Even with all the changes implemented to the series formula in Final Fantasy 16, certain staples of the series remain intact as touchpoints for longtime fans. Sure, there's a Cid, Chocobos, and even Moogles, but other series mainstays are also included to help remind fans that, despite all its innovations and differences, Final Fantasy 16 is still a Final Fantasy game at its core. Changes to the combat system to make it more in line with modern action games have thankfully not resulted in the loss of one of the Final Fantasy series core trademarks—a final dungeon where players test their skill against the game's toughest enemies and a gargantuan final boss encounter.

Since the very first game in the series, each Final Fantasy has included both a penultimate and ultimate dungeon where players fight their way through the climax of their long journey. These dungeons are often long, arduous, and labyrinthine structures that contain some of the games' best gear and most fearsome enemies, culminating in memorable boss battles and the resolution to the journey that players have undertaken with their party of heroes over dozens of hours. Final Fantasy 16's Origin is no exception, earning its place among a diverse and memorable set of iconic series locations for the final showdown.

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S Tier


Final Fantasy 6 (Kefka's Tower) - In addition to having one of the best casts and refined gameplay systems of any title in the series, Final Fantasy 6 also features the absolute best villain in the entire franchise. Not content to have his fortress be a linear path to the final battle, Kefka's Tower is every bit as mad as the man it's named after, with twisting passages and mini-boss fights around just about every corner.

Final Fantasy 7 (Northern Cave) - Similar to the final dungeon of its immediate predecessor, Final Fantasy 7's last stand against Sephiroth is a multilayered affair that requires the party to divide and conquer its challenges. Not only is this location the site of one of the most insane boss battles in the series history, it's a perfect late-game grinding spot for those trying to get their whole party to level 99.

Final Fantasy 4 (Lunar Subterrane) - Lunar Subterrane from Final Fantasy 4 is a welcome reprieve following the multi-stage final dungeon from its predecessor. With the ultimate confrontation against Zemus taking place in the actual core of the moon and plenty of secret passageways leading to the party's most powerful weapons, Lunar Subterrane is one of the best dungeons in the entire series, final or otherwise.

Final Fantasy 14 (The Dead Ends) - There could have been any number of entries for Final Fantasy 14 given its MMORPG nature, but The Dead Ends from the Endwalker expansion takes the cake as the best. The desolate and war-torn landscape that comprises the dungeon's environment only adds to the sense of impending doom facing the party as they head toward a climactic battle with Meteion.

RELATED:Exploration in Final Fantasy 16 is a Double-Edged Sword

A Tier

Via: YouTube (Mage Masher)

Final Fantasy 8 (Ultimecia's Castle) - Despite not ranking among the best games in the series, the last dungeon of Final Fantasy 8 is one of the best final locations in the franchise. Ultimecia's Castle is an imposing and stylized final location for Squall and company to come face to face with the evil sorceress UItimecia.

Final Fantasy 3 (Crystal Tower/World of Darkness) - Actually three dungeons in one, the World of Darkness from Final Fantasy 3 is undoubtedly the best dungeon from the original trilogy of Final Fantasy games on the NES. Excellent random encounters give way to a climactic boss battle with the Cloud of Darkness. Just make sure to have a Ninja and stock up on Shurikens.

Final Fantasy 10 (Inside Sin) - Final Fantasy 10 is one of the coolest-looking games in the series, and the last dungeon does not disappoint in that regard either. Tidus and his comrades use their airship to penetrate Sin's armor and progress through his innards to face the final emotional climax of one of the best games in the series.

B Tier

Final Fantasy 16 Ending Explained Siege of Origin

Final Fantasy 16 (Origin) - The latest Final Fantasy features a great final series of combat encounters in the form of Origin. Despite being mostly linear, the story payoff at the end makes up for the lack of dungeon variety.

Final Fantasy 12 (Sky Fortress Bahamut) - The Final Fantasy series has often been compared to Star Wars, and Final Fantasy 12 solidifies the comparison with its own version of the Death Star. Sky Fortress Bahamut eschews the traditional fantasy-tinged last dungeon for a technological monstrosity.

Final Fantasy 15 (Insomnia) - Considering the emotional events that precede Noctis and crew's venturing into Insomnia, the act of taking back the capital city of Lucis is granted even more narrative weight. Fighting through the daemon-infested streets on the way to a showdown with Ardyn is one of the best parts of the game.

Final Fantasy 9 - (Memoria/Crystal World) - The Crystal World from Final Fantasy 9 is the final area of the game that players are transported to after the Memoria dungeon and serves as a great gauntlet of bosses before players face off against Kuja to prevent his destruction of the universe's life force.

C Tier


Final Fantasy 2 (Pandaemonium) - Final Fantasy 2 is a bit of an odd duck in the series and its last dungeon acts accordingly. Pandaemonium has a ridiculous random encounter rate and its maze-like passages only serve to validate the location's name.

Final Fantasy 11 (Castle Zvahl) - The final dungeon of the original main story quest line in Final Fantasy 11, Castle Zvahl earns some points for atmosphere and setting. A desolate snow-covered castle seems like the perfect location to face off against the Shadow Lord.

Final Fantasy 13 (Orphan's Cradle) - As if Final Fantasy 13's linearity weren't obvious enough in the early-to-mid game, the final dungeon pulls out all the stops, literally. Orphan's Cradle is essentially one long hallway filled with tough encounters, but at least it looks cool.

Final Fantasy 16 is available now for PS5.

MORE: The 10 Best Final Fantasy Games, Ranked