The Fire Emblem series is home to a plethora of unique and interesting characters with varying specialties and applications that players can use in their army. One of the great things about the series is that due to the wide variety of characters at a player's disposal, they are able to utilize the types of units and characters that fit their personal play style.

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While most Fire Emblem games contain numerous playable units of the same given class, this is not the case with Dancers. Dancers are often regarded as some of the most useful units in the series due to their ability to provide other units with additional action. So today, we're going to examine the Dancers of Fire Emblem and see which are the most useful and versatile!

10 Laylea - Genealogy of the Holy War

In the second generation of Fire Emblem: Genealogy of the Holy War, it's traditionally a good idea to have as many first-generation units as possible get married, as their children in the game's second generation will inherit their parent's equipment and holy blood.

Despite this, if a player does not pair up the dancer Silvia, they will gain access to Laylea. While Silvia's daughter Lene is a solid dancer in her own right, Laylea has access to the phenomenal Charm skill, allowing her to provide additional benefits that Lene simply lacks.

9 Phina - New Mystery of the Emblem

The first dancer to appear in the Fire Emblem series, Phina definitely helped to set the bar of what should be expected of dancers throughout the series. Debuting the ability to allow allies to move and fight an additional time each turn, unlike many other dancers, Phina is capable of contributing to combat with swords.

While her growth rates dictate that she will likely eternally remain frail, she can grow into a surprisingly decent combat unit when the going gets tough.

8 Ninian and Nils - The Blazing Blade

While Ninian and Nils are available at different points within the story of The Blazing Blade, their utility is identical. While Ninian and Nils are incapable of attacking like many other entries on this list, they can provide more support than other traditional Dancers.

This is because they can utilize special rings such as Thor's Ire which can raise a unit's critical rate, and Set's Litany which can raise a unit's avoid. This allows them to provide yet even more flexibility to one's forces in case they find themselves in a bind.

7 Olivia - Awakening

Players whose first Fire Emblem game was Awakening are likely quite familiar with that game's only Dancer, Olivia. While Olivia's greatest strength comes in the form of her ability to revitalize her allies like any dancer in the series, she is one of the most survivable Dancers in the series.

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Capable of wielding swords, Olivia boasts incredible skill and speed growth rates of 70% each as well as a noteworthy 60% growth rate in luck. When factoring these growths together with her constant +4 in luck she receives from her personal ability, and she's quite capable of dodging numerous attacks.

6 Leanne - Radiant Dawn

While not technically a Dancer, the Heron Laguz of Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn possesses the same abilities and utility that are characteristically found on dancers.

While Leanne's availability is rather limited, her usefulness as a support unit should not be disregarded. As a heron, Leanne is capable of flying over any type of terrain, providing her with mobility that other dancers could only dream of. Most importantly, while Dancers can traditionally only reinvigorate one unit at a time, Leanne can distinctly provide an additional action to two units at a time!

5 Azura - Fates

Azura is one of the few characters available in each route of Fire Emblem Fates and is one of the central characters to the plot of each respective route. When it comes to gameplay, Azura effectively functions as a strictly better version of Olivia. Toting stellar 80% growth rates in speed and skill and even a 60% growth rate in skill Azura is easily one of the most combatively viable dancers in the series.

This is further accentuated by her access to lances rather than a sword, allowing her to wield Javelins. As if these factors weren't enough, Azura even possesses the Healing Descant skill which heals all allies within two space of her each turn.

4 Reyson - Path of Radiance

Like Leanne, Reyson is another Heron Laguz and phenomenal unit toting traditional dancer abilities. Sharing Leanne's above-average mobility, while Reyson is normally only capable of reinvigorating a single unit each turn, everything changes when he transforms into his Heron from.

Not only does his mobility increase, but he gains the ability to simultaneously reinvigorate four allies at once!

3 Lara - Thracia 776

When it comes to utility units in Fire Emblem, few can hold a candle to Lara from Thracia 776. Lara has a great deal in common with other entries on this list, yet somehow brings yet even more versatility to the table.

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Dancing capability? Check. Ability two defend herself with a sword? Check. Most notably, Lara even has the ability to steal from opponents in the manner of a traditional thief, making her the Swiss Army knife of dancers!

2 Rafiel - Radiant Dawn

The third and final Heron appearing in Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn, Rafiel is a significantly less balanced unit who is stricken with a drawback and bestowed with a boon. Having damaged wings, Rafiel is the slowest of the herons when it comes to mobility, and he's incapable of flying like his counterparts.

However, to make up for this, Rafiel is capable of reinvigorating up to four allies at all times. When utilized correctly, Rafiel is able to create a terrifying amount of value for a player, essentially providing the strength of four additional units on a given turn.

1 Any Dancer - Three Houses

While Fire Emblem: Three Houses does not feature designated dancer characters like other entries in the series, the game allows players to select one student of their choice and qualify them for the Dancer class. Once that student is a dancer, they gain the ability to provide another unit with an additional action.

What's important to note is that once a unit is a dancer, they maintain their spells, proficiencies, and strengths, allowing them to serve as the most versatile Dancers in the series history! Whether a player wants a bulky Dancer that can take a hit in the front lines or dancer capable of healing allies, the Dancers of Three Houses can fit any role a player requires!

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