There are many great antagonists in video games, especially in RPGs such as Final Fantasy. Sephiroth is the most well-known boss in the series and fans have always loved him. In 2020, Final Fantasy 7 Remake was released and players got to experience brand new moments with the One-Winged Angel.

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Though he didn't appear in the game as much as the other popular characters, Sephiroth was still very important to the remake's story. Fans cannot wait to see more of him in the upcoming sequel. Until then, they can think back on the many memorable things he said in this installment.

Updated on November 9, 2023, by Ritwik Mitra: Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is shaping up to be a massive title that builds up on the foundation set by the Remake. This legendary game is finally being developed for a newer audience to understand exactly what makes the game special, with everything from the combat to the characters being absolutely top-notch. Suffice it to say, a huge reason why people love Final Fantasy 7 is its legendary antagonist, Sephiroth. He makes way more appearances in Midgar during Final Fantasy 7 Remake, and his dialogues are truly unforgettable.

18 "All Born Are Bound To Her. Should This World Be Unmade, So Too Shall Her Children."

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

Sephiroth wielding Masamune

Sephiroth's obsession with Jenova started when he found out about his true origins in Nibelheim. It was a sobering moment for a character who had been pretty confused about his true origins, making this revelation pretty hard for the silver-haired SOLDIER to stomach. It was the catalyst that triggered his downward spiral into madness, destroying Cloud and Tifa's hometown in a brutal display that showed just how depraved he'd become.

Throughout Final Fantasy 7 Remake, it's clear that Sephiroth is focusing on two things — the Reunion and Jenova. His cryptic appearances throughout the game make it clear that he will leave no stone unturned in a bid to help his mother's dream come true, even if it comes at the cost of numerous innocent lives.

17 "Don't Worry. It's A Simple Thing. Run, Cloud. Run Away."

Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters

final fantasy 7 remake sephiroth life size bust

Cloud has been through a lot prior to the events of Final Fantasy 7. The character was rejected from joining SOLDIER, which was his dream. He was relegated to the role of a lowly Shinra Trooper instead, although he did end up striking a friendship with an actual SOLDIER, Zack. However, this friendship was short-lived, especially since Sephiroth's destruction of Nibelheim led to Cloud launching a suicide charge against the villain that was successful, but at a huge cost.

Both Zack and Cloud were abducted by Hojo, who ruthlessly experimented on them until the former managed to escape and carry his friend with him. Unfortunately, Zack ended up losing his life while protecting Cloud, and the trauma of the experimentation coupled with Zack's untimely death led to Cloud adopting his dead friend's persona in a bid to deal with these horrifying events. Of course, the Remake has made it clear that Zack's alive, so fans can't wait to see how Cloud reacts to the survival of his friend. Sephiroth's comments about Cloud running away will definitely still hit home. Thankfully, at the very least, his close friend and compatriot might help him deal with his trauma.

16 "Can You Bear To See The Planet Suffer, Cloud?"

Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters

Final Fantasy Dissidia Sephiroth Black Wing

Sephiroth is a truly chilling character, and everything he says feels sinister in some way or the other. Even the relentless obsession he has over the Planet feels awkward, even if it's true that Shinra has been slowly bleeding the Planet's Lifestream dry for their own selfish purposes. It's odd that Sephiroth is concerned about the plight of the Planet, given that he summons an actual meteor in the original game to destroy the entire world.

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These games have stood the test of time and are still great to replay today, even though they were released for the first PlayStation console.

Fans can only wait and see if Sephiroth carries out the destruction of the world in such a brazen manner, or amends his plans in the modern retelling of Final Fantasy 7's story. Regardless of what transpires, there's no denying that the Planet and its inhabitants will certainly be under threat from Sephiroth, especially since he's following Jenova's bidding.

15 "Good, Cloud. Very Good. Hold On To That Hatred."

Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters

Sephiroth from Final Fantasy VII Remake

Sephiroth makes his presence quite palpable in the early goings of Final Fantasy 7 Remake, appearing to Cloud in a vision that confuses the ex-SOLDIER to no end.

