The sequel to Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance, Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn is one of the most unique entries in the Fire Emblem franchise. While nearly every entry of the series focuses on a single army controlled by the player that grows as the game progresses, Radiant Dawn has a structure more in line with a film like Pulp Fiction, frequently shifting the perspective across numerous points of view.

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Due to this shifting perspective and presence of numerous armies, Radiant Dawn has one of the largest casts of characters in the series. As one would expect with a larger roster, some units tend to greatly outshine others in regards to usefulness, so today we're going to examine which of these units are the most worth using!

10 Sothe

sothe fire emblem radiant dawn

Radiant Dawn tends to be referred to as one of the more difficult entries in the Fire Emblem series. This is in part due to the game's first act, in which players control a group of freedom fighters known as the Dawn Brigade. Each member of the Dawn Brigade possesses mediocre base stats and tend to struggle against seemingly insignificant enemies. In these early levels, Sothe is the most dependable unit players have access to.

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A pre-promoted rogue, Sothe is capable of dishing out large sums of damage, taking hits, and can be used as a "get out of jail free card."

9 Titania

titania fire emblem

Originally appearing as the "Jagen" in Path of Radiance, Titania is by and large one of the strongest mounted units in Radiant Dawn. Out of the gate, Titania possesses phenomenal base stats and growth rates that allow her to remain a viable unit throughout the entire game. Additionally, as a member of the Greil Mercenaries, she is usable for the majority of chapters from Part Three onwards.

8 Nailah

While many players struggle through the majority of Part One of Radiant Dawn due to the less-than-ideal units players have access to. However, once players gain access to Nailah in Chapter Eight, the concept of balance is thrown out the window, as Nailah can singlehandedly trivialize any map she appears on.

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A royal Laguz, Nailah can permanently shift into her wolf form without the need of reverting like many other Laguz. This lets her constantly access her incredibly high base stats and movement, besting any unit put in front of her in single combat.

7 Elincia

The queen of Crimea, Elincia is easily one of the most useful utility units in Radiant Dawn. A flying unit of her own unique class, Elincia notably starts with an A rank in staves. This allows her to utilize potent staves such as physic in conjunction with high mobility and the canto ability.

When it comes to combat, Elincia notably has access to a personal weapon, the Amiti, which functions like a "Brave Weapon," but with the distinction of having infinite uses.

6 Jill

Perhaps the most useful unit in Part One, Jill is a Wyvern Rider recruited in chapter six. Jill is an outlier compared to the majority of other units available in the majority of Part One. While the vast majority of units in part one are infantry units, Jill is a mounted flier. This means she has access to excellent mobility, canto, and the ability to easily rescue other units.

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Once Jill joins a player's army, she allows for numerous strategies to be employed that can assist in getting players out of sticky situations.

5 Leanne and Reyson

While the majority of Fire Emblem games feature dancers and bards that can allow units to make an additional action, Radiant Dawn's version of these types of units come in the form of heron Laguz. Leanne and Reyson differ from traditional dancers due to their ability to fly. This gives them an extra layer of utility and flexibility on top of a class that was already useful. These units can essentially double the value a unit can accrue on a given turn, doubling their combative output and movement.

4 Rafiel

Another heron Laguz like the aforementioned Leanne and Reyson, Rafiel is incapable of flight like the other two herons in Radiant Dawn. Despite this, Rafiel possesses an additional benefit that vastly outweighs his lack of flight. Rather than being able to provide a single unit with an extra action each turn,  Rafiel provides an additional action to each unit adjacent to him.

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This means that Rafiel is capable of providing four times as much value as his contemporary herons.

3 Ike

One of the primary protagonists of Radiant Dawn, Ike must be deployed in the majority of maps from Part Three onwards. Unlike some other Fire Emblem protagonists whose lackluster stats and utility ends up resulting in these characters functioning more as a liability than an asset, Ike is easily one of the most consistently capable combat units in Radiant Dawn. This is due to a myriad of reasons including his excellent bases and growths.

While many lords in fire emblem struggle from being locked into a weapon type that can only attack adjacent foes, Ike gains access to his personal weapon, Ragnell, which in addition to having infinite uses and high power, can attack foes from afar.

2 Naesala and Tibarn

Joining late into Radiant Dawn, Naesala and Tibarn are royal Laguz like Nailah, and are a raven and hawk respectively. However, despite their late join time, Naesala and Tibarn are some of the most overpowered units the series has ever seen. Capable of permanently shifting, each of these fliers possess an immense move stat of eight, and are capable of devastating nearly any other unit with their spread of incredible base stats.

1 Haar

haar fire emblem

In a game with shifting perspectives, Haar is a character who is reliably around for the majority of chapters outside of part one. Consistently available, Haar is a Wyvern Lord who combines the pros and utility that come with being a flying unit with some of the best combat stats in the game. Toting terrifying offense and defense alike, Haar's only real weakness comes in the form of a weakness to thunder magic that can easily be ailed via the use of pure water.

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