Table of contents

Fire Emblem Engage's story is finally coming to a head, and players are careening closer toward the final battle to decide the fate of the worlds. In order to get rid of the Fell Dragon and his influence, players will need to cover just a few more chapters and another couple of Paralogues.

In order to get it all done, players will first need to head back to Somniel for the first time in two chapters to fill up on healing items, pet guardian spirit Sommie, and chat with Alear's friends and Emblems to get them a little bit closer.

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Updates to the Somniel in Chapter 23 of Fire Emblem Engage

Petting Sommie in Fire Emblem Engage

In spite of the fact that it's been quite some time since Alear and friends have been in Somniel, there isn't much happening on this safe haven. Players will find that there is a new level of Wyvren Ride difficulty, which will most likely earn them random items like the other levels of this mini-game. Other than that, Alear won't have anything to do other than shining Rings in the Ring Chamber, chatting with friendly units, and stocking up on healing items.

The First Paralogue in Chapter 23 of Fire Emblem Engage: The Connector


Now that Alear is an Emblem, they will have their own Paralogue just like the other 12. As the group enters the grotto, a Corrupted steals a ring off of a platform and starts to run away. Players will need to catch up to it and kill it before it makes it onto the green squares at the top of the map. Make sure to put on all Emblem Rings again, since they were removed in the last chapters.

  • The Corrupted with the ring has a high hit rating and a Tomahawk, so it can do some serious damage. Players will want to zoom in with Celica's Warp Ragnarok and abuse Blyeth's Goddess Dance to take this Corrupted out the first turn if possible. It has two health bars, and drops the Pact Ring on death. After dying, more Corrupted Units will spawn. About 26 of them.
  • When the Corrupted with the ring is killed, the game immediately skips to a new player phase, so players will want to make sure to set up their other units before taking this one out.
  • Since there are so many units to take on with chain attack, make good use of the terrain, like the pillar tiles, to get better Avoidance.
  • The other Corrupted on the map have a lot of money on them, which is great for a player's wallet. However, there are a ton of units that spawn, so make sure to be ready.
  • All the units that spawn in are fairly standard, except for the level 20 Hero that spawn in. It has three health bars with its two Revival Stones, and it has a Wyrmslayer, which is strong against Dragon units. Keeping Alear and Veyle, who has low defense, away from this unit is a good idea.
  • Players will need to kill everything on the screen to complete the mission

The Second Paralogue in Chapter 23 of Fire Emblem Engage: The Hero-King


Players get just 12 units to take on Marth. Since most will probably pair Alear and Marth together, they should be sure to put a different Emblem on Alear if players have the additional DLC bracelets. But before choosing which units to bring, players should check out what is on the battlefield first.

  • There is a thief unit on the outer rim, around the moat on the outside of the castle wall. Cut him down before he has a chance to run; this guy is carrying a Secret Book, which grants a permanent +2 Dex to one unit.
  • There are several promoted units out there with silver weapons and Revival Stones.
  • In the hallway to the immediately left of Marth's room are mostly melee, so send someone like Louis who can take several hits through there.
  • In Marth's room, there are a couple of units with Revival Stones, including an armored unit General on the bridge to him; thankfully the General has very little resistance.
  • Marth is flanked by two healer monks.
  • Marth himself is on a protection tile. He's wielding Mercurius as usual, which is a blade that doesn't do anything special for him. However, he more than makes up for it with his high damage stats and massive amount of speed. He'll be able to get two hits in on many of the units. As usual, Marth gets Divine Speed, which gives him an extra attack at 50%, Preceptive + which gives him extra Avoidance if he initiates combat, Unyielding ++ which heals him if he's at 40% or less HP, and his signature Lodestar Rush Engage move. Keep in mind the Fire Emblem Engage weapons triangle; if he inflicts break, he gets an extra hit.

Before the start of turn 3, Emblem Marth opens the breakable door. During turn 3, Marth and everyone in his room will start heading out towards the player's units. The thieves will immediately loot the chests on their very first turn, and they will start to run after nabbing the four chests, so players will need to chase them down. Thankfully, there's nothing very good to loot. In the four chests are:

  • Treasure Chest 1: Elixir
  • Treasure Chest 2: Silver Great Axe
  • Treasure Chest 3: Speed tonic.
  • Treasure Chest 4: Antitoxin

On enemy turn 5, some knights spawn in at the bottom of the map. Thankfully, players will most likely be pretty far away from them at this time, so they most likely won't have to worry too much about them. After enemy turn 6, more Wyvren Knights spawn in the eastern corridor, again very far from where Fire Emblem Engage players should be.

The Story Quest in Chapter 23 of Fire Emblem Engage


On the Lava Fields, the story of Fire Emblem Engage continues. Players will come across Zephia and Griss, the two remaining members of the Four Hounds. Veyle decides to take them on, and battle will begin.

  • Players will need to bring 14 people with them, which means they can use all the Emblem Rings and Emblem DLC Bracelets for this fight.
  • Most enemies have Brave or silver weapons. Also, look out for the several healing units.
  • There are four Dragon-like Wyrms, massive enemies with a huge range. They are slow, but they can hit from far away.
  • In the northeast, there is a Corrupted Mage that drops a Goddess Icon, which boosts luck.
  • In the northwest is the Fell Dragon Shard, guarded by the two Hounds. This can be activated every other turn; the shard will drop massive firebombs on the rocks. If a unit is in the way, they will sustain moderate to heavy damage. The range of the attack will be denoted by purple squares on the ground.
  • There are several Freeze staffs floating around in enemy hands, so players will want a Rescue to teleport an ally out of danger if they are in the blast range.
  • Zephia has above average defense and resistance. She has a Thoron and a Georgios, the S-Level Smash sword in Fire Emblem Engage. She will drop the sword, but not the Tome. She has a lot of attack and a lot of speed, so players will need to be cautious when closing in; try to bait her out instead of getting in too close. She has two Revival Stones.
  • Griss is once again a Magical Unit with Tomes. He has two Revival Stones as well. He's got low defense and high resist. He has a large AOE heal staff and the S-Rank Tome called Nova; he will drop the Tome. This tome is amazing; it has "if user initiates combat, they attack twice" and quite a lot of hit.
  • The map has a ton of impassible ground and narrow spaces, so players will want to split up. This way, they don't bottleneck somewhere and take several turns to get out.
  • Reinforcements will show up either on turn 5 or when Zephia is engaged in combat; these will be knights with a bow weapons proficiency and Paladins.
  • At the of turn 6, Wyvren knights appear from the north. Every turn, more enemies will show up until Zephia and Griss are down.

Fire Emblem Engage is available now for Nintendo Switch.