Fire Emblem: Three Houses is the latest addition in the Fire Emblem franchise and offers a new cast of characters for the player to grow to love. Each character is rich with personality traits that make each one stand out from the others.

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Some are focused on power while others are focused on doing what is right for the school and the world. Today we will put each of the protagonists to the test to see where their alignments truly lie. Are they the type to think solely about themselves and seek power? Or are they merely in it to learn and try to be a good student?

10 Chaotic Good: Edelgard

Edelgard is one of the favorites of the new Fire Emblem game and also one of the few romance choices in the game. Her primary goal at the start of the game is to train so that she may one day take over the Adrestian Empire to which she is the heir. If you follow her route in the game, it becomes clear that she wants to go to war against the monastery and change the political status of the county in its entirety. To Edelgard, this is the best choice that will free Fodlan and ultimately create the greater good even if lives are lost in the process. For this reason, she gets the stamp of chaotic good.

9 Neutral Good: Claude

Claude stands as one of the neutral forces in the game. As the leader of the Golden Deer, he wants everyone to be treated fairly despite where they are from and seeks to unite everyone. He is more of a trickster, however, and hates killing except when necessary. In most of the game's routes, he wants everything to end and for everyone to just accept one another. Due to this, and his unwillingness to go to the extreme to see his work done, he falls more on the neutral good side of the spectrum.

8 Lawful Good: Dimitri

Dimitri is the pure essence of lawful good. Throughout the game, he seeks to help others and destroy evil. His main focus is on preserving life, order, and peace. He will protect those who he feels are being trampled on and bring down evildoers with his iron will. He may get a little carried away when dealing with those who are evil but that still keeps him in the lawful good category.

7 Lawful Neutral: Hubert

Hubert is Edelgard's right-hand man and he will do anything to help her. His main focus is helping Edelgard complete her plans, even at the cost of losing himself. He follows a strict moral code which is the basis for anyone in the lawful category.

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He also doesn't appear to care about anyone but Edelgard which marks him as neutral. He may still be a bit mean, but he really isn't as bad as some characters on the list.

6 Lawful Good: Rhea

Rhea is the leader of the monastery and houses some dark secrets. She has seen how bad the world can get when a focus on peace is absent. That is why her focus is on peace at any cost, and the primary reason behind her hatred for those who break laws and traditions. As seen in the game, she can get pretty nasty towards those who go against her moral code. Though this could appear to be evil, it actually places her in the good category because she truly believes that law, order, and tradition are what is best for the world.

5 Chaotic Good: Alois

Alois is one of the Knights of Seiros and also one of the instructors at the academy in the game. He is unafraid to run headfirst into battle to help the church. His moral code is defined by the church and he will stand against any enemy that stands impedes it. Because of his willingness to do anything for the church, he gets the chaotic stamp of approval, but his willingness to always help others and general selflessness also make him a perfect fit for the good category.

4 Chaotic Good: Dorothea

Dorothea can be a rather vindictive character. She is a commoner who ended up becoming famous because of her ability to sing. Growing up in a tough way has taught Dorothea to do whatever it takes to protect those she cares about and her education helped further that. She cares a great deal for commoners since she grew up as one. There is no doubt that she would be chaotic good since her passion to protect anyone would end up going to the extreme if it needed to.

3 Chaotic Good: Manuela

Manuela is another songstress in the game, and the person who discovered Dorothea during her time at the opera company. As a teacher at the officer's academy, she treats everyone the same and is not a fan of nobility. She believes that everyone is equal to her but that won't stop her from going to the extreme to help anyone in need. Though she can be a bit harsh sometimes, she obviously cares a great deal for all of her students, fitting her nicely into the chaotic good side of the spectrum.

2 Neutral Good: Henneman

Henneman is a scholar in the officer's academy that became the sole authority on crests throughout the empire. He believes that crests should be something that is easily available to everyone so that the value placed on them will diminish. He does not bear a strict code to follow any specific path in the game which puts him in a neutral stance.

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He is happy to help in either path the player takes, but most noticeably will try to avoid direct battle by placing traps and will leave if other characters are killed before him. He still has a good spirit and believes in doing the right thing.

1 Chaotic Good: Byleth

Byleth is the main protagonist of Fire Emblem: Three Houses and is ultimately under the players' control. No matter what path is taken in the story, Byleth tries to help everyone that they can, despite sometimes needing to go to extremes to accomplish the goals of whoever they are siding with. They don't have a clear path that they alone must take, and more or less follow what others are doing as part of the story. Byleth has a willingness to jump straight into the action and risk their life for anyone they care about. This gets them the chaotic good stamp of approval.

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