
  • FF games follow the classic hero formula, but with flawed and selfish characters who eventually grow.
  • Cloud, Squall, Balthier, Quina, and Cid display varying degrees of selfishness and growth.
  • Character growth and redemption are key themes, even in flawed characters like Cid Highwind.

Even though the vast majority of Final Fantasy games are set in distinct worlds with their own cast of characters, most of them follow the same winning formula. The player is handed control of a collection of brave, plucky heroes and is tasked with saving everyone from a world-ending threat. It's been over thirty years, and it still hasn't gotten old.

Best Final Fantasy Game For Every PlayStation Console

Each and every PlayStation console has had numerous Final Fantasy games released for fans to enjoy, but which of them are among the best?

The best Final Fantasy games follow this formula but play with it in interesting ways. The playable characters might be heroes, but they're often flawed, and their true goals are less than altruistic. Even the most popular characters aren't always that likable. A fair few of them can be described as being downright selfish.

5 Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy 7

A Mercenary

Coud staring up at a mako reactor
Final Fantasy 7

January 31, 1997
Square Enix

A lot of fans might argue that Cloud is Final Fantasy's best protagonist, but that doesn't mean he lacks flaws. In fact, it's his flaws that make him such a compelling character. Everyone's favorite spiky-haired mercenary starts out in Final Fantasy 7 as selfish and rude.

7 Best Rivalries In Final Fantasy, Ranked

The Final Fantasy series has had some pretty heated rivalries over the years, some of which have gone down as iconic within the history of gaming.

To begin with, all Cloud cares about is getting paid. He's cold and callous towards Tifa as she tries to reconnect with him and is willing to commit a terrorist attack for a meager 5,000 Gil. Of course, over time, he warms up and turns into the world-saving hero everyone adores, but for the first few opening hours, his defining trait is his selfishness. Even later on in the game, his selfish rivalry with Sephiroth is one of his biggest motivators, leading him to make questionable decisions.

4 Squall Lionheart - Final Fantasy 8

Pushes Others Away

final fantasy 8 squall
Final Fantasy 8

February 11, 1999
Square Enix

Squall might just be one of Final Fantasy's most misunderstood individuals. Over the years, he's become the poster child for overly angsty Final Fantasy characters, but look a little closer, and there's a lot more depth to him. That being said, he can certainly be selfish.

Squall's selfishness stems from his shyness and social anxiety. Especially in the early game, he repeatedly pushes away other characters, even in times of need. Both Zell and Selphie try their best to get close to Squall, and he's downright rude to both of them. As the party's leader, Squall's teammates depend on him for emotional support, and he fails them. Thankfully, Squall grows throughout the game, abandoning his selfishness to become not just a great leader but a good friend to those who need him.

3 Balthier - Final Fantasy 12

Thinks He's The Leading Man

Balthier in Final Fantasy 12
Final Fantasy 12

PS4 , PS2 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
October 31, 2006
Square Enix

Final Fantasy 12 might be the most timeless RPG on the PS2 but most people would agree it has one of the series' blandest and most forgettable protagonists - Vanilla Vaan. Thankfully, Square Enix gave fans Balthier to spice things up, a character so cocky and seemingly self-centered that he refers to himself as the story's "Leading Man."

7 Final Fantasy Games With The Best Villain Rosters, Ranked

The Final Fantasy series features some of gaming's most iconic villains, with some entries giving fans an entire roster of great bad guys in one go.

In the beginning, Balthier puts personal gain and adventure as a sky pirate over being a "good guy." Simply put, his motivations initially seem self-serving, although he quickly grows more committed to the party's cause. While most of Balthier's cocky persona turns out to be a mask he wears, he never fully casts away his self-centeredness. Mask or not, he truly seems to consider himself the main character, landing him a spot slightly above Squall and Cloud.

2 Quina - Final Fantasy 9

Only Interested In Food

Quina Quen on a field
Final Fantasy 9

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PS1 , Android , iOS , PC
July 7, 2000
Square Enix

Every nice thing fans tend to say about Final Fantasy characters having depth can be thrown out the window when it comes to Quina. They are about as deep as a puddle after a light shower. All Quina cares about is filling its belly and finding new things to eat. There are lots of Final Fantasy characters who should have been party members, but few fans would have missed Quina.

Quina doesn't seem to care about the overarching, world-ending threat of Final Fantasy 9 and rarely shows concern for the other party members. Several times throughout the story, Quina's obsession with food actually puts the party at risk.

1 Cid Highwind - Final Fantasy 7

A Selfish Jerk

A screenshot of Cid Highwind in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix

It says a lot about how well-written Final Fantasy 7 is that its cast of characters is so popular. Sadly, good writing can only go so far, and for many modern fans, Cid Highwind is pretty much irredeemable. He's not the most evil character in Final Fantasy history or anything. He's just a selfish jerk.

8 Unluckiest Final Fantasy Characters

The world of Final Fantasy can be rough, and these characters simply cannot catch a break!

Cid is a former Shinra rocket scientist who was supposed to be the first man in space until his big launch was canceled at the very last minute. The experience left him a bitter shell of a man who took out his disappointment on everyone around him. Especially poor Shera, his former colleague and love interest, who decides to put up with his abuse for some unknown reason.

Cid decides to join the party for purely selfish reasons and uses the party's mission to retake control of his beloved airship and finally get a chance to go to space. Cid does grow throughout the story and receives some redemption. However, his years-long abuse of Shera and utter selfishness towards her win him the top ranking.

Final Fantasy: 9 Best Worlds To Live In

If players were to live in a world straight out of the Final Fantasy franchise, it would have to be one of the following.