With Final Fantasy holding the distinction as one of the most acclaimed RPG franchises in gaming history, it’s unsurprising how its games became the benchmark for mainstream fantasy JRPG experiences. Whereas other modern RPGs let players customize their characters’ skill sets in the way they wish, most Final Fantasy games have their cast gravitate towards certain combat roles. For instance, characters of the Warrior or even the Paladin Jobs always serve as heavy-hitting tanks that remain in the frontlines to protect the rest of the team.

Related: Final Fantasy 6: Terra Scenario Walkthrough

In fact, most tank characters in the Final Fantasy series almost always have the highest Strength statistic, with only their personalities and approaches in combat being different. While these Strength characters are indeed the most durable and Physical Damage-leaning compared to their comrades, just what else do these characters offer in their respective Final Fantasy titles?

7 Umaro (Final Fantasy 6)

  • Starting Strength: 57
  • Max Strength: 255

During Terra’s journey to save the world in Final Fantasy 6, she and her companions stumble upon a Yeti named Umaro that, thanks to Mog’s assertion, eventually joins them as a party member. Fiercely loyal to both Mog and the team, Umaro has a strong sense of honor and is willing to protect them at all costs. Umaro holds the distinction of perhaps being one of the few cast members in the franchise to have a resemblance to classic Final Fantasy monsters, with his innate ferocity reflected in his stats.

Umaro doesn’t just have the highest Strength in Final Fantasy 6, but also has the highest Stamina, Defense, and Magic Defense. With the right setup, Umaro can be the perfect tank for any team especially in tough boss fights.

6 Adelbert Steiner (Final Fantasy 9)

Adelbert Steiner-1
  • Starting Strength: 24
  • Max Strength: 60

Initially assigned to protect Princess Garnet as the captain of the Knights of Pluto, Adelbert Steiner unwittingly becomes a part of Zidane’s thieving group when they kidnap the Princess. Steadfast yet rather black-and-white in his worldview, Steiner initially found it difficult to understand Zidane’s good intentions. However, events in the game eventually had Steiner change his views and eventually becomes one of their best warriors.

In terms of stats and gameplay in Final Fantasy 10, Steiner has a build similar to the Knight and Mystic Knight Jobs. He boasts the highest Defense and HP in the party, making him viable for boss battles due to his sustains. While he lacks unique Support Abilities, his Sword Arts have a lot of stat breaks that enable him to bypass defenses more effectively. His Strength eventually becomes the highest in the team, with Amarant the Ninja/Monk Job representative being the second-highest.

5 Rinoa Heartilly (Final Fantasy 8)

Rinoa Heartilly
  • Starting Strength: 1
  • Max Strength: 67

Square Enix makes its foray into the realm of realistic characters with a love story, courtesy of Final Fantasy 8. Gardens are established to train students to become mercenaries, with protagonist Squall Leonhart crossing paths with Rinoa Heartilly, a member of the freedom-fighting Forest Owls. When things go awry, Rinoa permanently joins Squall’s team, aiding the squad with her specialization in Magic as well as access to some of the game’s strongest Guardian Forces.

Related: Final Fantasy: Playable Characters with the Highest HP

What’s interesting about Rinoa as a Final Fantasy 8 character is how, with the right raising, she can become one of the highest stat-bearers in the game. When leveled up properly, Rinoa has the potential to outshine the likes of Laguna and Seifer in terms of Strength, while she may also be able to outclass the likes of Quistis in the Magic department. This is quite the ironic development of her character, as she’s considered the one in the party with the least combat experience.

4 Basch Fon Ronsenburg (Final Fantasy 12)

Basch Fon Ronsenburg
  • Starting Strength: 26
  • Max Strength: 77

While Final Fantasy 12 protagonist Vaan had simple dreams of becoming a sky pirate, a chance encounter with his eventual party mates would have him involved in a grand conspiracy that could reshape the face of Ivalice. However, while Vaan does have the best distribution of stats and the highest eventual Strength in the gameplay of Final Fantasy 12, he shares the same maximum Strength with Basch Fon Rosenburg. Considered a disgraced knight for the accusation of killing Dalmasca’s King Raminas, Basch will be recruited into the party first as a guest before transforming into an ever-reliable physical powerhouse.

