Players of For Honor could at first glance get overwhelmed at the complexity of the Hybrid Class. However, it’s precisely that complexity that offers new levels of versatility to any player’s arsenal. Hybrid Classes have different approaches to their combat styles, bringing dextrous athletics, stalwart discipline, or unique gimmicks that adjust to any encounter.

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Thanks to the these unique mechanics, any skilled player can potentially outflank and outclass other Vanguards, Heavies, or Assassins among enemy ranks. Moreover, despite their overwhelming appearance, some players can get into the groove of Hybrid Classes with the right approach.

10 They're Geared To Battlefield Specializations

Specializations in the Field - For Honor Hybrid Tips

Unlike other Heroes, Hybrids are born and trained to become specialists. They don't necessarily fall under the roles of offense (Vanguard), defense (Heavy), and speed (Assassin). As specialists, Hybrids shine in a situation they're specifically trained to deal with.

Some Hybrids prefer to become defensive juggernauts, be it through better defenses or heavier attacks. These include the pressuring Lawbringer and the form-heavy Highlander. Alternatively, some Hybrids rule movement, as with the deft Aramusha and the mobile Shaolin. Other Hybrids try to control the offense with chaining. These include mix-up heavy Valkyrie, Centurion, and Zhanhu. Finally, there are the distance experts, such as the zoning Nobushi and the supportive Gryphon.

9 Movesets Determine Approach

Moveset Determine Approach - For Honor Hybrid Tips

Due to their specialized nature, no two Hybrids have the same moveset. However, prevalent techniques across one moveset should determine the preferred combat approach of any chosen Hybrid. This should help players zero in on their Hybrid's default playstyle.

The defensive Lawbringer disables enemies with a wide variety of parry-counters, bashes, and unblockables. This is contrary to the Highlander, who defends by alternating between pace-controlling counters and damage chains. Likewise, mix-up reliant Valkyrie incorporates chains with dodge variants. This is unlike the Centurion, who uses chains that rely on chargeable attacks, jab combos, and pinning jump attacks.

8 Gimmicks Declare Combat Preference

Decide A Gimmick - For Honor Hybrid Tips

When incorporated with their movesets, a Hybrid's gimmick determines their preferred combat situations. This is where their "specializations" shine – instead of leaning towards general fights, Hybrids populate the small "cracks" in a duel that give them tremendous edge when mastered.

A great example is the Highlander, which possesses two stances that flow into each other. While the Highlander's Defensive Form gives access to pace-controlling counter-attacks, its Offensive Form contains harsh knock-backs and special chains. This makes them adaptable against punishing Heavies or dueling Vanguards. Likewise, the Shaolin transforms the Assassin's speed into unpredictability. When it enters the Qi Stance, the Shaolin can capitalize on its multi-directional mix-ups, pressure infinite chains, and property-intensive finishers.

7 Become A Team Player, Or A Lone Wolf

Teamplayer vs Lone Wolf - For Honor Hybrid Tips

Other Heroes often relegate themselves to specific combat roles due to their toolkit. However, Hybrids try to excel in multiple areas to help the team adjust as needed – or conversely, help teams prioritize a specific strategy. With the right setup, a Hybrid team player can boost the squad's ganking potential. Likewise, a Hybrid lone wolf can eliminate isolationists among enemy ranks.

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For instance, the straightforward Gryphon heavily banks on its potential as a support unit. Gryphons prefer working alongside protective Heavies or offensive Vanguards and tank foes. Alternatively, the Lawbringer combines the defensive potential of the Heavy and the dueling capacity of the Vanguard. This makes them a great way to pressure opponents and defend points at the same time.

6 Passives Can Declare Secondary Roles

Go For Passives - For Honor Hybrid Tips

Unlike other Heroes that excel when utilizing their Passives, most Hybrids expand their roles whenever they capitalize on their available Passive Feats. They obtain "secondary" roles and combat strategies to accommodate for surprise situations.

For instance, the Lawbringer has Righteous Deflection Passive (T2), which gives them damage reduction whenever they parry. This makes them ideal for a more pressuring position. Alternatively, their Protected Revive Passive (T3) protects during revives and grants additional Health. When combined with the Regenerate Passive (T4) that heals outside combat, it helps accommodate a Lawbringer's tactical approach.

By contrast, the Gryphon fits a support role well. Speed Revive Passive (T1) increases revive time, while Flesh Wound Passive (T2) constantly gives them decent damage reduction. However, the game also incentivizes a more maneuvering Gryphon. Fast Recover Passive (T1) speeds up Stamina recovery, while Winner's Advantage Passive (T2) buffs them when they land successful attacks.

