The Final Fantasy series has given fans many lengthy and memorable stories through the years, all of which come with unique moments. From the chaotic end of the world in Final Fantasy 6 to Aerith's tragic death in Final Fantasy 7, the series definitely pulls no punches when it comes to shocking fans with emotional scenes.

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But while the emotional moments of the Final Fantasy series get most of the attention, it is also important to appreciate the moments in the series that make players laugh. For a series not necessarily known for its comedy, these moments in the Final Fantasy series certainly had fans laughing until they cried.

8 Locke Gets Seasick (Final Fantasy 6)

Locke throwing up over the side of the ship in Final Fantasy 6

Locke Cole has always been a humorous character of sorts in Final Fantasy 6. From infiltrating South Figaro to making jokes at Edgar's expense, this lovable thief (or rather, treasure hunter) remains one of the liveliest characters in the series, even when his health turns for the worse, as shown on the boat ride to Thamasa.

After a heartfelt conversation between Terra, General Leo, and later Shadow, a nauseous Locke suddenly stumbles across the deck of the ship before vomiting over the side. An embarrassing moment in its own right, the fact that Shadow bore witness to the entire moment makes this moment all the more hilarious for everyone except Locke.

7 Cross-Dressing Cloud (Final Fantasy 7)

Don Corneo ogling at a crossdressing Cloud in Final Fantasy 7

One of the more popular scenes in the series, Cloud's cross-dressing quest was an early game highlight in Final Fantasy 7, so much so that there were great expectations as to how this quest would be handled in the remake. What further cemented the hilarity of the quest was the number of items that could be found by talking to the denizens of Wall Market.

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Finding the best items for Cloud's disguise will ultimately result in Don Corneo choosing him as his bride for the night. What ensues is a rather humorous scene in which Don Corneo relentlessly flirts with Cloud, made even funnier by the fact that Cloud can potentially respond by saying Barret is his boyfriend.

6 Cecil Thinks He Can Dance (Final Fantasy 4)

Cecil dancing alongside a Dancing Girl in Final Fantasy 4

While modern Final Fantasy games have left them in the past, Dancing Girls were a recurring fixture in the earlier games. Best known for showing off their dancing, Final Fantasy 4 takes this even further by having several dancers within the game; for the sake of comedic relief, these dancers even included a cross-dressing monk and a drunken dwarf.

But the most well-known dancer in Final Fantasy 4 would be the Dancing Girl in Baron, who was affected by the false king Cagnazzo's harsh rule along with the rest of the townspeople. But once Cagnazzo is defeated, Cecil can talk to this girl and dance with her, resulting in a rather funny cutscene of Cecil mimicking all of her dance moves, even the more suggestive ones.

5 The Third Fight Against Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy 5)

The party facing off against Gilgamesh in Final Fantasy 5

Final Fantasy 5 is well-known for having the most comedy in the series, and no one drives that point home more than the recurring warrior Gilgamesh. Players can first encounter Gilgamesh and his humor on the Big Bridge in Galuf's World, but it is his appearance at Castle Exdeath in which Gilgamesh is at his funniest.

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After some witty, fourth-wall-breaking banter, Gilgamesh assumes his true form and starts attacking the party with what he believes is the legendary blade Excalibur. It is at that moment that the sword is actually the legendary blade's phony counterpart Excalipoor, which distresses Gilgamesh even as he is banished into the Interdimensional Rift by Exdeath.

4 Tidus And Yuna Laugh Together (Final Fantasy 10)

Tidus and Yuna laughing near Luca Stadium in Final Fantasy 10

Unsurprisingly, Final Fantasy 10's iconic laughing scene remains one of the most hilarious scenes in the series. Since the events leading up to this scene were far more serious, the subsequent laughing scene serves as a nice and comical way to cut the tension.

After Tidus returns to the party, reeling upon finding out that his father Jecht is Sin, Yuna attempts to cheer him up by getting him to laugh, resulting in the pair fake-laughing, much to each other's amusement. The scene itself remains very awkward to this day, but there is something to be said about how this scene alone is the first to come up whenever the funniest moments in Final Fantasy are the topic.

3 Aerith's Deadly Chair (Final Fantasy 7 Remake)

Aerith attacking one of Don Corneo's underlings with a chair in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake

While the Don Corneo events were funny in the original Final Fantasy 7, the remake completely revamps the entire quest. It adds new events to spruce it up, as shown when Tifa and Aerith are left with Don Corneo's lackeys after Cloud is chosen as his bride for the night. It doesn't take long for a brawl to erupt, the biggest highlight being Aerith happily slapping one of the lackeys with a metal chair.

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The moment became a fan favorite nearly instantaneously, with many even going as far as to make memes of Aerith participating in a WWE match! Needless to say, any shady characters better think twice before messing with Aerith, as she can clearly count on more than just her Guard Stick and magic.

2 Lightning And Mog Reunite (Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy 13)

Lightning holding back an annoyed Mog in the Moogle Village in Lightning Returns Final Fantasy 13

After discovering the Moogle Village and defending it from invading monsters, Lightning recognizes Mog as the village chief and goes to speak to him about her sister Serah's possible revival. Mog, guilt-ridden as a result of Serah's death, is unable to face Lightning at first, but he later becomes ecstatic when Lightning asks him to bear witness to Serah's revival.

Mog's joy becomes short-lived, however, as he is quickly flicked away by Lightning when he goes to hug her, much to his annoyance. This scene certainly makes Lightning look like a bully, though she leaves Mog with some words of encouragement despite his childish protests.

1 Vivi And Quina Get Married (Final Fantasy 9)

Vivi and Quina get married in Condo Petie in Final Fantasy 9

While searching for Kuja in the Outer Continent, Zidane and his party were held up at Conde Petie, where the dwarves forbade anyone except married couples from going to the Sanctuary. Fortunately, Zidane managed to get permission to visit the Sanctuary by marrying Dagger, an occasion that is presided over by the dwarven Father David Heavenguard.

But afterward, in an optional scene, it is revealed that Vivi and Quina also got married to access the Sanctuary. Though the wedding is merely a sham to get through Condo Petie, Quina's dedication to their role coupled with Vivi's nervous disposition makes this scene a giggle-inducing gem that must be experienced.

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