As with other characters in the game, Basch does have a polarizing stat distribution, motivating players to pair him properly with other teammates. While his HP Growth is the highest among the roster, his Speed, Vitality, and MP Growth are the lowest in the party. Not only that, he shares the same maximum Strength with Vaan, making both of them the highest-rated characters in terms of STR. Instead of Vaan, Basch seems the more appealing option for the Strength powerhouse simply due to the controversy surrounding him and the game’s development. Due to Vaan’s rather immature and “dull” demeanor, fans speculated he may have been a main character. This rumor was exacerbated further by an old interview regarding the game’s development that may have been taken out of context. FF12 developer Yasumi Matsuno has recently debunked this rumor in a tweet.

3 Cloud Strife (Final Fantasy 7)

Cloud STrife
  • Starting Strength: 20
  • Max Strength: 98-100

Square Enix spared no expense when it comes to bringing Final Fantasy to its first 3D foray, with Final Fantasy 7 being a landmark hit in both graphics and gameplay. Set in a dystopia where the world of Midgar’s life energy is continuously being harvested, Cloud Strife is recruited by eco-terrorism organization AVALANCHE into fighting the monopoly Shinra Corporation to free the world of their control. What begins as a simple attack escalates into a mission to save the world, with Cloud learning more about his mysterious past along the way.

Related: Final Fantasy 6: Locke Scenario Walkthrough

Armed with his iconic Buster Sword, it makes sense for Cloud to be the strongest member of his team - thematically and, surprisingly, mechanically in Final Fantasy 7. In the game, Cloud can be raised to have not just the highest Strength but also Magic, allowing him to work with any party setup. Thanks to this characteristic, players can build Cloud to accommodate almost any combat role they need, ensuring he’s capable of dishing out physical damage and be reliable with Materia should he need to use them.

2 Gladiolus (Final Fantasy 15)

  • Starting Strength: 27
  • Max Strength: 416

In a game like Final Fantasy 15 where the player starts and ends the story with virtually the same four characters, it’s natural for its cast members to be relegated to particular role. Serving as the main guardian of protagonist Noctis Lucis Caelum, it’s his Kingsguard Gladiolus that is the dedicated physical powerhouse of the boyband-esque team. Equipped primarily with a Greatsword and a Shield, Gladiolus has the highest Strength and HP in the group.

Gameplay-wise, Gladiolus is able to use his Greatsword not just as a single-hand weapon but also a throwable projectile, allowing him to cover almost any range option. He can also use his Shield as a knuckle to pound the ground and knockdown enemies, leaving even the toughest FF15 monsters open for combos. Much of his Techniques and special attacks revolve around various slashes and slices to accommodate various combat situations, adding an element of physicality to the team’s otherwise flashy moveset.

1 Oerba Yun Fang (Final Fantasy 13)

Oerba Yun Fang
  • Starting Strength: 145
  • Max Strength: 205

When protagonist Lightning of Final Fantasy 13 and her friends discover their nature as god-empowered l'Cie, they embark on a journey against time to complete their Focus before suffering a fate worse than death. Among her companions is Oerba Yun Fang, a bandit guild leader skilled with the spear. As the last of Lightning’s I’Cie companions to arrive, Fang fits the stereotype of the franchise’s Dragoon.

Fang boasts the highest Strength among the I’Cies in the gameplay of Final Fantasy 13, evidenced by her non-elemental Eidolon (Summon) Bahamut, but also has a glaring weakness against enemies who can resist physical attacks. Compared to the rest of the cast, Fang has great potential in becoming the players’ frontline Commando due to her sheer physical power. However, Fang can become just as an efficient Saboteur in a nifty Paradigm Shift as her abilities can hinder enemy progress more effectively than other party members.

Final Fantasy 16 launches on June 22 for PS5.

More: Final Fantasy: 7 Playable Characters With The Highest MP