With a large roster of 35 playable characters, Fire Emblem Engage can leave some fans puzzled on exactly what to give their favorite characters after they've been recruited. While it might be easy enough to figure out what someone likes and dislikes, it can be hard to know what gifts they love and hate the most.

Since raising friendship is key to unlocking Bonds and specific Pact Ring endings in Fire Emblem Engage, it can be especially important to focus on giving the right items to the right people. As such, this guide will focus on exactly what items to give to each character - as well as which to avoid.

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Where To Get Gifts

fire emblem engage gift

While players unlock the gifting option relatively early on in the game - right after reaching the Somniel after Chapter 4 - they'll find themselves pretty limited on gifts until around Chapter 12. Chapter 12 is when Timerra will join the players party - once she joins, she can be found on the Somniel running the Flea Market. The Flea Market is probably the best place in Fire Emblem Engage when it comes to buying gifts, since most of its stock is made up of giftable items.

However, before being able to access the Flea market, there are three gifts that the player can find around the Somniel: Spirit Gems, Horse Manure, and Pretty Pebbles. These three are a pretty good introduction into the gifting mechanic, because each of them fit a specific role - every character loves Spirit Gems, every character likes Pretty Pebbles, and every character dislikes Horse Manure, leading to some pretty funny dialogue options if the player chooses to give this particular 'gift' to someone.

List Of Preferred Gifts

fire emblem engage yunaka horse manure gift

Each character in Fire Emblem Engage has their own preferences when it comes to what they like and dislike receiving as gifts. While some can be pretty obvious depending on personality and even where the character is from, others aren't so clear, and though giving a disliked gift isn't the end of the world, it can be frustrating to waste a gift on someone who seemed certain to like it.

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It's also important to note that giving favorite items is encouraged, as players will gain extra support - this can be noted by the amount of hearts that appear once the gift has been given. One means it's just a liked gift, where two means it's a favorite gift for that person.





Dragon Scripture, Fine Quill Pen, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool

Dried Meat, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Strong Perfume, Spicy Seasonings


Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fine Quill Pen, Large Plate, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Tea Leaves, White Clover

Bandages, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Fishing Bait, Muscle Balm, Spooky Scroll, Sun Visor, Training Weights, Utility Knife


Antler Earrings, Chrysanthemum, Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Training Weights

Elyos History, Philosophy Book, Spooky Scroll


Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Horn, Lentil Flower, Muscle Balm, Sun Visor, Training Weights, White Clover

Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Spicy Seasonings


Antler Earrings, Dragon Scripture, Dried Meat, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Lovely Candle, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Tea Leaves

Fancy Dagger, Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings


Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fishing Bait, Landscape Art, Poetry Book, Sun Visor

Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Spooky Scroll


Bandages, Dragon Scripture, Dried Meat, Flower Wreath, Lentil Flower, Muscle Balm, Tea Leaves, Training Weights

Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool


Dragon Scripture, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Lentil Flower, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves, White Clover

Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings, Utility Knife


Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dragon Scripture, Dried Meat, Fairy-Tale Book, Field Guide, Poetry Book, Spicy Seasonings, Sun Visor

Cute Apron, Large Plate, Tea Leaves, White Clover


Bandages, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves

Dried Meat, Field Guide, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings, Sun Visor, Training Weight


Bandages, Dried Meat, Elyos History, Fancy Dagger, Fishing Bait, Muscle Balm, Philosophy Book, Sharp Chisel, Training Weights, Utility Knife

Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Strong Perfume


Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Fishing Bait, Muscle Balm, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Sun Visor

Antler Earrings, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume


Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Large Plate, Muscle Balm, Roasted Yam, Tea Leaves, Utility Knife, White Clover, Yogurt

Cute Apron, Dried Meat, Philosophy Book, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sheep Wool, Spicy Seasonings


Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Field Guide, Fine Quill Pen, Muscle Balm, Poetry Book, Sun Visor

Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume


Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Flower Wreath, Lily, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Philosophy Book, Quality Kerchief, Tea Leaves

Cute Apron, Large Plate, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Utility Knife, White Clover


Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Muscle Balm, Roasted Yam, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Training Weights, Utility Knife, White Clover

Antler Earrings, Fine Quill Pen, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume


Bandages, Elyos History, Fancy Dagger, Horn, Muscle Balm, Poetry Books, Sharp Chisel, Training Weights, Utility Knife

Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Fairy-Tale Book, Field Guide, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards


Bandages, Fishing Bait, Large Plate, Fancy Dagger, Muscle Balm, Playing Cards, Roasted Yam, Training Weights, Utility Knife, Yogurt

Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Fine Quill Pen, Flower Wreath, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Strong Perfume


Dragon Scripture, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Sun Visor, White Clover

Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Fishing Bait, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Spooky Scroll, Strong Perfume


Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Fine Quill Pen, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor

Bandages, Butterfly Net, Field Guide, Fishing Bait, Large Plate, Muscle Balm, Spicy Seasonings, Tea Leaves, Training Weights, White Clover


Elyos History, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Poetry Book, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Tea Leaves, Utility Knife, White Clover

Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Strong Perfume


Bandages, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Landscape Art, Lovely Candle, Muscle Balm, Playing Cards, Sharp Chisel, Training Weight, Utility Knife

Cute Apron, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Large Plate, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Tea Leaves, Yogurt


Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor

Elyos History, Philosophy Book


Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Flower Wreath, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Lupine Flower, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover

Bandages, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Training Weights


Cute Apron, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Quality Kerchief, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool, Tea Leaves, Utility Knife, White Clover, Yogurt

Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Field Guide, Fishing Bait, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll


Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Fine Quill Pen, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Philosophy Book, Poetry Book, Roasted Yam, Sharp Chisel, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover

Fancy Dagger, Muscle Balm, Quality Kerchief, Training Weights


Animal Treats, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Horn, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume

Fairy-Tale Book, Sewing Kit, Sharp Chisel, Sheep Wool


Antler Earrings, Desert Marigold, Dried Meat, Flower Wreath, Horn, Landscape Art, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards

Fairy-Tale Book, Fishing Bait, Roasted Yam, Spooky Scroll


Animal Treats, Antler Earrings, Bear Carving, Butterfly Net, Fancy Dagger, Field Guide, Horn, Sharp Chisel, Utility Knife

Cute Apron, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll, Strong Perfume


Antler Earrings, Butterfly Net, Dried Meat, Fancy Dagger, Field Guide, Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings, Spooky Scroll, Utility Knife

All flower items, Bear Carving, Cute Apron, Large Plate, Tea Leaves


Antler Earrings, Dragon Scripture, Fairy-Tale Book, Horn, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Yogurt

Muscle Balm, Spicy Seasonings, Sun Visor, Training Weights


Antler Earrings, Desert Marigold, Dried Meat, Flower Wreath, Large Plate, Roasted Yam, Sun Visor, Tea Leaves, White Clover, Yogurt

Bandages, Muscle Balm, Strong Perfume, Training Weight


Dried Meat, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Horn, Lovely Candle, Poetry Book, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume, Sun Visor, White Clover

Bandages, Muscle Balm, Training Weights


All flower items, Elyos History, Fairy-Tale Book, Lovely Candle, Poetry Book, Playing Cards, Spicy Seasonings, Sun Visor

Fine Quill Pen, Quality Kerchief, Strong Perfume


All flower items, Bandages, Fancy Dagger, Muscle Balm, Sharp Chisel, Spicy Seasonings, Training Weight, Utility Knife

Antler Earrings, Fine Quill Pen, Large Plate, Lovely Candle, Playing Cards, Quality Kerchief

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