
  • Create Foam Pathways: Prevent enemy control by covering the map with foam patches, slowing them down and making them vulnerable.
  • Use the Slideboard: Increase speed and maneuverability, to outrun enemies and rescue stunned teammates.
  • Take the High Ground: Attack from elevated positions for chaos and confusion, especially with long-range weapons.

Foamstars is a 4v4 online arena shooter that centers around covering the enemy team in foam in order to wipe them out for good. It's a fun, chaotic, and incredibly intense game that, while easy to jump into, can take quite a while to fully master, especially considering the sheer number of characters and abilities that players will need to become familiar with. While the game does feature a tutorial once players log in for the first time, it is unfortunately pretty lackluster and only really covers the movement side of things.

7 Most Iconic Battle Arenas in JRPGs

These battle arenas were more than just memorable in their respective JRPG video games.

Therefore, it never hurts for newcomers to pick up a few extra tips to make those first few hours much more enjoyable. Although the core gameplay of Foamstars is very easy to get to grips with, players who want to win consistently need to make use of all the tools and mechanics at their disposal to help give them a leg-up over their opponents when hopping into a game.

5 Try To Create Foam Pathways

Creating Foam Pathways, No Matter How Short They Are, Prevents The Enemy Team From Taking Over The Map

Character creating a foam pathway in Foamstars

While being shot with foam is an easy way to become stunned, a character will also gradually slow down if they are walking around in the enemy's foam, even if it's just a small patch of it that has been splattered on the ground. This will also completely negate the slider, so it essentially makes the character a sitting duck who's just asking to be taken out. It's, therefore, always advised to make a reliable path either around or directly through the enemy's foam rather than trying to hop, run, or jump through it instead.

Some characters are much better at doing this than others, such as Penny Gwyn for example, who can send her minions to form a long straight line of foam that she and her allies can use, but all weapons will still be able to make a path by shooting out enough foam anyway. Avoiding enemy foam at all costs is an incredibly important tip to keep in mind, and countering it can make navigation around the stages a lot easier for the entire team.

4 Don't Hesitate To Use The Slideboard

The Slideboard Can Make Every Character Much Faster And A Lot Harder To Hit

Character sliding across foam

Because the slideboard removes the character's ability to use their weapon, it may initially seem a little risky to use during an intense gunfight, but it's actually incredibly useful, considering just how fast it is. Even if the slideboard is cruising along a faint trail of foam, it will still drastically improve a character's base speed and make them more than fast enough to outrun the enemy, especially when bouncing between trails and traveling up a large hill of foam to break their line of sight.

8 Great Non-First Party Third Person Shooters That Deserve A Switch Port

The heyday of the third-person shooter wasn't all that long ago, and there were tons of games from that era that would make for a perfect Switch port.

Players should also try to remember that the slideboard can not only finish an enemy off when they've been turned into a foam ball, but it can also rescue teammates who have been stunned too. This means that players shouldn't be shy about using it whenever they see a stunned character, since it doesn't matter whether they're an ally or teammate, there's still going to be some sort of positive payoff by crashing into them.

3 Try Taking The High Ground

Covering Enemies In Foam From Up-High Can Cause A Lot Of Chaos And Confusion To Throw Them Off Their Game

Character firing foam from up high

Taking the high ground does mean that a player won't be able to get into the thick of the fight to execute any enemies, but as long as they have a few reliable teammates who can do this for them, it can become an incredibly powerful strategy to deploy. Assuming that a player is using a character whose weapon has a long enough range, such as Penny Gwyn or Tonix, who wield assault rifles, they'll be able to cover the enemy from up high without them even noticing, which can cause some real carnage and confusion among the enemy team.

It should also be noted that while most abilities are first and foremost designed to dish out damage, many of them can also be used to reach new areas of the stage, especially those that pile up a mountain of foam all in one go. Perching up on the high ground definitely isn't a viable option for all characters, but it can be an incredibly effective tactic for those who excel at long-range gunfights.

2 Use Ultimate Attacks Wisely

Ultimate Attacks Should Always Be Used Sparingly Because Of How Slowly They Regenerate

Tonic using her ultimate to spawn a giant robot

Although the basic abilities of each Star will regenerate pretty fast, this isn't exactly the case with their Ultimate Attacks, which can take a much longer time to become readily available again. Therefore, players shouldn't get into the habit of using them as soon as they appear, and instead, should reserve them for when the time is right. Because of how much foam many of these attacks can throw out in one go, they are most effective when the enemy is bunched up and close enough for all of them to be completely covered by a single attack.

Bright And Colorful Indie Games

These indie games are not only fun to play, but are also visually striking in a variety of creative ways.

With that being said, an Ultimate Attack can also be useful as a last resort to try and keep the enemy team at bay, especially if they've already taken over the majority of the map with their own foam. Because every Ultimate Attack is drastically different, it also helps to know exactly how they each work in order to counter them if the enemy team starts to get any funny ideas.

1 Research Each Character

Every Star Plays Very Differently From One Another, So It's Well Worth Learning What Each Of Them Excels At

Every character in Foamstars

Although it can be very tempting to jump into a match after landing in the lounge for the first time, because of how unique each of the characters are, it can be well worth spending the time researching them all first to see which seems the most viable. Every character fits a specific playstyle, so while Agito is a close-combat hit-and-run kind of guy, Jet Justice is all about bouncing around the map to take enemies out from the skies, and this is just the tip of the iceberg as some of the characters are much deeper and more complex in how they play.

Alongside each having their own set of abilities, every character also has a weapon that is unique to them that all differ greatly in their range, spread, reload speed, and overall damage. While players will have access to 6 characters right off the bat, The Barsitador and Mel T can also be unlocked by completing specific objectives, so there are plenty of options to choose from.


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February 6, 2024