Since its debut in 1987, the Final Fantasy series has featured a variety of immersive stories helmed by some of the most iconic characters to ever grace video games. Countless unique narratives have been told throughout each entry, but some haven't aged all too well.

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The Final Fantasy series got away with a great deal during the early years of its inception. Though some would argue the franchise's earlier installments are without flaws, it's hard to ignore certain elements. The franchise has crossed more than one line since its first entry, with some gaining more infamy than others.

5 The Option To Romance Rikku - Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 10 Rikku Copycat Yuna Auron Kimahri Tidus

Rikku's role in Final Fantasy 10 is a crucial one. If not for her willingness to divulge critical information, Tidus may never have discovered that Yuna was destined to die at the end of her pilgrimage to Zanarkand. She is also one of the most powerful characters present in the party, a trait that helped her to become one of the most loved characters in the entire series.

At its core, Final Fantasy 10 is a love story that revolves around Tidus and Yuna. The fact that the player is given the chance to romance Lulu during the narrative is strange, but the option to romance Rikku is unsettling. Tidus is seventeen years old, while Rikku is only fifteen. She alludes to this age difference if Tidus shows a romantic interest in her, further emphasizing how strange his advances are. Although Tidus reacts uncomfortably to learning of the age difference, it doesn't remedy the scenario's questionable undertones. The removal of this exchange wouldn't affect the story in any way, which begs the question: why was it even included?

4 Wakka's Blatant Racism - Final Fantasy 10

Though Final Fantasy 10's primary goal is to tell a convincing love story, it also makes a point to address a very important political issue. The Guado and the Al Bhed suffer severe persecution throughout the narrative, with most Yevonites regarding the groups as lesser people. The Guado don't become targets until the climax of the story, but the Al Bhed are subjected to both verbal and physical abuse regularly throughout. The story makes a point to portray all ethnicities as equals, but certain characters tend to derail its message.

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As an Al Bhed, Rikku is no stranger to being ostracized by different groups, but things begin to look up when she joins Yuna on her pilgrimage. Unfortunately, Wakka harbors a strong dislike for the Al Bhed as he believes the culture's influence led to the death of his brother, Chappu. Because of this, he thinks poorly of Rikku and, even though he eventually apologizes for his judgmental attitude, it's hard to forgive him for his racist remarks.

3 Zidane's Advances - Final Fantasy 9

FF_0005_Zidane & Princess Garnet (Final Fantasy IX)

Upon kidnapping Garnet from her home in Alexandria, Zidane begins to develop feelings for her. Their relationship is presented in a way that allows it to grow subtly, but Zidane has a habit of trying to speed up the process by forcing the romance whenever she gets the chance to. Though the two eventually embrace their feelings for each other by the end of the narrative, there were multiple moments throughout where Garnet didn't reciprocate.

Garnet doesn't consent to most of Zidane's advances, but she especially despises his attempt to grope her while the two are climbing onto an airship. While grabbing her, Zidane says "Ooo, soft..." to which Garnet shrieks, confirming her discomfort. Though some fans regard this as a sweet moment that showcases their blossoming love, there is no evidence of Garnet consenting. For the most part, Zidane is a lovable character, but his misogynistic approach to romance negates his more endearing traits.

2 Hojo's Planned Experiment - Final Fantasy 7

Hojo in Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Final Fantasy 7 Remake has rectified several mistakes made in the original game by altering certain elements in its updated story. Though a few managed to slip through the cracks, the worst of them have been left behind in favor of conveying a less controversial narrative. Many regard the original Final Fantasy 7 as the best entry in the franchise even with its flaws, but some appreciate the new direction the reboot seems to be going in.

Upon reaching Hojo's lab in the original, Cloud and the party will watch from a distance as Hojo interrogates a captive Aerith. The Remake saw Hojo theorizing about breeding Aerith with Sephiroth to create a perfect specimen, but his original intention was much more disgusting. Hojo once planned to breed Aerith with Red XIII, a canine-like creature who, at that point in the story, bared no resemblance to a human. Fundamentally, he's a dog, but that didn't stop Hojo from planning to breed him with a human. Though it made Hojo feel like a much more sinister villain, it's hard to look back at the scene without grimacing.

1 Edgar's Romantic Pursuits - Final Fantasy 6

Edgar recounts his conversation with Relm in Final Fantasy 6

As the king and sole ruler of Figaro, most would expect Edgar to be a wise and respectable man. Upon meeting him, however, he begins to show his true colors. Edgar regards himself as "ladies' man," a title that undermines his otherwise endearing characteristics. He throws himself at most of Final Fantasy 6's female characters but, thankfully, none appreciate his attempts to woo them.

It's one thing to treat people as objects, but to attempt to engage romantically with Relm Arrowny is something else entirely. Upon meeting Relm, Edgar asks the ten-year-old how old she is. Relm responds with her age before calling the king a "weirdo" and running away. Though Edgar doesn't pursue a romance with Relm ever again, the fact that he even thought to ask her how old she was is repulsive and should never have been included in the game.

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