
  • Final Fantasy characters aren't always what they seem - Alma, Clive, and Edea all faced unexpected twists in their stories.
  • Tragedy, possession, and brainwashing - these elements play a role in shaping the fates of beloved Final Fantasy characters.
  • From soul possession to manipulation, characters like Alma, Clive, and Cloud show the darker side of influence in the Final Fantasy universe.

With sixteen mainline games and a seemingly never-ending supply of spinoffs, Final Fantasy has had a lot of characters over the years. Many of them are great, like Zidane from Final Fantasy 9. He shines as a protagonist thanks to his charm, and sky pirates are just a cool archetype in RPGs.

Final Fantasy: 10 Plot Twists No One Saw Coming

The Final Fantasy franchise has always prided itself on its strong narratives. Even the most astute fan never saw these plot twists coming.

Sometimes even the best characters fall from grace though. They may betray the party because of brainwashing. They might have been evil the whole time, or there is a litany of other reasons why a character may suddenly change their motives. Let’s take a look at the fallen Final Fantasy heroes who have suffered temporary or full twists to their character due to the influence of someone or something else.

Spoilers Ahead!

7 Alma Beoulve

Final Fantasy Tactics

Artwork of Alma from Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics

June 20, 1997
Tactical , RPG

Alma is the sister of the main character, Ramza, in Final Fantasy Tactics. She is an innocent who keeps getting kidnapped by a heretical church who thinks she is the second coming of their Saint, Ajora. Eventually, the Church goes through with their plan and gets Alma near the end of the game.

Once captured, her body is used as a host for Ajora or, as it is also known, Ultima. Alma technically isn’t in control here, but her soul is used for the final battle. It’s one of the toughest fights in the game and even in victory, there is some sadness in the outcome.

6 Clive Rosfield

Final Fantasy 16

Clive in Final Fantasy 16
Final Fantasy 16

June 22, 2023
Square Enix
Action RPG

Clive is the main character of Final Fantasy 16, and he suffers tragedy in the prologue. His kingdom falls to ashes, his father and brother die, and his mother sells him into slavery. The culprit behind his brother’s death is a man who took the form of Ifrit.

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The twist is that the soul of Ifrit possesses Clive, but he has no memory of it. The experience was so traumatic that Clive had an out-of-body experience and tricked himself into believing that Ifrit was someone else. Eventually, Clive breaks through and harnesses Ifrit of his own free will. It’s a cool example of a character being able to overcome his darkness to use it for good.

5 Cloud Strife

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

Cloud dressed as a soldier in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth

PlayStation 5
February 29, 2024
Square Enix

Cloud had a bit of brainwashing going on in the original Final Fantasy 7, but that was increased in the second remake, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth. Sephiroth appeared before Cloud to mess with his mind, making him primarily think that Tifa wasn’t real. This all came to a head in Chapter 9 when Cloud was fully possessed and tried to kill Tifa.

Thankfully, Tifa survived the assault, and Sephiroth’s spell on Cloud was vanquished. Unfortunately, Sephiroth goes after another girl, Aerith, and by the end of the game, Cloud still thinks she is alive, but it’s probably Sephiroth again.

4 Edea Kramer

Final Fantasy 8

Edea in Dissidia NT
Final Fantasy 8

February 11, 1999
Square Enix

Edea was set up from the beginning as the main antagonist of Final Fantasy 8. She was an evil witch who was controlling a nation and the military school, Balamb Garden, was tasked with taking her down. Edea was being manipulated by another witch though, Ultimecia, who used time and mind control not just on Edea, but most main characters in the game.

Characters like Squall forgot Edea used to take care of him in an orphanage. Thankfully, Edea gets a second chance in the end after all the confusion has left her mind. To a lesser extent, Seifer fits in here as well, who Edea manipulated into being her bodyguard.

3 Golbez

Final Fantasy 4

Golbez in Dissidia NT
Final Fantasy 4

July 19, 1991

Golbez is another main villain who was set up by a higher power. He’s from Final Fantasy 4, and he was being controlled by an entity known as Zemus. Like Edea and Seifer, Golbez used his influence to control a party member, Kain, and make them betray the group.

Bigger than those twists is the fact that Golbez is Cecil’s brother, and that they are both moon children. Golbez does die in the end, but he can help Cecil one last time before moving on to the great beyond, thus redeeming his character a bit even after all of his atrocities.

2 Neon

Stranger Of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin

PC , PS4 , PS5 , Xbox One , Xbox Series X , Xbox Series S
March 18, 2022
Team Ninja
Action RPG

Neon is from Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin, and she eventually becomes one of the party members. She’s the only female party member of the four Light Warriors. The game begins with Jack and his two comrades going after Garland, the fabled knight of the realm who went wild because of Chaos.

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After the fight, it is revealed Neon was in Garland’s suit of armor the entire time and being controlled by Chaos. Chaos is the main villain of the game, or at least the concept of chaos is. Once Neon is freed from Chaos' influence, she is able to join the party and aid them in their fight.

1 Queen Brahne

Final Fantasy 9

Queen Brahne in Final Fantasy 9
Final Fantasy 9

PS4 , Xbox One , Switch , PS1 , Android , iOS , PC
July 7, 2000
Square Enix

Queen Brahne is from Final Fantasy 9 and the Queen of Alexandria. She is introduced as a power-hungry dictator who keeps going after other kingdoms to feed her never-ending greed. This leads to the near extinction of a rat race of people, let alone the destruction and deaths of countless other lives, human or otherwise.

It’s a trope in the series, but Queen Brahne is being controlled by Kuja, who is Zidane's brother. They both came from the same planet, but Kuja doesn’t want peace, unlike Zidane. Furthermore, Kuja is also being controlled, or at least influenced by, a being known as Necron. Queen Brahne, in death, sees the error of her ways and has a touching moment with her adopted daughter, Garnet, one last time, as does Zidane with Kuja in the final conflict.

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