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There are plenty of iconic items in the Final Fantasy series, from legendary blades that have shown up in countless titles to accessories and armor pieces that always seem to make the cut. The Genji equipment falls into the latter category, so it shouldn't come as too much of a surprise to learn that it can be crafted by players in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.

How to Get Every Accessory in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth (All FF7 Rebirth Accessories)

The best FF7 Rebirth accessories can make a big difference in battle, but even some of the less desirable ones can prove useful in certain situations.

Of these three prominent pieces of equipment, the Genji Gloves are perhaps the most well-known, not to mention the most useful. The Genji Earrings and Genji Ring have their uses too though, particularly during Hard Mode runs. With this in mind, getting the Genji gear in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is highly recommended.

When it comes to the best FF7 Rebirth accessories, there are a few that are on the same level as the Genji armor. Players can get a Ribbon by beating Sephiroth in 3D Brawler and will be rewarded with the Gotterdammerung if they complete the Rulers of the Outer World challenge in Chadley's Combat Simulator.

How to Get the Genji Equipment in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


Players will receive the Genji Armaments Transmuter Chip after they beat Gilgamesh on Gilgamesh Island, but most probably won't be in a position to use the chip right away. This is because players will need to increase their Craftsmanship rank to 16 to be able to craft the Genji gear, which can only be done by transmuting every other craftable item in the game. Only then will they be able to see the list of Required Materials, which includes quite a few rare items that most players probably won't have in their inventories at this time.

Exquisite Beast Hides, Ash Wood, and Moonstones are fairly easy to come by, but getting hold of some of the other materials needed to craft the Genji Gloves, Genji Earrings, and Genji Ring may well prove tricky, as they can only be obtained by defeating some of Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's toughest bosses while playing the game on Hard Mode. Players will also need to get their hands on 18 pieces of Pirate Jetsam, which, again, is much easier said than done. All in all, gathering the materials needed to craft the best accessories in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth can be incredibly challenging, requiring both skill and time on the player's part.

The recommended level for fighting the six regional bosses on Hard Mode is 70, though players should be able to take them on from around level 50 with the right strategies. They'll get a ton of experience for beating them too, so will likely find that they're in the low sixties by the time they've beaten all six and are finally in a position to craft the Genji armor.

How to Get Pirate Jetsam in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth


As players will likely know by now, Pirate Jetsam can be found floating in purple crates throughout the Meridian Ocean. Thankfully, those chasing the Genji armor will have already found all four pieces of the Pirate King's Treasure and crafted Corsair's Compass. The bad news, however, and what a lot of people might not have realized yet, is that there are only a finite number of Pirate Jetsam crates, and players will need to find every last one of them to craft the Genji gear. To make matters worse, rather than pointing to the closest crate, Corsair's Compass only works when players are within a certain distance of one, so players will need to scour almost every inch of the Meridian Ocean, using the fog on the map screen to determine where they have and haven't searched yet.

How to Beat Quetzalcoatl on Hard Mode (Sinister Quetzalcoatl Talon Location)

Quetzalcoatl is probably the weakest of the six regional bosses, which makes sense given that it can be found in the game's very first region. Just because it's the weakest, though, does not mean that defeating it on Hard Mode is going to be easy, as it still has plenty of powerful attacks hidden away within its arsenal. Thankfully, the Quetzalcoatl is weak against Ice attacks, so players should exploit this as much as possible in order to pressure it and speed the fight up a bit.


Those having trouble may want to consider pairing an orb of Ice Materia with an orb of Elemental Materia in their primary attacker's weapon and giving the Shiva Summoning Materia to one of their active party, as this can be a great way of dishing out Ice elemental damage without using up too much MP. After a while, the Quetzalcoatl will fall and players will receive a Sinister Quetzalcoatl Talon and a copy of The Art of Swordplay Vol. VIII as a reward for their hard work.

How to Beat Mindflayer on Hard Mode (Vile Mindflayer Crown Location)

Beating the Mindflayer on Hard Mode can be incredibly tricky as it has no elemental weaknesses. It is weak against Synergy abilities though and will become pressured whenever hit with one. In order to be able to use Synergy abilities, players will first need to build up a certain number of Synergy charges, which they'll get from using ATB bars on certain actions (actions that provide a Synergy charge will be marked with a special symbol in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen whenever they're highlighted). Both characters involved in a Synergy ability will need a certain number of Synergy charges, so players should keep this in mind.


The Mindflayer has plenty of powerful abilities, so players will need to have their wits about them if they're to survive this fight. In particular, they'll want to keep an eye out for Psychotic Break and hide behind the nearby boulders whenever the Mindflayer begins charging it. Other than that, players should just focus on using Synergy abilities to break and then stagger the enemy and then hit it with everything they've got to finish it off. Upon beating the Mindflayer on Hard Mode, players will receive a Vile Mindflayer Crown and a copy of Sharpshooter's Companion Vol. IX.

How to Beat Tonberry King on Hard Mode (Tonberry King's Wretched Robe Location)

Those hoping to beat the Tonberry King on Hard Mode will first need to find a way to counter its instant kill attacks. Thankfully, there are a few different options here, including the Ribbon and Safety Bit accessories. Players should make sure that all three of their party members have some sort of protection, otherwise, they're going to end up having a very bad time. Even with the threat of Chef's Knife nullified, though, players will still need to keep an eye out for moves like Hopping Mad and Well-Honed Knife. Both have the potential to dish out some serious damage, though can thankfully be avoided fairly easily by evading or switching characters.

