A known insider in the video game industry responded to and confirmed claims that Final Fantasy Tactics will receive a remaster from Square Enix at some point. The insider posted their reply to a question on the subject on Twitter, with many Final Fantasy fans wondering when Square Enix would return to Ivalice in the future.Originally released on the PS1 in 1997, Final Fantasy Tactics was the first tactical JRPG in the series and took place during the War of the Lions in the fictional world of Ivalice. The game received an enhanced port, Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions, in 2007 for the PSP and years later on iOS and Android. The plot centers around the conflict for the throne, with the main protagonist Ramza Beoulve and his comrades caught in the thick of it. With a politically-driven plot, and a vast number of iconic Final Fantasy Jobs for players to fill their unit roster with, such as the Black Mage, White Mage, and Summoner, Final Fantasy Tactics is considered one of the classics in the series. However, it has not seen a release since the mobile ports of The War of the Lions. With fans calling for Square Enix to give the game a remaster with similar graphics to Tactics Ogre: Reborn or Octopath Traveler 2, it seems one industry insider is in agreement.RELATED: PowerWash Simulator Announces Final Fantasy 7 DLC Release DateBloomberg columnist and games industry insider Jason Schreier replied to a tweet asking plainly where the remaster for Final Fantasy Tactics is, which was asked when Schreier tweeted about his early impressions of Octopath Traveler 2. While Schreier seemed focused on another Square Enix game, a simple reply stating that the Final Fantasy Tactics remaster was "coming" was enough to send Final Fantasy fans into a frenzy. Schreier's comments correlated with other rumors concerning a remastered Final Fantasy Tactics, as Square Enix producer Ichiro Hazama let slip that the team behind Final Fantasy Tactics is incredibly busy at the moment on a project.

While Final Fantasy Tactics is now 25 years old, the Final Fantasy 35th Anniversary celebrations will continue into 2023. This will include new merchandise now available for purchase, with more to come through the year. Whether this will include Final Fantasy Tactics or not remains to be seen.

In 2021, a major Nvidia GeForce Now data leak mentioned that a remaster of Final Fantasy Tactics was in the works, with Nvidia validating the leaked list. With several games in the leak confirmed already, only time will tell if a return to Ivalice is in the cards for PC and console players in the near future.

Final Fantasy Tactics: The War of the Lions is available now for Android, iOS, and PSP.

MORE: Final Fantasy Tactics: 15 Best Character Jobs