5 Debuffs Improve Punishments

Debuffs Punish - For Honor Hybrid Tips

Hybrids and their specializations have unique ways of "punishing" opponents they face. However, they also have certain debuffs that almost toy with the enemy combatant. For instance, the Valkyrie herself boasts remarkable blocking power with her attacks. It doesn't help that her Sharpen Blade (T3) gives low Bleed to struck enemies, and Scout (T4) reveals and marks for death all enemies in her vicinity.

Meanwhile, the Centurion's combo-heavy strategy gets more incentives. Haymaker Passive (T2) now enhances all Throws, kicks and punches with damage. Meanwhile, Sharpen Blade (T3) gives low Bleed to struck enemies. As a kicker, Centurion's March (T2) gives Centurion more breathing room for these pesky maneuvers, as this Feat gives them temporary unlimited Stamina.

4 Optimize Crowd Control

Check Other Passives - For Honor Vanguard Guide

Unlike most Heroes, the Hybrids come with a swath of area-based attacks specifically designed to control the battlefield. In the right hands, a Hybrid can optimize these AOEs to divert enemy movement and lure them into lethal setups.

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For instance, burst AOEs discourage enemies from approaching an area, getting them in range for unfortunate chains. These include the clustering Igneus Imber (Lawbringer), the straightforward Catapult (Lawbringer, Centurion), the Arrow Storm (Nobushi, Aramusha, Gryphon), the Arrow Strike (Nobushi), and Spear Storm (Highlander).

Likewise, damage-over-time abilities deter an enemy's offense and have potential to disorient their approach. These include the explosive Pugno Mortis (Lawbringer), the burning Fire Flask (Valkyrie, Highlander), the outdoors-only Scorching Deluge (Zhanhu), the gunpowder explosive Qilin Ruse (Zhanhu), and even the lifestealing scorcher Draconite Cleanser (Gryphon).

3 Extra Combat Options Expand Control

Check Debuffs - For Honor Vanguard Guide

Players who want their Hybrids to control the ranged space can also rely on abilities specifically designed for this. These extra combat options force enemies to either follow-through with engagements or retreats.

Combat options that control long-ranged spaces include actions such as throwing a Javelin (Valkyrie) or shooting a Long Bow (Nobushi, Highlander, Aramusha, Zhanhu). Some Hybrids add effects to these options, such as the stunning Pugio (Centurion) the burning Fiery Tusk (Zhanhu), and the lifesteal Draconite Bolt (Gryphon).

Traps also fall under extra combat options that expand crowd control. For instance, the Qi Trap (Shaolin) reveals enemy positions when triggered, while the Bear Trap (Highlander, Valkyrie) stuns enemies. The Fiat Lux (Lawbringer) temporarily blinds targets, while the Smoke Bomb (Nobushi) breaks lock.

2 Expand Mobility With Maneuvers, Counters

For Honor character gazing over the battlefield

Similar to Assassins, Hybrids have a lot of leeway when it comes to their movement options. However, while Assassins rely on their mobility to get their attacks in, Hybrids possess either maneuvers for repositioning or counters to reclaim the "flow" of battle. For example, Rush (Valkyrie, Centurion, Highlander) and Iron Lungs (Nobushi, Aramusha, Shaolin) remain vital emergency Feats for that much-needed speed boost.

Some attacks also offer space control. These include isolating Zone Attacks (everyone but the Lawbringer and Gryphon), specialized Dodges (Valkyrie, Nobushi, Zianhu, Shaolin, Gryphon) and Feints (Highlander, Aramusha, Shaolin). Moreover, certain moves provide in-combat options that give repositioning room. These include counter openings (Centurion, Aramusha, Gryphon), and movement-opening attacks (Highlander, Zhanhu).

1 Enhance Team Play With Special Feats

Special Feats - For Honor Hybrid Tips

Hybrids can work alone or with teams and still fight well. However, some Hybrids do give massive boosts to team fights, immediately turning the tide against any squad composition.

For instance, the Centurion has buffs that transform them into a commander. Inspire (T2) alone gives attack speed to soldiers and damage boost to teammates. Meanwhile, they can become an attacker-healer with Stalwart Banner (T4), which constantly heals nearby allies. They can even become an unrelenting tank with Phalanx (T4) that gives Shield instead.

Similarly, the Aramusha can choose to become an offensive or defensive minor support. An Aramusha healer can also get Stalwart Banner (T4) for the constant heals. Alternatively, they can amp up combat with Fear Itself (T4) that lowers defenses and Stamina regeneration for nearby enemies.

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