With Fire Emblem Engage's paid DLC expansion, players will be able to get Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn's Soren now that wave 2 has dropped. In order to get him, players will need to defeat him in battle first, and the map is fairly dangerous.

Players will need to take on several enemy units, a map that attacks them after each turn, and a massively powerful magic user. To win, players will need to position their units carefully, be wary of flying units getting too close to Soren, and doing their best to survive against this powerful Fire Emblem Engage DLC foe.

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The Radiant Strategist Divine Paralogue Soren DLC in Fire Emblem Engage


On this fiery map, players will have plenty of units to contend with. These units abilities will vary greatly depending on what difficulty players are on and how leveled their units are, so watch out for any special units, those carrying healing staffs, and the yellow exclamation marks that denote a unit with crit weapons. Also watch out for the map itself; as the battle continues, it will grow more and more dangerous.

As for third-wave DLC Fire Emblem character Soren himself, he has 1-2 Revival Stones, low defense, and fairly low HP. Players can also use his very low speed against him. Soren's attacks include a Bolting tome with range 3-10 that deals lightning damage. He also has a Reflect Staff that deals 50% of magic damage to the foes around him. Soren's second attack is a Rexcalibur, a powerful wind tome with range 1-2. He also has a Fire tome.

Soren's ultimate is his Cataclysm; this attacks with 50% with all three of his tomes, Fire and Wind and Thunder, to any one target. This couples with his passive called Anima Focus which inflicts def-3 when attacking with a Fire Tome, Hit -20 with a Thunder Tome, and mov-2 with any Wind Tome for one turn. His passive called Flare inflicts -30 resistance when he attacks with a magic attack in Fire Emblem Engage, and Soren recovers 50% of the Tome's damage dealt. There is also a passive that grants a chance that a broken foe will remain broken.

The Progress of the Divine Paralogue Soren DLC in Fire Emblem Engage


No additional units spawned on Normal, but there may be a few additional units in higher difficulties. Any unit standing on a crater spot will be hit with damage every turn, including enemy units. As the meteors hit each of the tiles, they may bring up Smoke, which shrouds some of the surrounding tiles. When standing in a Smoke tile, each unit gets -20 to Avoidance, -5 to Resistance, and -5 Defense. The Smoke will spread around the board as battle continues.

There are two total chests on this Fire Emblem Engage map, and they contain:

  • Left chest contains a Rescue Staff
  • Right chest contains 2000 gold

In order to defeat Soren, players will want to move in fast with a melee character with high resistance and take Soren out before he has a chance to bring out his ultimate attacks. Players can get to him quickly if using Celica's Warp Ragnarok.

After nabbing up this helpful bracelet, players will want to match Soren up to a Tome user to get to most benefit from his attacks and passives. This means that Celine, Veyle, and Ivy make a great Emblem pairing for Soren.

Fire Emblem Engage is available for Nintendo Switch.

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