To say Final Fantasy VII Remake's ending is wild would be a gross understatement. The last several hours throws a multitude plot twists at the player, opening the door to countless possibilities in the future.

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People should prepare to wait a while, however, because Square Enix is not known for pushing games out the door quickly. It is both a blessing and a curse, since the long waits are almost unbearable, but usually assure a level of polish many other Triple-A games struggle to match.

But in the meantime, fans have tons of burning questions for the developers about Final Fantasy VII Remake, 10 of which are listed below.

10 Structure

How will the sequel ultimately be structured? Will it take cues from Final Fantasy VII Remake and divide it up into chapters one can select after beating the game? Maybe it will take some inspiration from Final Fantasy XV, which was open for the first several chapters before putting players on a linear path towards the ending, which helped focus the story. Given how the journey changes after the party leaves Midgar, pacing will most likely differ too.

9 How Far Into The Story Will It Go?

final fantasy 7 remake tifa girl we're looking for

Assuming the sequels follow the general outline of the original game, how far into the story will the next part go? The ending of the original's first disc is still quite a while after leaving Midgar, so it is doubtful the game will go that far if the rest of the world will be as detailed as the metropolis where the journey starts. What other plot points beforehand serve as good stopping points for a full game?

8 Battle System

Final Fantasy VII Remake's battle system takes cues from the 1997 original while making it more consistently engaging and factoring movement into strategy.

Related: 10 Hardest Boss Fights In Final Fantasy VII, Ranked

While a welcome change, it is far from perfect. What changes and quality of life improvements will the sequel put into the combat? Some subtle changes can go a long way towards making menus and fighting more convenient.

7 How Much Has Changed?

FF7 Remake Zack Fair

The ending implies that things have changed, but to what extent? Will the future titles barely resemble the legendary 1997 RPG, or will they mostly follow the outline save for minor adjustments? Just the concept of a future open to change makes the sequels more enticing. If it was a straightforward remake with no changes to the plot, the conversation surrounding the first part would already be over.

6 Will It Be Cross-Generation?

playstation 4 console

Depending on how many years pass between games, one has to wonder if the second part will come out on the PS4. The recent game already pushes the current platforms to their limits, so maybe focusing on the next generation will let the sequels shine. However, if the current generation lives long enough into the PS5's life, it could be financially advantageous for them to make a PS4 version.

5 Party Management

ff7 remake corneo colosseum

Players never choose which party members to use in combat. Instead, circumstances decide it for them. Will the sequels follow the same route even though the party is bigger and together for longer periods of time outside of Midgar? Chapter Seventeen uses PHS terminals to switch between parties in Hojo's lab, which is the name of the device players use to switch party members in the original once they access the world map.

4 Zack

Zack shows up in the ending of Final Fantasy VII Remake. However, the climactic scene plays out dramatically different, perhaps leading to drastic consequences for the future. Zack was always a minor yet vital supporting character, but this new turn of events will perhaps significantly expand his role in the new games. Maybe he will even become a playable character.

3 Will Yuffie Be Optional?

The original Japanese RPG classic features two optional party members, Yuffie and Vincent. Vincent shows up a little later, but Yuffie is available almost right away.

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Will she still be optional? Given the increased focus on Wutai, perhaps she will be mandatory and end up playing a larger role in the plot. Her thieving ways could also be used as a way to take away all the party's Materia at the start of the next title.

2 How The World Map Will Be Interpreted

ff7 remake cast connection

Final Fantasy VII features an extensive world map, but the series has slowly done away with this feature. How will the sequel interpret the massive overworld? Fans are already pitching their own theories, ranging from Final Fantasy XV's open-world design to Final Fantasy XII's zones. Open-world games take a long time to develop, and also bring up a whole new range of design issues in trying to make these areas interesting to traverse.

1 The Rest Of Avalanche

In the original game, Biggs, Wedge, and Jessie bite it when the Sector Seven plate falls. In Final Fantasy VII Remake, Biggs is shown recovering from his wounds; Wedge potentially dies from the Whispers in the Shinra building, but his fate is ultimately ambiguous; and Jessie's glove is on the table next to Biggs in the orphanage during the ending cinematic, implying her continued existence. Will whichever characters who survive play a major role in the future?

Next: 10 Hidden Locations Only Experts Found In Final Fantasy VII Remake On PS4