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The eleventh chapter of Fire Emblem Engage is right on the heels of the long and difficult battle in Chapter 10. Players, without being able change their party and without their Emblem Rings, are on the run from enemies they have no chance of defeating.

After the terrible things that happened in the Destinea Cathedral, the best thing Alear can do is find their way home to their safe haven of Somniel. With some powerful Corrupted on their heels, the heroes of Fire Emblem Engage will need to get moving quickly without even thinking about engaging in combat.

RELATED: Fire Emblem Engage is Smart to Distinguish Between 'Emblems' and Living Legends

The Second Battle: Outside Destinea Cathedral with Veyle


In this second battle of Fire Emblem Engage's Destinea Cathedral, players are going to get back any units that perished in the last fight but are forced to use the same units. Thankfully the only things players have to do is run. Veyle has four health bars, loads of health and magic, and her minions are extremely powerful. So players will not want to take any of these units on. Moving quickly is the name of the game.

How to Win the Battle Against Veyle in Fire Emblem Engage's Chapter 11


There is a Corrupted to the west of the battlefield who drops an upgraded Tomahawk, but this might be a fight that players just can't win. Depending on the difficulty players are on, they may not even want to try. Many enemies also now have the Corrupted Emblems that Alear and team have lost, including one with Celica's warp attack and a fracture staff that will ruin counterattacks from Alear's team. Here are some things to keep in mind when attempting to win this battle.

  • Veyle will not take away any Emblems from the Fire Emblem Engage DLC, so players will still have access to any bonus heroes, like the bracelet from Three Houses, they may have collected before now.
  • Players can hide in forest tiles to add to their ability to avoid attacks.
  • On the ground, there are water squares that will decrease the chance of dodging attacks for anyone standing in them.
  • If a player does manage to kill a Corrupted with an Emblem Ring like Marth or Celica on, the ring does not return to Alear, but goes back to Veyle. She will give that Ring to a different Corrupted unit that is still alive.
  • Make good use of the Freeze staff dropped by Hortensia to freeze dangerous units.
  • Veyla has also taken away player's Draconic time crystal, so they can no longer rewind battle time. Save frequently.
  • The only hero that has to make it out is Alear, so other units dying isn't the end of the world.

When players get close enough to the end of the map, some new units, the Four Hounds of Fire Emblem Engage, will spawn to stop them. This will also spawn some allied units in the form of Princess Ivy, her minions, and two recovered Emblem Rings: Lucina and Lyn. Lucina is paired with Alear and Lyn is paired with Ivy automatically.

Fire Emblem Engage is available now for Nintendo Switch.