Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes features a wide array of units for players to control in battle. This guide will focus on the units available in the Scarlet Blaze route of the game, including heavy hitters like Edelgard and Ferdinand, along with powerful spellcasters like Hubert and Monica.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes is a hack and slash action RPG developed by Koei Tecmo and Omega Force, and published by Nintendo. Set in an alternate timeline of Fodlan, the game follows a series of new paths made available by the involvement of Shez in the plot.

RELATED: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes - Best Units for Blue Lions (Azure Gleam Route)


fire emblem warriors three hopes trailer

The Empress is no slouch in combat, boasting excellent strength and defense, allowing her to easily tear through enemies. As an Armored Lord/Empress class, she can launch a series of rapid shockwave attacks as her class action, which are ignited by her unique skill for even more damage.

This gives her a surprising amount of range for a melee unit, and her high defense means she can tank a few hits while using the attack without fear.

If time is taken to invest in mastering the Gremory class, she gains complete immunity to magic attacks through her hidden innate skill, making her even more difficult to bring down. Her "Emperor's Prestige" skill allows her to deal up to 50% damage to enemies even when they're guarding, meaning that she acts as a fantastic counter to armored units.


Fire Emblem_Three Houses_Hubert

The right-hand of the Empress and Marquis Vestra is a deadly spellcaster with an affinity for dark magic, able to deal a ton of damage to enemies through both his regular attacks, his far-reaching dark magic spells, and his unique skill.

"Dark Conjuration" allows him to embed spikes of darkness into foes when attacking, which grow in size with continued assault and can be detonated with the ZR trigger to launch enemies for a ton of dark damage.

His "Perception" skill extends the time the stun gauge is displayed, making him especially capable of breaking enemies to set up for critical rush attacks. If players take the time to train him as a Dark Knight, he can snag the innate skill "Range Master" to extend the range of all attacks he performs, turning him into a very powerful offensive unit with a very wide reach.

He performs very well as a Dark Knight or Dark Bishop, which takes full advantage of his excellent magic stat and superior range.



Ferdinand Von Aegir is the combo master of the Black Eagles, using his unique skill to make himself faster as his hit count soars. Making use of Ferdinand well requires players to make good use of positioning and movement to keep his combo as high as possible, allowing his "Maximum Ambulation" skill to enhance his speed to an incredible degree.

Ferdinand excels in the various mounted classes, like Dark Knight and Holy Knight, though he also performs well in most physical classes due to his tremendous speed. He can also make good use of the Spear of Assal if players happen to possess it.



Monica Von Ochs was sadly not playable in Three Houses for various reasons relating to her being dead, making her appearance as a playable character this time around both surprising and very welcome. Monica is a spellcaster who specializes in inflicting status effects and launching AOE shockwave attacks via her unique skill, "Wicked Impulse."

She deals extra damage against any enemy inflicted with a status effect due to her "Shrewd Operator" skill, allowing her to inflict tons of extra damage by taking full advantage of her elemental attacks and shockwaves.

Monica performs fantastically in the Gremory class, especially when wielding her Hero's Relic, "Wind Caller's Genesis," to provide her with health regeneration alongside its excellent stats.


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Petra, Queen of Brigid, is a skillful and speedy fighter with fantastic movement capabilities. Her unique skill, "Windstorm," allows her to deal a decent amount of damage when dodging, allowing her to pressure foes and keep up the offensive at all times, while her "Hunter's Boon" skill provides awakening gauge restoration whenever she scores a critical hit.

Her excellent dexterity stats make her very good at landing regular critical hits, allowing her to use awakenings more frequently.

Petra performs well as an Assassin or Bow Knight, both of which take advantage of her high dexterity for tons of critical hit damage. She can also make a good Pegasus Knight for the same reason, which is also where her "Flyswatter" innate skill can be found, which allows her to boost her awakening and warrior gauge fill rates whenever she attacks an enemy that is launched into the air.

Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes was released on the 24th of June 2022 for the Nintendo Switch.

MORE: Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes Complete Guide - Units, Classes, Paralogues, Weapons, Items, and More