The Gryphon in For Honor serves as one of the most versatile support characters among the Knights Faction. As a Hybrid Class, the Gryphon wields its Bardiche polearm in dominating mid-ranged combat. However, it also boasts a number of support abilities that make it the perfect backup for team fights.

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However, the Gryphon's versatile toolkit might make it tricky for newcomers to maximize the Class to their needs. Moreover, the heavy emphasis on support might make the Gryphon unviable for combat at first glance. Still, the Gryphon's arsenal does offer a few surprises that, in the right hands, can devastate opponents.

They're The Perfect Support

A Gryphon approaching an opponent with allies

Unlike other Heroes, the Gryphon's toolkit encourages supportive play. As such, newcomers may find themselves struggling to maintain reasonable damage numbers or offense in general. Skilled Gryphons, though, tap into the Hero’s supportive abilities to keep allies alive.

Gryphons possess a flexible kit to accommodate cooperative setups. Aside from its Finishers being Veteran Moves with special properties, the Gryphon’s toolkit excels in ganking opponents. If possible, Gryphons should stay with heavy damage dealers in order to keep the pressure in team fights.

Healing Is Key

A Gryphon preparing for fight

When used properly, a Gryphon in any team setup won’t likely need a damage-intensive build. Rather, choosing the right healer Feats can ensure that their team remains intact while other members serve as primary damage dealers.

To do this, the Gryphon may want to prioritize the following Feats:

  • Speed Revive
  • Draconite Mist
  • Draconite Bolt
  • A choice between Champion’s Aura and Draconite Cleanser

Understand Basic Attacks

A Gryphon attacking opponents with a horizontal attack

Learning certain quirks hidden in the Gryphon’s basic attack options can help them understand why the Gryphon has what seems to be a “limited” moveset. Here are things to consider:

  • Light Attack: Should the Gryphon land a Light opener for a basic chain, they can make their next attack as a Guaranteed Light provided they do it in the same direction. This deals less damage.
  • Zone Attack: The Gryphon possesses a typical horizontal slash as a zoning attack, but it’s a bit slow to work with.
  • Dauntless Chase (Running Attack): Should this attack land, the Gryphon will lift the target and throw them behind him. This can become a mean interruption to a combo.

Veteran’s Moves

Courtesy of the Veteran’s Moves property, all Gryphon finishers possess special qualities:

  • Veteran’s Scolding: All Light finishers are considered Undodgeable.
  • Veteran’s Lessons: All heavy finishers are Uninterruptible, except Veteran’s Slash. These finishers possess Hyper Armor, meaning opponents can’t interrupt them throughout the animation process.

Compensates Defense With Multiple Options

A Gryphon slashing an opponent

Granted, the Gryphon has quite a straightforward toolkit. However, their rather slow attacks leave their defenses wide open to retaliation. Thankfully, the Hero does have unique approaches to Guardbreaks, Parries, and Dodges that boost their defensive potential.

  • Defense: Static: Unlike other Heroes, the Gryphon’s Guard remains active in whichever direction they want. This effect lasts even when they perform Dodges. Gryphons should keep their Guard to where the enemy is moving, so that they have a higher chance of blocking their Dodge attack.
  • Guardbreak Punish: Gryphons who catch an opponent doing a Guardbreak can immediately punish with a Heavy attack. If possible, time this when the opponent is against the wall, which gives room for a top Heavy finish.


As with other Heroes, the Gryphon's Dodge options allow them to try and outmaneuver enemies. However, this Hero’s versions of Dodges can give them an edge or a vulnerability depending on how they use them.

  • Helm Cleaver (Forward Dodge Light): This acts like a typical Forward Dodge, with the swiftness of the Light attack augmenting its speed component.
  • Mind Cleaver (Forward Dodge Heavy): This Forward Dodge Heavy covers a decent amount of distance, making it ideal for chases. When used properly, Mind Cleaver can help the Gryphon head straight to a finisher. Be careful though, as Mind Cleaver cannot be feinted.
  • Soul Cleaver (Sideways Dodge): This Sideways Dodge counts as a Heavy attack. Given this consideration, it can head straight into a finisher. However, like Mind Cleaver, Soul Cleaver cannot be feinted. Thankfully, its small chances of creating room for Guardbreaks helps compensate for the lack of feint.

