The hit manga-anime series, Fire Force rises above its peers in the shonen genre. Written by Atsushi ĹŚkubo, the first Season was released in 2019, with another quick follow-up season in 2020. Fire Force presents a post-apocalyptic world that reels from the effects of a wide-scale fire that occurred 250 years ago.

As a result of the devastating catastrophe, an elite unit of soldiers with extraordinary abilities – the Special Fire Brigade, was created to combat any fire-related problems that may threaten Tokyo and the World. Amongst the several brigades, the storyline focuses on the Special Fire Force Company 8 and Shinra Kusakabe, the show’s protagonist, who remains at the heart of the re-occurring controversies in the anime.

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A Recap of Season 1 & 2

shinra's press of death and captain's hague death

Season 1 of Fire Force kicked off with Shinra Kusakabe, a third-generation pyrokinetic and a newly-admitted member of the Special Fire Force Company 8. The season introduced fans to interesting characters like the non-pyrokinetic but unyielding CompanyCommmander Akitaru Obi, the second generation Battalion Captain, Hinawa, the air-headed Arthur, and the all-powerful Benimaru Shinmon. The highlight of the First Season of Fire Force was the shocking revelation that infernals were not coincidental combustions or a product of random fires but deliberate attempts of a secret organization to cause havoc. This discovery led to the unraveling of villainous organizations like the White-Clad – a group of fanatics that base their actions on their religiosity motivated by their reverence towards the Evangelist.

Unknown to the Fire Soldiers, the White-Clad already had deep connections within the Fire Brigade with the likes of Giovanni, the commander of the Special Fire Force Company 3, who contributed to the production of bugs that turned humans into infernals. However, his treachery was discovered, and a series of connecting events led the Fire Force Brigade to encounter Sho Kusakabe, Shinra’s younger – the head of the White-Clad’s Knights The Season then closed on the heated battle between the brothers Shinra and Sho, starring amazing abilities such as time manipulation and immense speed, surpassing even the sound barrier The fight ended on an unsettling note but highlighted Shinra's resolve to win his beloved brother back.

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Season 2, on the other hand, presented striking events, such as Captain Hague's death, the deadly exploration of the Nether, and Arthur and Shinra's power-up through their training Amongst Season two's sensational events, the White-Clad played very central roles A notable scene was the battle between Shinra and the battle tank, Charon, over the new Robin Hood Adolla Burst, Inca. The whole situation exposed more of the truths behind the 'Adolla', the pure and unsullied flame, and the Adolla links In the end, the White-Clad succeeded in adding Inca to their ranks, to Arthur's dismay

Season 2 also focused on the development of side characters like Juggernaut and Tamaki Juggernaut's bravery took the stage after he willfully protected Tamaki, allowing him to face his fear The whole situation also allowed Tamaki to have a better grasp of her abilities Season 2 then ended with Arthur and Shinra finally mastering the 'Press of Death' after going through a torturous training handled by Benimaru Shinmon and the death of Captain Hague.

What to Expect From Season 3 of Fire Force

shinra ignition ability

Season 1 of Fire Force covered Volumes 1 to 11 of the manga, while the Second Season animated the details of Volumes 11 to 20. Although the Third Season of Fire Force hasn't been confirmed yet, based on past details, fans can infer that it would continue from Volume 20 Occurrences closely following the ending of the Second Season shocked readers. Here are a few things to expect, according to the manga.

An All-Out War

In the next Season, Fire Force will most likely reveal the power the White-Clad and Holy Sol Temple, Tokyo's core religion, holds over the Fire Brigade. The new developments would be based on a deceptive setup involving Shinra Kusakabe. In the manga, shockingly, Tokyo Empire declared the Special Fire Force Company 8, led by Obi, as enemies of Tokyo. This revealed the true extent of the White-Clad capabilities since they were responsible for convincing the Holy Sol Temple to act in order to secure Shinra, who possesses an Adolla Burst – an essential ingredient for replaying the second Great Cataclysm.

Captain Burns Surprising Decision & Intense Battle With Shinra

Captain Burns, a powerful Fire Soldier and the commander of the First Brigade, also made surprising decisions in Chapter 187 of Fire Force manga. After discovering that the Evangelist was behind the Great Cataclysm, Captain Burns still decided to follow her doctrines and the requests issued by the Holy Sol Temple. This development wasn't too shocking since Burns has always been affiliated with the Church; a man of unwavering faith and steadfast adherence to the Holy Sol Temple. In his quest to carry out the Evangelist, Captain Burns would stop at nothing, even if it meant going against the Eighth and Shinra Kusakabe.

The Reveal of Raffles the 1st Identity


Based on the Holy Sol's teachings, Raffles the 1st was the creator of Amaterasu and the Great Holy Sol Temple. Season Two of Fire Force scrutinized the possible identity of Raffles the 1st by piecing together possible theories and conspiracies involving this mysterious individual while unfurling surprising secrets. Finally, the manga revealed the identity of Raffles, shocking readers who now realize the deep connection between the Church and the White Clad. Season 3 of Fire Force hasn't been announced, but if you are interested in finding out what happens after the second season, Chapter 174 of the manga is a great start.

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