The Fire Force series hosts an interesting power system revolving around flame abilities, fueling infernals, and pyrokinetics. In Fire Force, the source of flame abilities originates from the Great Cataclysm that occurred 250 years from the story's present timeline. The catastrophic fire set off a chain of events involving the existence of infernals and pyrokinetics, two sides of the same coin.

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Infernals are a major threat in the world of Fire Force. To combat this danger, Tokyo Empire created the Special Fire Force companies. Leading these groups are exceptional individuals with special abilities and skills, referred to as "Captains." Throughout the two seasons of Fire Force, the eight captains displayed different aspects of their capabilities. So, where do each of them scale in a ranking of a power?

8 Kayoko Huang's Medical Abilities Are Unrivalled

kayoko huang


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 6


Third Generation Pyrokinetic


Ultraspeed Healing

Kayoko Huang is the captain of Company 6 and the head doctor of the division’s hospital. Among all the captains. Kayoko ranks the lowest in terms of offensive power. However, that doesn’t make her any less powerful or formidable. Her pyrokinetic abilities are inclined towards medicine and healing.

Kayoko is a Third Generation pyrokinetic with a rare ignition ability. The ability takes the form of the classic medical symbolism, the asklepian. Using this ability, she can speed up the regeneration rate of wounds and severe injuries. When treating Third Generation pyrokinetics, Kayoko uses their flames to speed up their recovery rate. Kayoko’s ability is next to useless in battle, but it’s a priceless gem in the Special Fire Force. Using this ability, Kayoko healed Shinra after he was injured severely in the first season of the series.

7 Soichiro Hague Wields His Contraptions Formidably

captain hague


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 4


Non-Powered Human


High Physical Combat Skills

Soichiro Hague was the captain of Company 6. Among all the Fire Force captains, he's the oldest and probably the most experienced. During the Great Disaster, the captain received three gashing marks on his face. These scars created an Adolla Link, making him one of the few characters with a special connection to the otherworldly flame.

This occurrence created the captain’s masochistic obsession for Adolla – a visible fact viewers witnessed in Fire Force’s second season during his brief altercation with Shinra. Despite being a non-powered human, Hague uses special contraptions to subdue his opponents. Sadly, at the end of the second season, he was killed by the White-Clad, so we probably won't be seeing much of him again. Regardless, his efforts as a Fire Soldier will always be remembered by Tokyo Empire and the Special Fire Force Brigade.

6 Hibana’s Ability Is Deadly For Pyrokinetics

captain hibana


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 5


Third Generation Pyrokinetic


Flame Manipulation, Temperature/Heat Manipulation

Captain Hibana of Company 5, otherwise known as "Princess Hibana," was first introduced as an antagonistic character with the feud she had with Company 8. In the battle, her abilities were revealed properly, allowing fans to witness their diverse nature. As a Third Generation, pyrokinetic Hibana can manipulate the surrounding temperatures, allowing her to easily snuff out most ignition abilities.

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The extended version of this ability makes targets dizzy and unable to attack. Combined with her knowledge of science, Hibana's attacks are usually based on thought-out strategies to neutralize her opponents. Captain Hibana can also create Cherry Blossom-like flames that inflict visible damage on contact with the skin. Unfortunately, despite her wide range of abilities, Captain Hibana is vulnerable to offensive, combat-based physical attacks.

5 Giovanni’s Inventions Are Always Terrifying



Defunct Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 3


Second Generation Pyrokinetic


Flame Manipulation, Genius Inventor

Giovanni was the former captain of Company 3 before he switched sides to the villainous White Clad. In both the first and second seasons of Fire Force, the anime properly showed his skills, abilities, and nature. Even before he seceded openly to the White Clad, Giovanni always had a nasty, unpleasant character, which was visible when he failed to get Vulcan to work for him.

Giovanni is a cyborg made out of metal parts; his abilities in the first season were limited to his high voltage shock and metal-based weaponry. However, in season 2, the new Giovanni was comprised physically of metals and insect-like features. Still, his newfound abilities couldn't hold a candle to Shinra's neck-breaking speed. No one knows what Giovanni will create in the next season of Fire Force, but most likely, it won't be pretty.

4 Akitaru Obi’s Strength is Superhuman

captain akitaru obi


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 8


Non-Powered Human


Incredible Strength

Captain Obi is the leader of the lovable Company 8. Obi is a selfless soldier that is willing to lay down his life for others. His leadership skills and kind-hearted nature makes him one of the best captains in the Special Fire Force. However, what makes Obi formidable is his abnormal strength despite being an unpowered human.

RELATED: Fire Force: The Five Generations Of Pyrokinetics, Explained

Throughout constant, high-paced workout sessions, Obi created a near-invincible body that was able to hold up to Benimaru Shinmon's attack. During the nether mission, Obi was able to lift a train track three times his weight, a shocking feat for a regular human. Captain Obi's unyielding strength is one of Company 8's assets and one of the best things to look out for in Fire Force.

3 Gustav Honda’s Head-butts Are Incredibly Powerful

gustav honda


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 2


Third Generation Pyrokinetic


Flame Manipulation, Incredible Speed, Incredible Strength, High Durability

Gustav Honda is the captain of Company 2. He is also affiliated with the Imperial Army of Tokyo, which is why he often wears military uniforms. Honda's Third Generation ability may be laughable at first due to the small flame on his bald head. However, his strength as a pyrokinetic is undeniable. Captain Honda doesn't possess a multi-functional ability like Hibana or Benimaru Shinmon, but a one-hit technique that is fatal to even giant infernals.

Using the flames on his scalp, Honda can obliterate his targets with a powerful head-butt. His head-butts have destroyed Giant Infernals in a single move. A feat even the Adolla-blessed Shinra hasn't pulled off in the anime.

2 Leonard Burns Can Unleash High-Powered Heatwaves

lcaptain leonard buns using his abilities


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 1


Third Generation Pyrokinetic


Flame/Heat Manipulation, Immense Strength, High Physical Combat Skills, High Durability

Leonard Burns is the captain of Company 1 and is indeed the number one captain in terms of raw strength. Captains burns is a powerful, Third Generation pyrokinetic that has proved his worth in the two fights he had with Shinra. Whenever Burns is fired up, his eyepatch 'burns,' signaling that he is about to use his ability.

Leonard Burns is already an expert hand-to-hand combatant, so combined with his Ignition ability, Voltage Nova, his attacks are deadly and hard to avoid. Through his pyrokinetic ability, Burns can manipulate heatwaves to an incredible degree. He is one of the few characters with unknown limits in the Fire Force series.

1 Benimaru Shinmon's Pyrokinetic Powers Are Immeasurable

benimaru shinmon displaying his abilities


Captain Of Special Fire Force Company 7


Second & Third Generation Pyrokinetic


Flame Manipulation, Immense Speed, Immense Strength, Breath of Life, Hysterical Fire Strength, High-Level Physical Combat Skills, Poison Resistance

Benimaru Shinmon, often revered as “The Mightiest Soldier’ is the captain of Company 7, based in Asakusa, the outskirts of Tokyo. He is a hybrid pyrokinetic, possessing both Second Generation and Third Generation abilities. That alone makes him one of the strongest characters in the series; however, there is more to Benimaru.

His physical combat skills are unmatched, and he’s an expert user of high-level techniques such as Breath of Life and Hysterical Strength of the Fire Soldier. Benimaru’s extraordinary reflexes, speed, & strength all confirm his title as “Asakusa’s King of Destruction.”

MORE: Fire Force: Every Member Of Company 8, Ranked In Terms Of Power