
  • The Finals is experiencing rapid growth and is a top free game on Xbox, indicating it's becoming a dominant force in the FPS genre.
  • Players should utilize the Goo Grenade as it can create barriers and disrupt enemy mobility.
  • Prioritizing targets and communicating with the team is crucial for success in The Finals, as cash accumulation is key to winning.

The Finals, Embark Studios' latest innovative shooter, has seen explosive growth in the last month, thanks to its unique blend of tactical gameplay and dynamic environments. Since the game exited its beta, it has grown at an incredible rate, with player numbers doubling in the past month. Based on the fact that The Finals was awarded the "Top Free Game" title on Xbox, it seems that the action-packed shooter is blazing a trail in the FPS genre as a force to be reckoned with.

While it seems that The Finals has drawn inspiration from established shooters like Battlefield 3, Rainbow Six Siege, and Overwatch 2, it has gone to extra lengths to add its own twist to the formula. As such, with new maps, mechanics, and load-outs to learn, there are quite a few unwritten rules that players should know before heading into a tournament or quick play. Of course, since The Finals has several factors to consider, it should be noted that there are play styles that can succeed without the use of these tips.

The Finals Hits Massive Milestone 15 Days After Release

The Finals reaches a highly impressive milestone only 15 days after its release, suggesting that the game might be around for a long time to come.

Unspoken Tips For The Finals

Don't Underestimate the Goo Grenade

Goo Grenade in The Finals

While various grenades and deployables are available in this shooter, players often overlook the utility of the Goo Grenade. Seeing as it's available for all builds in The Finals, it should be a core part of everyone's kit. Not only can it build a barricade to protect against enemy fire, but it can also help players get a new angle for their jump pads. Movement tech is a large part of this game, so denying an enemy's mobility or line of sight can pay dividends. Additionally, for denying pursuers, pushing enemy teams, or making new ground, the Goo Grenade should not be taken lightly.

Goo can be quickly destroyed by fire. Weaponry such as the Flamethrower, Incendiary Grenade, and Incendiary Mine are helpful for this.

Remember To Prioritize Targets

Team Colors in The Finals

The Finals is ultimately a team-based game wherein the team with the most amount of cash will win. Eliminating other players can be helpful, depending on the game mode, but, like in many shooters of this nature, the top-fragging team won't always win. An important tip for beginners in The Finals is to communicate with the team and prioritize which targets to take down first. For example, if engaged in a fight over a cashout with more than one team, it may be more beneficial to shoot a team in first place versus eliminating a third-place team.

Communicate with the team and prioritize which targets to take down first.

Take Advantage of Explosives

Damage in The Finals

The explosive destruction that can occur to buildings and structures in The Finals is one of the main reasons that this shooter has attracted so much attention. Interestingly, it may also be one of the more underutilized tactics. Forgetting to deal damage to structures makes sense due to the fast-paced nature of the game, but it's important to keep in mind that the explosive physics in The Finals can change the outcome of a fight.

Players should strategize how they place explosive charges, or which explosives they shoot to take out an enemy squad. If there are no explosives on hand, having a Heavy use The Finals' sledgehammers to destroy walls can have a similar effect. After all, knocking a building out from under a team can cause enough chaos to slip in and steal cash.

Revive Before Stealing

Revive in The Finals

In many cases, reviving in The Finals should be a priority over stealing. If a player is running out of time, it's optimal to steal, but it's often a better choice to have greater numbers to engage other enemies with. Due to this, players should have a better chance of surviving when they begin to steal. Choosing to steal before reviving one's teammates can simply lead to being eliminated and getting staggered in the respawn animations.