Tonberry King reading intel

The best strategy for beating Tonberry King is to keep moving, being sure to keep an eye on where some of the smaller Tonberries have gotten to. Players can pressure the Tonberry King by inflicting heavy damage while it's attacking, so should time their attacks accordingly to help speed up the fight. Once the Tonberry King has been defeated, players will receive a Tonberry King's Wretched Robe and a copy of Way of the Fist Vol. XII, the latter of which increases Tifa's SP by 10, allowing her to unlock new skills and abilities on the Folios board.

How to Beat Great Malboro on Hard Mode (Slimy Malboro Tendril Location)

Like the Tonberry King before it, the key to beating the Great Malboro on Hard Mode is to nullify its biggest strength, which, in this case, is Bad Breath. The good news is, only one character needs to get up close and personal with the Great Malboro and put themselves in harm's way, so players can simply give that character the Ribbon that they got from defeating Sephiroth in 3D Brawler. The Great Malboro is weak against Ice attacks, so it's also a good idea to pair an orb of Ice Materia with an orb of Elemental Materia in their weapon to add a little bit more bite to their physical attacks.


The other two party members can focus on healing the primary attacker whenever needed and hitting the Great Malboro's mouth with Ice attacks whenever it uses its iconic Bad Breath attack, as this will eventually pressure it. Other than that, its Tentacle Whirl can deal a fair amount of damage if it makes contact, so players may want to cast Barrier on their primary attacker too in order to make them a bit more sturdy. Once the Great Malboro finally goes down, players will get a Slimy Malboro Tendril and a copy of Fortunes Untold Vol. VIII as a reward.

How to Beat Jabberwock on Hard Mode (Heavy Jabberwock Horn Location)

The key to beating Jabberwock on Hard Mode is finding a way to nullify its Lithic Curse attack, which will petrify party members on contact. Players have a few different options here, with accessories arguably providing the best and most practical solutions. There are a few that will do the job, including Safety Bit, Ribbon, and Jeweled Ring, so players can choose whichever ones they have access to. Even without its Lithic Curse though, the Jabberwock can still prove deadly if players let their guard down, so it's a good idea to equip everybody with healing Materia just in case things do go south, which can happen surprisingly quickly in this fight.


The Jabberwock is weak against Fire attacks, so players should make the most of this when they go on the offensive. Party members who can attack from range are useful in this fight, as while the Jabberwock's Gorgon Shield is up, melee attacks will bounce right off it, making it difficult to fill up the ATB gauge. Doing so will be essential, as players will need to hit the Jabberwock with Fire attacks to take down its Gorgon Shield, which will also place the enemy in a pressured state. From there, players can stagger the Jabberwock and defeat it, for which they will be rewarded with a Heavy Jabberwock Horn and a copy of The Art of Swordplay Vol. XII.

How to Beat King Zu on Hard Mode (Argent King Zu Feather Location)

King Zu is probably the hardest of the six regional bosses due to its Swan Song attack. If players fail to cripple both of its wings before it finishes casting it, the whole party will be decimated. It uses this attack often, too, including at the very beginning of the fight. However, as well as being weak against Thunder attacks, King Zu is susceptible to both Stop and Sleep magic, which can be used to make this fight considerably easier. Players should equip their main magic user with either the Chocoking's Cape or Hermes Shoes accessories, which will allow them to quickly cast Thundara on both wings at the start of the fight. Depending on their level, they may need to use one of their other party members to hit each wing with Thunder too in order to fully cripple them.


Once both wings are crippled, King Zu will be pressured, at which point, players should quickly hit it with Stop and then fill its stagger gauge up as much as possible. It's a good idea to give whoever's going to be casting Stop and Sleep the Enhanced Malboro Orb accessory to make the debuffs last a little longer. Players can then repeat this cycle, hitting the enemy with Thundara and firing off limit breaks whenever the enemy is staggered. In the event that they don't have enough ATB bars to cripple the wings in time, players can put the King Zu to sleep, though this shouldn't really be needed if they keep a few bars of ATB in reserve for the inevitable Swan Song casts. Upon defeating King Zu on Hard Mode, players will receive an Argent King Zu Feather as well as a copy of Secrets of the Ninja Vol. XII.

Genji Equipment Abilities in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

After defeating the six regional bosses on Hard Mode and finding all of the Pirate Jetsam, players will finally be ready to craft the Genji gear. The Genji Gloves are arguably the most useful of the three, as they allow the user to break the 9,999 damage limit, which will be particularly useful during a Hard Mode run. The Genji Earrings increase all damage dealt by 15%, but also increase all damage taken by the same amount, making them useful for party members who dish out a mixture of physical and magic damage or in situations where players need to take enemies out as fast as possible. Last but not least is the Genji Ring, which is perfect for support characters whose main role is to heal and buff the party. This is because the Genji Ring decreases all damage taken by 15%, reducing the user's total damage output by the same amount in the process.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Square Enix
Square Enix
PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024