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Depending on the situation, a Gryphon can transform a Parry into an enemy’s worst nightmare:

  • Ironclad Tactician: A Gryphon that performs a Parry will transform their next Light, Heavy, or Forceful Swirl as an Uninterruptible attack.
  • Out-of-Stamina: Parrying an opponent without Stamina will guarantee a double Light chain for the Gryphon. They can top it off with a Heavy finisher to maximize their damage options.

Easy Pressure With Chains

A Gryphon preparing to attack someone

Unlike other Heroes, the Gryphon has a straightforward chain of attacks. Considering their viability as a support role, the accessibility of their chains can greatly complement the Gryphon's strength in the rear guard.

The Basic Chains

Surprisingl, the Gryphon has just one basic chain. As such, almost all of this class's other maneuvers try to either lead into this chain, or use this very chain to get into their special moves.

  • Hymn Of The Winged Lion: Light/Heavy, Light/Heavy, Light-Heavy

Players shouldn’t confuse this straightforward chain with simplicity, as it to strategically think about the way they string attacks.

Chain Starters

As mentioned, the Hymn of the Winged Lion is designed to be an extremely accessible chain for the Gryphon. Multiple moves and attacks can lead to it:

  • Forceful Swirl: Light + Heavy
  • Guardbreak: A successful Guardbreak counts as a chain starter.
  • Gryphon’s Shove: This move only counts as a chain starter if players start the chain as soon as the attack lands.

Mid-Chain Starters

Unique to the Gryphon are Mid-Chain Starters, where certain moves count as the second attack in a combo chain. Players can follow up these attacks with any finisher or even the Veteran’s Kick:

  • Helm Cleaver
  • Mind Cleaver
  • Soul Cleaver
  • Guardbreak Throw

Halt Rhythm With Veteran’s Kick

A Gryphon using a Veterans Kick

The Veteran’s Kick (Guardbreak) is one of the two special moves in the Gryphon’s toolkit, and is designed to halt the opponent’s rhythm. Unlike other special moves, the Veteran’s Kick acts more of a quick finisher that pushes an enemy backward.

The Veteran’s Kick can come from many kinds of attacks. And given the accessibility of the Gryphon’s attack chains, Veteran’s Kick becomes one of the easiest mix-ups players can learn. Here are the many instances that can lead to this move:

  • Hymn Of The Winged Lion: Instead of a typical finisher, Gryphons can follow up any second attack in a basic chain with a Veteran’s Kick.
  • Same-Direction Light: When players land a starter Light attack, they can follow up with a weaker Guaranteed Light provided they do this in the same direction. They can follow up this move with a Veteran’s Kick.
  • Mind Cleaver: Doing a Mind Cleaver after a Light, Heavy combo can pull off a Veteran’s Kick. This does less damage than coming from a regular Heavy; however, the added Forward Dodge component makes this a more mobile Veteran’s Kick lead-up.
  • Out-Of-Stamina: Gryphons facing an opponent without stamina can use a Light chain to lead straight into a Veteran’s Kick.

Additional Finish

What makes Veteran’s Kick fun is that landing it successfully doesn’t stop the punishment. Should a Gryphon successfully hit with a Veteran’s Kick, they can quickly follow up with a Heavy. This becomes the Veteran’s Slash, a Guaranteed Top Heavy finisher.

Halt Rhythm With Gryphon’s Shove

A Gryphon hitting an enemy with his fists

Similar to the Veteran’s Kick is the Gryphon’s Shove (Forward + Space, Guardbreak), which also serves as a neat interrupt to the enemy’s rhythm. This Unblockable attack acts as a fast bash that can lead to nasty surprises should it land on an opponent.

However, unlike the Veteran’s Kick, the Gryphon’s Shove acts more as an initiating tool. It works great when done to start certain maneuvers, or when accomplished in specific situations:

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  • Chain Starter: When pulled off successfully, Gryphon’s Shove acts as the first move in a chain. On top of that, a successful Shove leads straight to a Guaranteed Light. Players can then go straight for a Veteran’s Kick to finish the rotation.
  • Dodge Punishment: Even if opponents Dodge the Gryphon’s Shove, players can pull off a Heavy or a Light attack for a safe counter.
  • Stagger Move: On the off-chance that Gryphons find themselves surrounded, try to have enemies line up. As soon as this happens, a Gryphon’s Shove will stagger both opponents. Following this up with a side attack will deal chip damage to the second opponent and stop both of them from retaliating.

