Releasing just 6 months after Final Fantasy 7 arrived on the PlayStation, Final Fantasy Tactics would go on to become one of, if not the most celebrated of all Final Fantasy spin-offs. In the age of the remake it has long been rumored that Square Enix is considering the possibility of remaking Final Fantasy Tactics. And while a remake of FFT would be welcome for some, there are others that might make the case that there's no improving on perfection. Regardless of how fans feel regarding the game receiving a remake, it's hard to argue against Final Fantasy Tactics being one of the best turn-based tactics RPGs of all-time.

Final Fantasy Tactics' enduring legacy partly rests on the pedigree of its development team. Directed by Yasumi Matsuno (who had previously worked on Tactics Ogre and then would go on to help craft both Vagrant Story and Final Fantasy 12), the game featured a "who's who" of developers at Square during one of their most creative periods. The original PlayStation was host to some of Square's all-time best output as developers, and Final Fantasy Tactics is no exception. The game exists as a time capsule of one of the most legendary Japanese development studio's greatest eras but is also trapped on old hardware, providing a case for and against it getting the remake treatment.

RELATED: Insider Teases Final Fantasy Tactics Remaster

For: Final Fantasy Tactics Would Benefit From the Pixel Remasters' QOL Features

Final Fantasy Tactics two families opposed on the battlefield

Final Fantasy Tactics is arguably one of the best tactical RPGs of all-time. Still, the game is not without its faults and those that continue to play it to this day would likely admit that it definitely shows its age. In addition to being occasionally brutally difficult and unforgiving, Final Fantasy Tactics requires what might be considered an absurd amount of grinding in order for players to craft their ideal party through a mix of various jobs and abilities. One way Square Enix could improve on Final Fantasy Tactics in a remake or remaster is through applying similar quality of life upgrades that were used in the recent Final Fantasy Pixel Remaster series.

With 20 job classes available and prerequisites requiring leveling up certain jobs for access to many of the advanced ones later on, a Final Fantasy Tactics remake or remaster would greatly benefit from the Boost system implemented in the console versions of the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters to alleviate some of the necessary grind for curating an ideal party. Additionally, the visuals of Final Fantasy Tactics are still impressive more than 25 years later thanks to its mix of 2D character sprites on 3D environments. Adopting the same visual style but improving it through modern hardware would be less labor-intensive than the ground-up remake of Final Fantasy 7 and would help retain the charm of the original.

Against: The Original Final Fantasy Tactics Experience is Still a Pinnacle of 5th Gen RPG Design

final fantasy tactics ps1 box art

When a classic game is remade for modern audiences there will almost always be purists that decry the updating of a beloved title and any changes to the core gameplay that come along with it. Square Enix's Final Fantasy 7 Remake trilogy is establishing that the developer were willing to take risks with the remakes of one of their most-beloved titles, but Final Fantasy Tactics has a much more niche audience that might not be as welcoming of a radical departure from the original game. Because the game opted for a visual style that dates it less than the original Final Fantasy 7, a proper sequel to Final Fantasy Tactics would make much more sense than a remake.

Remaking a classic title should revamp its core gameplay loop, but when the original is a near-perfect game then a remake is a moot point. Instead of cashing in on the fondness and nostalgia fans have for Final Fantasy Tactics, Square Enix could surprise players that have waited decades for a proper sequel by developing a brand-new title that continues the story of Ramza and his compatriots. With Final Fantasy Tactics' design still influencing modern titles, a proper sequel would likely please fans more than a remake or remaster.

MORE: Final Fantasy Tactics: 15 Best Character Jobs