Fire Emblem Engage follows a linear story that runs across chapters for the player to complete. Each chapter that a player completes will lead them to a different area of the map. Traveling across the four islands that make up the continent of Elyos in a hope to stop the return and destruction of the evil Fell Dragon.

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When completing certain chapters players will then unlock side quests, also known as paralogue, to be fought outside the main story. These side quests are very vital for not only recruiting extra units but also strengthening the bonds with the Emblem Rings players have on their party. Therefore, these are the paralogues players should complete as soon as they've unlocked them.

8 Arena Of The Gods – Lucina

Lucina standing in the Somniel garden in Fire Emblem Engage

As the first ring strengthening side quest the player will unlock. Many players will want to complete Lucina's trial immediately in order to open up the capability to strengthen their bond with her further past the initial nine levels of her support.

Players can complete this paralogue as early as reaching chapter twelve, though the enemies inside this trial to strengthen Lucina can be quite difficult. Therefore, Fire Emblem Engage recommends taking units that are at least a base level of nineteen. Lucina makes a great support character and therefore being able to level up her bond to use Dual Support or her other weapons can improve her usefulness on units.

7 River Of Light And Dark – Sigurd

Fire Emblem Engage Sigurd on his horse

Once the player has reached chapter 18, they will have finely unlocked a chance to complete one of the greatest Emblem Rings available side quest. Sigurd, also known as The Holy Knight is a great character to put on units that need mobility.

By finishing his paralogue players can increase this mobility further by strengthening their bond to improve both his Canter and Momenturn skill. Although players should aim to take this on with units that are an advanced rank of five, Sigurd isn't that difficult to face due to having weakness that can be exploited such as always being on horseback.

6 Mysterious Merchant – Finding Anna

Anna in a cutscene from Fire Emblem Engage

Unlike the side quests unlocked in the late game that mainly focus on completing the trials of the rings, when players begin their journey they have a chance to recruit some additional allies to help in the upcoming battles. It's important to complete these are soon as possible as the units inside them won't level up alongside the player as they advance the story if not recruited.

Related: Fire Emblem Engage: Things You Should Know About Emblem Rings

After reaching chapter seven Anna is a welcome addition to the group especially as the player may have few axe users to utilize. She also comes with her own support conversations to experience but most importantly her skill Make a Killing can be a great way to make some easy money.

5 The Broken Castle – Marth

Alear and Marth in Fire Emblem Engage

Arguably players won't have a choice but to complete this side quest until near the end of the game as this paralogue doesn't unlock until reaching the twenty-third chapter of the main story in Fire Emblem Engage. However, this is understandable as The Broken Castle unlocks the deeper bond with Marth, the Hero-King many players may have bonded with quickly at the start of the game before other units were available.

Although a side quest and battle that can't be faced till the late game, Marth himself has a very low defense, and therefore he relies on other units to support him in battle. Players will need to navigate the interesting map design of the castle to pursue Marth.

4 Plains Of Swift Winds – Lyn

Lyn standing with her hands on her hips in Fire Emblem Engage

Lyn's side quest is by far one of the more exciting paralogue battles in Fire Emblem Engage, especially due to how large the map is and how far the player and their units must travel to get to her. While fighting through the countless enemies, traveling from island to island, Lyn makes this battle harder by attacking from a distance using her Astra Storm ability to hit the player across the map.

It is up to the player to pick allies that have great defense as fell as decent movement to quickly make their way across the map to Lyn while also dealing with the reinforcements that are called.

3 Garden Of Memories – Gaining The Pact Ring

Fire Emblem Engage Ring

Unlocking once reaching the twenty-third chapter just like Marth's Paralogue chapter, Garden of Memories is an amazing side quest to complete due to the reward unlocked by finishing it. Not to mention that it is one of the few quests that has the player simply attempting to survive groups of enemies and therefore a player should approach it tactfully. While gaining the ring itself in the chapter is easy as the enemy that holds it moves slowly, this will instantly spawn all the reinforcements.

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Players that are hoping to survive with the least amount of casualties should deal with the other enemies first before earning the ring. The Pact Ring can then be used to put one ally that Alear has an A support with into an S-support be it a Platonic friendship or a romance.

2 The Sacred Tomb – Byleth

Fire Emblem Engage Byleth character intro close-up

Besides defeating Byleth in his trial to strengthen the emblem ring bond with him as well as being able to unlock his weapon the Sword of the Creator. Players can play for extra rewards by taking the time to defend the various crystals around the map.

This means players are more likely to split their units into a variety of small teams to take on enemies that will play little attention to them and go directly for the crystals. Finally, players can pursue Byleth to finish the chapter.

1 Budding Talent – Recruiting Jean

Jean looking at his dad in Fire Emblem Engage

There is only one other unit that can be recruited by completing a side quest chapter and Fire Emblem Engage continues the theme of the level one villager that fans of the past franchise have come to love. In this newest addition players are able to recruit Jean, the son of a village doctor that hopes to one day follow in his father's footsteps.

Protecting the village from the attacks of the corrupted will allow Alear to recruit the Martial Monk into their roster. However, players will want to do this as soon as they reach chapter six as Jean joins the party at level one and therefore has a long way to go.

Fire Emblem Engage is available on the Switch

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