Nintendo's E3 2018 presentation got right to the point, revealing a number of brand new games that are coming exclusively to the Nintendo Switch in 2018 and beyond. One such game was Fire Emblem: Three Houses, the latest installment in Nintendo's long-running strategy RPG series, which was revealed with a new trailer that showcased gameplay, story elements, and also confirmed a release window.

As revealed by the Fire Emblem: Three Houses E3 2018 trailer, the game will launch exclusively for the Nintendo Switch at some point in spring 2019. Unfortunately for those hoping for an exact release date, it looks like we won't get one until some time next year. However, if Nintendo meets its goal of launching the game next spring, it will likely be out by the time E3 rolls around again.

Check out the trailer for Fire Emblem: Three Houses right here:

The trailer confirms that Fire Emblem: Three Houses will deliver an experience that should be familiar to fans of the franchise. It will still have grid-based, strategy action, though there does appear to be a new focus on group combat. Previous Fire Emblem games were more concerned with how individual units moved across the battlefield, but the trailer for Fire Emblem: Three Houses shows groups of characters moving as units.

The trailer also confirms some features that will be returning for the new entry in the series. For instance, Fire Emblem: Heroes will sport anime-style cut-scenes, and it will also allow players to interact with party members outside of battle. In the trailer, we are given an example of the latter when the main character selects which skill a party member should practice for future battles.

All things considered, the trailer for Fire Emblem: Three Houses confirms that the upcoming game will be similar to the titles that preceded it, while also adding its own spin on the franchise's core gameplay. Whether or not fans respond positively to the changes remains to be seen, but we'll find out when Fire Emblem: Three Houses launches next year.

Fire Emblem: Three Houses launches spring 2019, exclusively for the Nintendo Switch.

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