Final Fantasy is a series full of charm, with its character archetypes being familiar yet memorable at the same time. It's clear that the series has a ton of heart that is poured into each and every facet of its design, with the many characters across both mainline Final Fantasy games and the various spin-offs receiving the bulk of this love.

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Even the bosses in these games have a ton of character, and some of them are so hilarious that they become the funniest part of the entire experience. The funniest bosses across the Final Fantasy series always manage to make the player laugh with their silly antics moments before a serious battle is about to happen.

7 NORG (Final Fantasy 8)

Final Fantasy 8 NORG battle

The Shumi in Final Fantasy 8 are selfless and helpful people who never mind lending a helping hand to others in their time of need. However, not all Shumi's are the same, with NORG being one such member of the race who is quite greedy and wants to get his grubby hands on as much cash as possible.

This leads to him taking over the operations of Balamb Garden from Cid, a move that doesn't sit well with Squall and his friends. They decide to head down to the basement of Balamb Garden and deal with this greedy coward once and for all, leading to a hilarious interaction with this character followed by a boss fight where players must remove NORG's pod and disable his support before unleashing a tidal wave of damage that puts this character in his place.

6 Ultros (Final Fantasy 6)

Final Fantasy 6 Ultros Fight

Ultros is a purple tentacled abomination that players encounter multiple times over the course of Final Fantasy 6. This boss seems pretty intimidating and even splits the party up at one point with his antics, so most people would assume that Ultros is a pretty cunning and powerful foe that players should be wary of every step of the way.

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However, the truth is that Ultros is actually a bit of a goofball who always ends up tripping over his own tentacles, causing his own problems more often than not. Even the other monster he teams up with, Typhon, isn't exactly the smartest around either, leading to these two goofy bosses being used for comedic effect while also serving up a decent challenge to the player at regular intervals.

5 Gilgamesh (Final Fantasy 5)

The Remedy Item in Final Fantasy Gilgamesh

Final Fantasy 5 is a game with a notable lighthearted tone, especially given that it follows a title that ramped up the seriousness a notch for the first time in a Final Fantasy title. The game's focus on an in-depth job system meant that the characters had to be more of a blank slate, but this wasn't necessarily a bad thing. While trying to hunt down Exdeath, the party ended up encountering one of his henchmen more often than not: Gilgamesh.

This game propelled Gilgamesh's popularity to new heights, with this charming yet goofy fighting showing a noble side in each battle. His penchant for collecting swords ends up backfiring a lot, with some of his blades doing little to no damage. Regardless, he still poses a serious challenge whenever the party encounters him, and being distracted by his jokes is no excuse for the loss he can inflict if he catches the party unawares.

4 Palmer (Final Fantasy 7)

The Palmer boss fight in Final Fantasy 7

The members of Shinra are all pretty vile in their own right, but Palmer is so pathetic that his boss fight is nothing more than a farce. All the other comedic bosses in the Final Fantasy series pose a serious challenge during their battles regardless of how funny they are, but Palmer is so weak that he can't even fight properly.

Even the way he's taken out in the boss fight is ludicrous, with Palmer seemingly avoiding the blades of an aircraft before running away from the party, only to then be hit by an incoming truck. While he does survive, the humiliation this character suffers during this fight should serve as a wake-up call, if nothing else.

3 Steiner (Final Fantasy 9)

Steiner in Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9 is a game full to the brim with the classic tropes and timeless charm of the series that fans love to this day. The game is considered by many to be the best one released on the PS1, which is hefty praise given that Final Fantasy 7 was also released on the same platform. All the party members in the game are quite unique in their own right, including everyone's favorite knight, Steiner.

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At the start of the game, Steiner appears as an enemy that players have to fight three times in the game. It's the third fight that is easily the most hilarious of the lot, with Steiner failing to realize the danger of a bomb that is about to explore behind him despite multiple warnings from his "enemies".

2 Dr. Lugae (Final Fantasy 4)

Dr. Lugae in Final Fantasy 4

It seems that Final Fantasy really loves the mad scientist trope, with the game experimenting around with the idea during the fourth game. During their chase of Golbez, players fight against his scientist Dr. Lugae and his monster, a Frankensteinian creature named Barnabas.

Numerous hilarious moments ensue right after, starting with Dr. Lugae ordering Barnabas to attack, only to be walloped by his own creation. That being said, this fight is no joke, with the final phase flipping healing and damage numbers to make for a really tricky encounter where players will stop laughing after realizing how tough things are getting.

1 Hell House (Final Fantasy 7 Remake)

Hell House in Final Fantasy VII Remake

Hell House was nothing more than a funny enemy encounter in the original game. The Remake decided to give this enemy the spotlight by turning it into a boss that is so devilishly hard that players will be at their wits' end by the conclusion of this long and grueling battle.

The fact that the Hell House's design looks absolutely ridiculous does help things a little, with the atmosphere of the arena coupled with the ludicrousness of this boss making for a fun spectacle. Players will be celebrating with tears of joy after taking down this tough yet funny boss in Final Fantasy 7 Remake.

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