The Final Fantasy series is home to some of the most adorable creatures in gaming, but not all of them are as charming as a Chocobo or a Moogle. Some creatures have been implemented to spark fear in the player and, thanks to their unique designs, fulfill their purpose exceptionally well.

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The further a player journeys in the story of a Final Fantasy game, the more likely they are to stumble across some terrifying creatures awaiting them. If the designs of these enemies aren't enough to send chills down a player's spine, their calamitous abilities are sure to rectify their failed attempt at intimidation.

10 Ravus - Final Fantasy 15

Ravus as a Daemon in FF15

Ravus Nox Fleuret acts as one of the primary antagonists of Final Fantasy 15. Though his sister is soon to marry Noctis, Ravus holds little respect for him and deems him unworthy of her love. He eventually reevaluates his opinions on Noctis and decides to fight by his side for the sake of the planet, but Ardyn has different ideas.

Disguised as Noctis, Ardyn murders Ravus due to his traitorous ways but later resurrects him as a daemon. Now infused with the Starscourge, Ravus is forced to abide by Ardyn's commands. His daemon form sees his body covered in a black tar-like substance that shapes itself to replace his missing limbs. He begs Noctis to end his suffering during their battle, making the fight an incredibly unsettling one.

9 Yunalesca - Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 10 Yunalesca

After finally reaching the end of their journey, Yuna is faced with an extremely difficult choice. She is asked by Yunalesca to sacrifice one of her friends to obtain the final summoning, the only being capable of penetrating Sin's armor. She refuses to abide by Yunalesca's wishes, a disagreement that leads the unsent summoner to transform into a monstrous creature and attack.

The battle with Yunalesca consists of three stages, but the third and final one is arguably the most harrowing. She discards her human form and morphs into a giant head with tentacles protruding from her skull. It is a horrifying image made even more intimidating due to the devastating power she wields.

8 Zodiark - Final Fantasy 12

Final Fantasy Zodiark

After delving into the depths of the Henne Mines, Vaan and his companions will make the acquaintance of Final Fantasy 12's most powerful esper, Zodiark. Obtaining ten other espers grants access to the battle against Zodiark, but even a fully leveled party will struggle to beat it.

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Zodiark's design portrays it as nothing more than a floating severed dragon head surrounded by an ancient stone ring. Its attack pattern is largely unpredictable, but it usually begins each battle with Darkja, a bafflingly powerful spell capable of instantly killing whoever it is aimed at. Zodiark is arguably the most intimidating foe present in the game, so the player will be able to breathe a sigh of relief once it has finally been vanquished.

7 Typhon - Final Fantasy 6

Typhon and Ultros in Final Fantasy 13-2

The first few battles against Ultros see him relying more on quick-witted verbal abuse than physical strength. He will repeatedly berate the party during each encounter in an attempt to lessen their confidence, but his words can only get him so far.

The final battle with Ultros aboard Setzer's airship reveals that he has gained the power to summon monsters to make up for his poor fighting skills. After enough damage has been dealt to this giant octopus, he will call forth Typhon, a hideous pink beast who wears a horrifying grimace on both of its contorted faces. It is impossible to truly define what Typhon is due to its odd design, but this serves to amplify the terror it conveys.

6 Jenova Dreamweaver - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Jenova boss battle from Final Fantasy VII Remake

After impaling Barret with his legendary Masamune, Sephiroth transforms into Jenova Dreamweaver. Though this alien life form is merely a vision projected by Jenova herself, there is no use in denying the fear it can strike in all those who witness its presence.

It is a grotesque creature with multiple tentacles and protrusions extending from its body. Unlike like its polygon predecessor, this rendition of Jenova is a true horror to behold thanks to the Remake's graphical upgrade. Though Sephiroth is arguably the most frightening presence in Final Fantasy 7 Remake, Jenova Dreamweaver is undoubtedly the scariest enemy to look upon.

5 Chimera - Final Fantasy 10

chimera final fantasy 10

Chimeras are arguably some of the most terrifying enemies to ever exist in Final Fantasy. Though their design varies depending on the title they appear in, they are most commonly presented to be a hybrid of numerous frightening monsters.

The Chimera of Final Fantasy 10 features three separate heads and a snake's body in place of a tail. Tidus will first encounter these monsters while exploring the Macalania Forest. Out of all the enemies in the forest, the Chimera will pose the greatest threat due to its ability to cast high-level magic on multiple characters. They are intimidating opponents in combat, but their design makes them far more daunting to behold.

4 Goblin - Final Fantasy 15

The Goblin enemy in FF15

Final Fantasy 15 incorporates multiple horror elements into its story, especially through the design of its dungeons. Dungeons are typically engulfed in darkness and chock-full of precarious terrain, but the creatures lurking in the depths of these pits tend to be their most frightening feature.

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Noctis and his allies will likely encounter multiple Goblin enemies during their visit to the Balouve Mines. Defeating these enemies requires little effort, but their design is sure to spark fear in the player and leave them feeling more anxious the deeper they venture into their domain.

3 Tonberry - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Final Fantasy 7 Remake Tonberry

Cloud and his comrades will stumble upon a Tonberry during Chapter 13 as part of the "Malicious Goons" side quest. It is introduced to the party by a group of bandits who claim they purchased the creature on the black market.

Upon initial inspection, the Tonberry seems to pose little threat, but looks can be deceiving. Its size diminishes all sense of intimidation while its adorable face causes it to resemble a cuddly toy more than a monster. The tiny knife it wields, however, is able down a party member in one hit, making the Tonberry one of the most dangerous creatures in Final Fantasy.

2 Marlboro - Final Fantasy 8

Marlboro from Final Fantasy VIII

The Marlboro enemy has undergone numerous design changes throughout the Final Fantasy series, but never have these alterations rendered the beast less terrifying. They are usually depicted sporting an amalgamation of green tentacles and a giant mouth full of razor-sharp teeth.

If the sight of a Marlboro isn't enough to terrify a player, its devastating abilities surely will be. The Bad Breath ability it possesses can inflict an array of deadly status ailments on the player, often leading to a quick demise if the battle is approached unprepared. No matter how prepared the player is, the Marlboro can easily dominate a battle if left unchecked.

1 Daemonwall - Final Fantasy 15

Daemonwall from Final Fantasy XV

The Demon Wall is a recurring enemy that makes several appearances in multiple Final Fantasy titles. Unlike most enemies in the series, it can completely devastate a party if its unusual battle tactics aren't quickly learned.

Most fights against the Demon Wall see it slowly closing in on the party throughout a battle. If the player isn't quick on their feet, it will crush the party against the rear wall of the battle arena. Noctis can face three different Daemonwalls in Final Fantasy 15, but the one encountered in Steyliff Grove poses the greatest threat out of them all.

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