulting in both Balthazar and Horvath being trapped for ten years. Unfortunately, over the course of the battle, Dave would have his pants soiled, making it look like he wet himself and resulting in ridicule from the other children in his class, making him want to forget about everything he saw despite still having a magical ring.

Now a university student in the modern day, Dave bumps into a girl he had a crush on in his youth as Horvath and Balthazar escape from their ten-year prison in that order. Horvath immediately seeks out Dave, but thanks to Balthazar’s more powerful magics (and a big eagle), he’s able to protect Dave and the two escape from Horvath. After some coaxing, Dave agrees to help Balthazar find the Grimhold, leading the two to another battle against Horvath, though the evil sorcerer has enlisted the help of another ancient sorcerer. After Dave and Balzathar manage to beat the new sorcerer and a massive dragon, the young man decides he will train to become a sorcerer.

Feeling as if he too needs backup, Horvath turns to a popular TV magician named Drake Stone for some help with his evil battle, giving him the kind of power a blood magician would dream of. Of course, unlike Balthazar, Horvath doesn’t care what happens to Drake Stone, something that eventually leads to the gullible magician’s downfall. It’s at this point that Dave learns that Morgana is plotting to cast a spell that would cause sorcerers to reign supreme over the Earth and that he is the only person with the capability to one day defeat her.

After an attempt at a date goes horribly wrong for Dave, he ends up splitting from Balzathar for some time, though he does eventually return as Horvath and Drake put their plans in action to get the Grimhold. Horvath ultimately turns on Drake Stone and puts a plan in place to get what he wants from Dave after he kidnaps the girl he’s been crushing on, Becky. With Horvath seemingly getting the upper hand, it seems like it’s only a matter of time before he releases Morgana and ends the world unless Dave and Balzathar can find some way to stop the apocalypse.

What Is The Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s Rating On Rotten Tomatoes?

Balthazar utilizing magic in front of Horvath

While The Sorcerer’s Apprentice may seem delightful, and many will feel that it in fact is, both critics and audiences on Rotten Tomatoes haven’t been too kind to the film. Critics have rated the movie at a rather low 40%, making the film rotten, while fans have been a bit kinder, rating it at 53%. The biggest complaint with the film seems to be the plot, one that most seem to call forgettable even when speaking positively about the film. Many of the positive reviews label the film as a turn-off-your-brain kind of movie, leading to a simple fantasy romp for those looking for movies without too many layers and complexity.

How Does The Sorcerer’s Apprentice End?

Horvath confronts Dave

Everything goes from awful to even worse for Dave as Horvath finally manages to release Morgana Le Fey’s soul from the Grimhold. Unable to match her or Horvath in magical ability, Dave turns to the only thing he knows, science. Using his Tesla coils, Dave manages to take the fight to Horvath and Morgana, but Morgana proves to be even more powerful than any of the sorcerers could have imagined.

With everyone at her mercy, Dave as the Prime Merlinean is the only one capable of stepping in to defend against her magic. Demonstrating her strength Morgana lashes out with a powerful spell that ultimately hits Balzathar, stopping his heart and killing the sorcerer. Using his Tesla coils once again, Dave manages to battle against Morgana by combining his science with his magic abilities ultimately allowing him to come out on top and destroy her for good. Not willing to let his mentor die, Dave uses his abilities to restart Balthazar’s heart, allowing the ancient sorcerer to reunite with his ancient love Veronica for the first time in more than a thousand years. With the situation coming to a close, Dave and Becky take Balzathar’s enchanted metal eagle for a ride in order to head off to France.

MORE: Disney's Live Action Remakes Need To Stop (But Probably Won't)