Fire Emblem: Three Houses delivered a mammoth story comprised of interconnecting plot threads that spanned across the four available routes and support conversations found within the game. Although the game was able to tie up the majority of loose ends within the game, there are still numerous unanswered questions we have about Fodlan, its inhabitants, and what took place within Three Houses. Seeing that the game is being supported by DLC releases, the next of which is scheduled to arrive this spring, there's a huge opportunity to explore that which was left unanswered. So here today we're going to list off 10 Unanswered Questions We Want Resolved In Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC!

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There are numerous spoilers ahead, as many of these questions stem from integral plot threads of Three Houses!

10 Indech and Macuil

Of the Four Saints, Indech and Macuil are the two whom we currently know the least about. Both appear in respective paralogues, each serving aS a map boss in the form of an enormous beast.  Despite their appearances, we learn very little about them in their respective battles. Being direct relatives to Seteth and Flayn, Idech and Macuil once had held humanoid forms, but now appear to be stuck in their bestial states. This brings into question, what had happened to them that had differed from their humanoid relatives to keep them in their beast forms? This is an element that if delved into, could add depth to much of the church of Seiros and help to better shed light on the history of Fodlan.

9 What Was The Fate of Those Who Slither in The Dark? (Azure Moon and Crimson Flower)

While the primary antagonist of Three Houses is dependent on the route a given player has chosen, Those Who Slither in The Dark, serve as an antagonistic force across each route. Despite the Verdant Wind and Silver Snow routes each giving closure to the fate of TWSITD, the same cannot be said for the Azure Moon and Crimson Flower routes. If a player chooses to follow either Dimitri or Edelgard, the storyline regarding TWSINT will end up being swept under the rug and ultimately forgotten.

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Giving these routes the opportunity to explore this aspect of the story via DLC paralogues would allow for these plot threads to be resolved without altering the primary focus of these routes' narratives.

8 Who Was Responsible for The Tragedy of Duscur? (Azure Moon)

The Tragedy of Duscur is an incredibly relevant piece of backstory in the Azure Moon route that is left ultimately unresolved. Though we learn who was ultimately responsible for this massacre in the Crimson Flower route, such knowledge is lost within the Azure Moon route, in which it would be the most relevant. Though moving on from the tragedy is an integral part of Dimitri's character development, the option to pursue the truth behind the Tragedy of Duscur could fit perfectly within a DLC paralogue.

7 Who Are The Named (Yet Portraitless) Members of TWSLID?

Many have noticed that there are numerous members of Those Who Slither in The Dark who appear to possess unique names despite having the portraits of generic enemy units.

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As the most enigmatic faction in Three Houses' story, giving some kind of background information, characterization, or motivation to these named units could help to better flesh out TWSITD and could help to make the group more than the one-note evil cult that they currently are.

6 Demonic Beasts

Throughout much of Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the player must fight against numerous Demonic Beasts, crestless individuals who were exposed to crest stones and relics. However, there is such a significant amount of demonic beasts that appear throughout the game that it raises numerous questions. Were these demonic beasts individuals who fought in the days of Seiros and the Four Saints? Were these individuals a united effort who each had succumbed to the corruption of the crest stones? Additional information on these demonic beasts could help to add an additional dimension to fights that had previously contained much fewer stakes and investment for the average player.

5 How Are Those Who Slither In The Dark So Technologically Advanced?

Another question relating to TWSITD, we're going to address the neon elephant in the room: How Are Those Who Slither In The Dark So Technologically Advanced? When the group is confronted in the Silver Snow and Verdant Wind routes, Shambhala, the home of TWSITD is unlike any other location in the series, let alone Three Houses.

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The location is full of modern electricity, neon lights, and other machines, and jarringly looks as though it could be out of another game entirely. For a series that often pays a great deal of attention to numerous aspects of its world-building, this advancement is never explained. Whether it be from archaic magics or the workings of a god opposed to Sothis, we want to know how TWSITD are so technologically advanced.

4 What's Up With Byleth's Memory?

Throughout much of Three Houses, the memory and knowledge of the avatar character Byleth, is spotty, to say the least. The character is not aware of their own age and is unaware of many basic aspects of the continent which they've lived their entire life. While this lack of memory and knowledge allows for the player to learn much of the world alongside the character, it is never truly explained. Giving additional background information on the avatar character in DLC may help to make them less of a blank slate while filling up an unanswered void.

3 Jeralt

Like Byleth, a great deal of Jeralt's backstory remains shrouded in mystery. We are told brief pieces of information about Jeralt's time with the Knights of Seiros from Alois and within the Silver Snow Route, but almost all we've been told about him is relegated to prior to Byleth's birth. Though Jeralt is killed in each route, the inclusion of some kind of flashback paralogue, or the ability to gain him as a playable unit in similar fashion to Pelleas in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn if the player had already completed the game, could allow for more information about Jeralt to be revealed.

2 The Western Church

Throughout much of the Academy phase of Three Houses, the player will spend a great deal of their time fighting against the Western Church. The Western Church is driven by their belief that the archbishop, Rhea, is a heretic, and they appear to be legitimately fighting for the sake of their branch of the church. However, once the Flame Emperor and TWSITD are introduced, the Western Church is forgotten and never really addressed again. It could help to better establish this group if their motivations were better elaborated on or if they were given a direct connection to a group like TWSITD.

1 Remaining Crests

Likely the most prominent of unanswered questions, what is the fate of the remaining crests? In Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the inclusion of crests is extremely important to the plot and the setting of Fodlan. We are told that there are five crests that have been lost to history. In the most recent piece of DLC, we've seen that the DLC character Anna possesses one of these crests: the crest of Ernest. However, that leaves the last four of these crests unaccounted for. Lucky for us, it's been confirmed that in the last wave of upcoming DLC, we will be receiving four more characters. We can only hope that these four characters will possess these lost crests, delve into their significance, and shed light on how these crests had become lost.

NEXT: Fire Emblem: Three Houses DLC: 10 Classes We Want To See