
  • Final Fantasy games offer a diverse range of small playable characters, each with unique abilities and fighting styles.
  • Characters like Andoria and Claes may be small in size, but possess powerful abilities to take down enemies effectively.
  • Despite their stature, characters like Vivi and Red XIII prove that size doesn't dictate strength or impact in battle.

When creating the party for a Final Fantasy game, it's always important to make sure that each member is drastically different from one another. Thankfully, Square Enix know this very well, and so it's difficult to find any two party members who look, act, or play the same as one another, but this has also resulted in these companions coming in a range of different sizes.

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Sure, everyone might be familiar with giants like Kimahri and Gladiolus, but on the other side of the coin, there have been some smaller playable characters who can join the player's team throughout their respective games. These individuals may not look too intimidating on the surface, but will often have some special abilities and techniques hidden up their sleeves which make them a real force to be reckoned with when it's time to fight. Here's a full list of the smallest playable characters who have ever appeared throughout the Final Fantasy games.

7 Andoria

Height: 4' 5"

Queen Andoriya
Final Fantasy Type-0

PS4 , PSP , Xbox One , PC
Square Enix
Square Enix
Action RPG

Andoria first debuts as a supporting character in Final Fantasy Type-0 where she acts as a royal queen who possesses the unusual ability to speak to dragons, who also happen to be manifestations of the planet's crystals. This means that even though she barely ever leaves her castle, she's more than capable of destroying entire armies if she so chooses, and players are actually able to try this out for themselves in Final Fantasy Awakening where she's fully playable.

Andoria's lethal projectiles allow her to whittle down enemy health bars from a distance before finishing them off with her dragons, or trapping the enemy in magical vines, so her teammates can finish off the job. Andoria may not be the most imposing character physically, but the amount of authority and power she wields means underestimating is always a bad idea.

6 Claes Celestia

Height: 4' 5"

Final Fantasy Type-0

PS4 , PSP , Xbox One , PC
Square Enix
Square Enix
Action RPG

Claes is Androiya's personal advisor, who is ironically also the exact same size as her, and similarly only becomes available to play in Final Fantasy Awakening after showing up in Type-0. Her bond with the queen is so strong that only Claes is allowed to accompany her when she leaves the castle, with all of her subjects having faith that Claes will be able to serve and protect the queen for the rest of her life without ever having any thoughts of betraying her.

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Sonic may have speed on his side, but these individuals are able to easily tower over him with their large statures.

In Final Fantasy Awakening, she plays almost identical to Andoriya as she is also able to summon and control dragons during a fight, but when a battle starts getting intense, she can also turn the tides by transforming into the immensely powerful Shinryu Celestia. Claes is another one of those characters who can seem rather ill-suited for combat at first given her stature, but is secretly a dangerous individual who can reign down terror on anyone who threatens her or her queen.

5 Mog

Height: 4' 0"

Mog speaking to player
Final Fantasy 6

October 11, 1994
Square Enix , Square

It's hard to get a good idea of Mog's actual size in sprite form, but according to the official measurements from Square Enix, he stands at exactly 4 feet tall, which is quite a bit bigger than most Moogles. Though he can be recruited as a permanent party member upon entering the World of Ruin, players might also remember Mog making an appearance near the beginning of the game where he, along with a few other Moogles, save Tera after she faints in the Narshe mines

In a similar vein to Cait Sith from Final Fantasy 7, Mog is a party member who heavily relies on luck to be effective in battle. His primary ability, Dance, has a 50/50 chance of either doing absolutely nothing, or going berserk and dishing out as much damage as possible to all enemies in sight.

4 Vivi

Height: 3' 11"

Vivi lighting up a fire spell
Final Fantasy 9

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PS1 , Android , iOS , PC
July 7, 2000
Square Enix

Vivi is a shy, clumsy, but ultimately well-intentioned black mage who can deal a staggering amount of damage in combat with the use of his devastating magic attacks and techniques. At the beginning of Final Fantasy 9, Vivi starts off as being quite self-conscious about his abilities and appearance, which feeds into his more existential mindset which he struggles with throughout much of the story.

As the game continues on though, Vivi starts to come to terms with his identity crisis, and even acts as a huge pillar of support for Zidane, who goes through a similar experience after learning his true identity at the end of the game. Vivi's size is one of his most recognizable features, but it also relates to his mindset of feeling insignificant and worthless in a world that seems to be growing ever larger with each passing day.

3 Red XIII

Height: 3' 9"

Final Fantasy 7

January 31, 1997
Square Enix

Red XIII may be one of the smaller members of the Final Fantasy 7 crew, but this only helps in making him fast on his feet, which perfectly suits his hit-and-run fighting style. In all honesty though, it's easy to forget about Red's size considering how unique his overall appearance is, with his tribal markings and ornaments adding so much visual intrigue to the character, it's easy to see why he became such a fan favorite.

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Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Red XIII has numerous skills he can equip to his collars which can change his playstyle or make his abilities more powerful.

Another reason why people often gloss over Red's stature is because he still looks like he could pack just as much of a punch as the bigger party members thanks to his deadly claws and fangs. He's a fascinating character who can look rather innocent on the surface, but when Red has an enemy in his sights, he's capable of tearing them to shreds if they're getting in the way of the mission at hand.

2 Cait Sith

Height: 3' 4"

Cait Sith
Final Fantasy 7

January 31, 1997
Square Enix

When Cait Sith is riding atop his large and cuddly Moogle, he's roughly the same size as a regular human, but when he hops off his beloved toy, he's actually revealed to be quite small. His size starts to make a bit more sense when learning of Cait Sith's history, and why he was created in the first place. Reeve designed Sith to act as a spy, and so, he was designed to be small and cat-like so he wouldn't draw too much attention.

The first prototype of Cait Sith was easily destroyed, and as a result, Reeve created the gigantic Moogle to act as his assistant, allowing him to at least defend himself if anyone does managed to catch onto his real identity. As has been shown in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth though, Cait can still cause some real chaos when hopping off his giant friend, especially when he starts rolling his dice around.

1 Porom / Palom

Height: 3' 1"

Polom and Porom
Final Fantasy 4

July 19, 1991

Porom and Palom are two magical twins who run into Cecil after being saved from the ravenous Leviathan early on in Final Fantasy 4's story. Soon after, they decide to join the party where they become the primary mages of the group, hanging back to weaken enemies while the bigger and bulkier members of the group do all the physical work. Despite both twins having a underlying hunger for adventure, they're still very young and wouldn't be able to handle themselves in a fight if they didn't have the rest of the party backing them up.

Despite this though, the two youngsters are incredibly brave for their age, and are even willing to put their lives on the line for the sake of their teammates. A prime example of this is near the end of the game when the party is about to be crushed by walls closing in on them. In an act of desperation, the twins turn themselves to stone in order to rescue the others, which just goes to show how brave they really are, despite their appearance.

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With Dark Souls and Game of Thrones creators working on Elden Ring, there is no doubt that they produced some amazing bosses, especially tall ones