Perks Should Prioritize Support

Gryphon attacking an opponent

Unlike other Heroes, the supportive nature of the Gryphon means they can guarantee the team’s survival. Thankfully, some Perks exist precisely to keep the Gryphon alive and encourage them to get aggressive to dish out their best skills.

  • Radiant Rebound: Appearing after a Spawn or a Revive will grant the Gryphon a 20-percent Movement Speed buff that lasts for 10 seconds. This gives them the push they need to reach allies in need of healing.
  • Remedy: This Perk heals 10 Health whenever the Gryphon kills a Hero.
  • Rapid Refresh: The Gryphon receives a 5% reduction to cooldowns upon a Revive or a Takedown (regardless if it’s an Assist or a Kill).

Feats Depend On Supportive Needs

A Gryphon tripping an opponent

True to its supportive nature, the Gryphon’s Feats also incentivize their role on the battlefield. However, just because they’re mainline support doesn’t mean their abilities are always built for healing. In fact, some Gryphon Feats are built to make them a walking debuffer against enemies.

Tier 1

  • Stern Stare: When activated, the Gryphon grants a 25-percent debuff to an enemy’s attack. This Feat, unlockable at Level 1, can cripple an enemy’s offense early on in combat.
  • Speed Revive: This gives the Gryphon a much faster Revive move.
  • Fast Recovery: This Passive gives a boost to the Gryphon’s Stamina recovery, allowing them to do more maneuvers in combat.

Tier 2

  • Draconite Mist: When activated, the Gryphon heals themselves and nearby allies. While its healing potential isn’t powerful, it remains enough of a boost to clutch intense combat.
  • Flesh Wound: This Passive grants the Gryphon moderate damage reduction once every three seconds.
  • Winner’s Advantage: This Passive gives a buff to the Gryphon whenever they pull off a successful attack.

Tier 3

  • Draconite Bolt: When triggered, the Gryphon releases a bolt that damages enemies and heals allies near that enemy. This incentivizes the Gryphon’s position as backline support, especially when arriving as an assist to a team play.
  • Fury: When activated, this gives a massive buff to defense and attack as well as a slight sprint speed buff.

Tier 4

  • Draconite Cleanser: A more powerful Draconic Bolt, this Feat damages opponents in an AOE and heals allies in another AOE.
  • Champion’s Aura: An alternative to Draconite Cleanser, Champion’s Aura heals the Gryphon and allies close to their proximity.

Consider Special Move Risks

Gryphon attacking an opponent from afar with a Feat

While it’s advised that Gryphons stay close to their comrades and maintain support, players may want to try dealing damage on the frontlines. This is perfectly possible with the right build, but there are a lot of risks involving the Gryphon’s special moves.

Both the Gryphon’s Shove and Veteran’s Kick pose vulnerabilities that can ruin the Hero’s potential when misused. Here are some ways to counteract those flaws:

Countering Missed Shoves

Despite the usefulness of Gryphon’s Shove, enemies who manage to Dodge the Shove can render it useless. In fact, players who do not expect enemies to Dodge the Shove are almost always going to get hit by a nasty counter. However, players who can read what opponents will do after they miss that Shove can punish through certain counters:

  • Light Attack Follow-Up: If an enemy dodges Shove and follows up with Light, players can simply Parry it.
  • Heavy Attack Follow-Up: If an enemy dodges Shove and come with a Heavy, players need to Dodge and counter with Light. This move works against a feinted Heavy attack.
  • Distant Dodge: If an enemy dodges Shove and moves at a distance, players shouldn’t try to follow up. Regardless of what players try to do after Shove, the move will most likely miss due to lack of distance.

Veteran’s Kick Vulnerability

While Veteran’s Kick works well as a pressure move, Gryphons need to be careful as they don’t have other Unblockable attacks. It doesn’t help that missing a Veteran’s Kick means becoming wide open for a Guardbreak.

To avoid this risk, players shouldn’t let opponents “read” through the arrival of a Veteran’s Kick. Instead of pulling off a Veteran’s Kick with a particular combo, they should diversify the Kick’s appearance. Thankfully, the Gryphon’s kit has a lot of ways to switch up combos to make room for surprise Kicks, as described above.

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