The manner in which Sephiroth quotes this phrase makes it infinitely clear that Sephiroth has some sort of hold over Cloud's mind. This suspicion is only confirmed as players play through this title.

14 "This Planet... Is My Birthright."

Chapter 13: A Broken World

Sephiroth Release Date Revealed

After merging with the lifestream and JENOVA, Sephiroth's one-track mindset its sights on Planet Earth, boldly proclaiming that the Planet was always his for the taking.

It's not just the nature of this statement that's chilling, but the timing of it as well. After the fall of the Sector 7 Plate, the party decides to head to Aerith's house in the Sector 7 Slums, only for Cloud to be suddenly assaulted by visions of Sephiroth quoting this menacing line.

13 "Mother. The Days Have Come Again."

Chapter 16: The Belly of the Beast

Final Fantasy 7's Jenova

Sephiroth's quotes in Final Fantasy 7 Remake are truly chilling at times. Perhaps the scariest of the lot comes right when the player encounters Red XIII for the first time, only for Sephiroth to make his unwanted appearance once again.

The truly scary part about this scene is that Sephiroth arguably has his strongest hold over Cloud during this moment, forcing the ex-SOLDIER to even utter eerie words while under the influence of his nemesis.

12 "Fate Is Not To Be Taken Lightly, Cloud."

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

Sephiroth in Final Fantasy VII Remake

The fight against Sephiroth is easily one of the highlights of the entire game, and rightfully so. It is the final boss fight of an ambitious remake that doesn't pull any punches when it comes to these climactic encounters.

The first line that Sephiroth utters when the fight begins is indicative of how immense this challenge is going to be. Sephiroth doesn't hold back when it comes to unleashing an onslaught of attacks against the party.

11 "Can You Not See Your Future?"

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

Aerith in Final Fantasy VII

During the fight against Sephiroth, the player has the opportunity to hear this rather chilling line when Aerith and the One-Winged Angel exchange blows. The line he mentions makes it infinitely clear that Sephiroth has some sort of cognition when it comes to the future.

The fact that he's aware of the events in the future — something that fans of the original title are painfully familiar with — is a rather chilling notion. It adds an additional layer of menace to Sephiroth's character.

10 "The Reunion Is Nothing To Fear."

Chapter 8: Budding Bodyguard

Final Fantasy VII Remake Sephiroth Cloud Sword Clash

Throughout the game, Cloud has several hallucinations of Sephiroth, leading up to their reunion. When he and Aerith were getting to know each other, they encountered a strange man in a black cloak. His groans frightened the children around them. After he collapsed, he grabbed Cloud, triggering one of the ex-soldier's hallucinations.

Sephiroth quoted this line as he stood up, taking the place of the cloaked man. After the hallucination ended, Sephiroth disappeared and the man walked away. Cloud went on to tell Aerith that he believed Sephiroth was still alive, despite what she and the rest of Midgar believed.

9 "I Am Your Everything."

Chapter 8: Budding Bodyguard

Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

In between being separated from Barret and Tifa due to one of Shinra's machines attacking them and Aerith's flowers breaking his fall, Cloud had another encounter with Sephiroth. Here, the antagonist utters one of his many famous quotes in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

This time, Cloud saw another version of himself who wanted to make sure he wasn't injured. Asking who he was actually speaking to, Sephiroth responds, surprising Cloud. He wakes up to the sound of Aerith's voice.

8 "A Touching Reunion."

Chapter 17: Deliverance from Chaos

final fantasy 7 remake cloud sephiroth swords

Towards the end of the game, Cloud, Barret, Tifa, Aerith, and Red XIII find Jenova. The real Sephiroth appears in front of them. Cloud charges at the One-Winged Angel as his head begins to hurt and their blades clash, finally reuniting.

Sephiroth pushes him back, causing Cloud to fall down from another great height.

7 "You Are Too Weak To Save Anyone. Not Even Yourself."

Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters

final fantasy 7 remake aerith actress header

Before joining Aerith after her flowers broke his fall, Cloud had actually met her one other time. At the beginning of the game, the Whispers seemed to attack her. As she turned to face him, Sephiroth appeared behind Aerith and touched her shoulder, causing time to stand still. He walked over to Cloud and said this line.

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Cloud's head began to hurt until he heard Aerith asking if he was okay. Walking away from her, she ends up giving him one of her flowers. Little did the two know how much they would end up caring for each other.

6 "Those Who Look With Clouded Eyes See Nothing But Shadows."

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

final fantasy 7 remake ps4 file size

After leaving Shinra and battling against its members on the highway, Avalanche had their final encounter with Sephiroth, leading to the final battle of the game. They saw his feathers fall down from above them as he slowly descended to meet them.

Aerith told Sephiroth that everything about him was wrong, to which he responded with this quote. Finally ready to fight him, Aerith, Cloud and the rest of the party followed Sephiroth into a portal he created.

5 "Cloud, Lend Me Your Strength. Let Us Defy Destiny Together."

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

Final Fantasy VII Remake Sephiroth Fight Portal Open

Sephiroth's goal has always been to defy destiny and destroy the world in order to become one with it. Throughout the game, he tries to convince Cloud to join him rather than retaliate.

He made his final attempt at this in the middle of their last strife, to which Cloud refused, leaped back, and pointed his weapon at the One-Winged Angel.

4 "You Need Not Remind Me. It Was The Crowning Moment Of Our Time Together. But That Was Then, And This Is Now."

Chapter 2: Fateful Encounters

final fantasy 7 rebirth sephiroth

Early in the game, Cloud sees Sephiroth and follows him into a burning alley. Thinking that he killed his former idol, Cloud was shocked to find Sephiroth alive. He was confused and told the One-Winged Angel that he killed him. This was Sephiroth's response.

He went on to tell Cloud that the world was coming to an end. Cloud tried to attack him but Sephiroth and the flames surrounding them vanished. This was the first of many hallucinations.

3 "You Have Failed Again, I See. But Through Suffering, You Will Grow Strong. Isn't That What You Want?"

Chapter 13: A Broken World

Sephiroth in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

After Shinra attacks Sector 7, many civilians, as well as members of Avalanche, are injured and dead. Unsure of what happened to his daughter, Marlene, Barret follows Cloud and Tifa to Aerith's house, hoping that she is there.

On their way, Cloud has another hallucination of Sephiroth, who walks towards him and puts his hand on Cloud's shoulder before disappearing. The trio make their way to Aerith's house, where Barret finds his daughter unharmed.

2 "That Which Lies Ahead Does Not Yet Exist. Our World Will Become A Part Of It One Day But I Will Not End, Nor Will I Have You End."

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Cloud Versus Sephiroth Silhouettes

In the final battle, Sephiroth faced Cloud at the edge of creation. However, as he always relied on the man who once looked up to him, Sephiroth spared the ex-soldier and said these words.

They both survive the strife, with Cloud and his fellow Avalanche members going on a new journey to defeat their enemy, which fans cannot wait to see in the second part of the remake.

1 "Seven Seconds Till The End. Time Enough For You. Perhaps. But What Will You Do With It? Let's See."

Chapter 18: Destiny's Crossroads

final fantasy 7 remake 12/16/19 screenshots

After Cloud refuses to join Sephiroth, they fight in an epic battle, resulting in Cloud's weapon being knocked from his hand. Behind him, Sephiroth leans in, murmuring these words into Cloud's ear. Cloud turns around to find that Sephiroth is gone, with a single feather falling in his place.

The true meaning behind these words is currently unknown as the world did not come to an end nor did either fighter. Fans have come up with multiple ideas on what Sephiroth could be referring to, making the next title more mysterious and intriguing. Players cannot wait to have this and many other questions answered.

final fantasy 7 remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

PC , PS4 , PS5
April 10, 2020
Square Enix Business Division 1
Action RPG