When one talks about some of the greatest JRPG franchises around, then it goes without saying that Final Fantasy would be an inevitable part of the conversation. In fact, most people who have zero knowledge about this genre would've at least heard about this franchise, which is a testament to the lasting legacy of Square Enix's most recognizable IP.

One of the biggest reasons why Final Fantasy is so incredibly successful is mainly due to the fact that the series has featured a number of memorable characters over the course of its run, with each game featuring some absolute standouts that are truly brilliant, whether in combat or otherwise. So, as is the case with any super-charged fandom, gamers have already thoroughly debated who the best party members in each game are and how they augment the combat.

RELATED: 5 Final Fantasy Games That Were Too Short (& 5 That Were Way Too Long)

However, in this discussion, some truly perplexing names have been mentioned that are less-than-stellar in most practical combat scenarios. Keeping this in mind, here are ten of the most overrated party members ever featured in a Final Fantasy game.

10 Vincent Valentine (FFVII)

ff7 remake part 2 vincent

While only an optional character, one can't deny that Vincent Valentine is one of the more popular characters from Final Fantasy VII, and the fact that he had an extended cameo in Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children, coupled with a spinoff title of his own, should be enough to prove this point.

However, in the game itself, Vincent can prove to be quite a pain to use. His Limit Break leads to players losing control of his character, and his Ultimate Weapon requires so much grinding to be useful that it's simply not worth it.

9 Selphie Tilmitt (FFVIII)

Selphie is easily one of the most annoying party members in Final Fantasy VIII, but most people still insist on using this character simply because of her overpowered Limit Break The End, which kills any enemy — including endgame bosses and superbosses — in one shot.

However, what most people fail to mention here is the fact that The End is an extremely rare Limit Break, and most players have close to no chances of triggering it unless they wish to turn the entire game into an absolute snoozefest.

8 Edgar Figaro (FFVI)

Edgar Figaro from Final Fantasy VI

At the start of the game, Edgar is easily one of the best party members in Final Fantasy VI. His tools make him borderline overpowered, allowing him to deal a ton of damage early on without using any MP or anything along the same lines.

RELATED: Final Fantasy VI Vs Chrono Trigger: Which Game Is Better?

However, as the game progresses, Edgar slowly loses this edge over his teammates, becoming nothing more than an average-at-best party member by the end. It's certainly still an admirable status to have, but there are plenty of party members in Final Fantasy VI that are simply better.

7 Amarant Coral (FFIX)

Amarant might seem like one of the cooler Final Fantasy characters around, but the fact of the matter is that none of his abilities really make him all that useful in most combat scenarios.

The fact that Freya can do everything he can but in better fashion shows that Amarant is nothing more than a throwaway character at best, despite his radical and unique appearance.

6 Irvine Kinneas (FFVIII)

Most Final Fantasy players swear by Irvine as one of the best party members in Final Fantasy VIII simply because he can use Fast Ammo in his Shot Limit Break to deal immense damage near the endgame.

However, farming the resources to make Fast Ammo can prove to be quite a pain, making Irvine's Limit Break — his only selling point — useful only in specific situations. Unless the player is willing to go through the tedious grind of acquiring all the materials required to craft as much Fast Ammo as possible, that is.

5 Mog (FFVI)

Mog From Final Fantasy VI

At first glance, Mog might seem like a rather unique party member to have in Final Fantasy VI. After all, he has access to some fairly damaging attacks, including a Dance ability that is quite fun to flesh out, what with the player having to fight in a ton of diverse areas.

However, players will soon realize that Mog's damage is fairly bog-standard and nowhere near the full potential that the party can reach with a slew of other party members instead.

4 Quina Quen (FFIX)

Blue Mages are generally the black sheep of the Final Fantasy series, so most people tend to write them off from the get-go in most of the franchise's games. However, most people are willing to make an exception for Quina, who can actually deal some pretty hefty damage near the start of the game if the player is willing to do the busywork involved.

However, stat growths are what ultimately matters in Final Fantasy IX, and Quina suffers from a lack of any good stat growths, making her extremely mediocre by the endgame.

3 Yuffie Kisaragi (FFVII)

Getting Yuffie in the player's party can prove to be a task in itself, but one might argue it isn't even worth it, given that she has remarkably poor stats that lead to her being awfully mediocre across the board.

RELATED: Final Fantasy 7: Every Party Member, Ranked From Worst To Best

She might have a really powerful Limit Break in the form of All Creation, but that simply isn't enough to redeem this character as a decent party member.

2 Tidus (FFX)

Tidus is one of the more divisive protagonists in Final Fantasy, and his usefulness in combat is one of the main reasons why people have such a major problem with him.

Tidus' damage isn't anything to write home about, making him fairly frustrating to use for the majority of Final Fantasy X. While these frustrations can be quelled somewhat with the obtainment of Hastega and Quick Hit, it's still not enough to redeem one of the weakest protagonists in Final Fantasy history.

1 Tifa (FFVII)

Tifa might be everyone's favorite female Final Fantasy character, but as a party member she can prove to be largely ineffective during a large section of Final Fantasy VII.

She might have the third-highest Strength potential in the game, but all of this is offset by poor Magic skills and a Limit Break that can prove to be downright tedious to use, and not even all that damaging in the long run. Tifa may be a fan favorite, but you might actually have better options here.

NEXT: 10 JRPGs That Define The Genre (& Aren't Final Fantasy Games)