Square Enix always does an amazing job at creating a compelling cast of party members for their Final Fantasy games who are all likable, memorable, and interesting in their own unique ways. However, during the story of each game, players will run into many other characters outside the main party who are also filled with charm and charisma, but for one reason or another, never get the opportunity to become a fully-fledged member of the crew.

Final Fantasy: Best Secret Organizations In The Series, Ranked

Many secret organizations and groups have been introduced in Square Enix's Final Fantasy franchise, but these remain the most iconic.

Sometimes, it can even seem like the developers are teasing the idea a certain someone could be integrated into the group because of how friendly they become with the main characters, only for them to then go their own separate ways. Here's a breakdown of the Final Fantasy characters who would have been perfect fits for the party in their respective game, and why they would be such a great ally to have throughout the journey.

6 Cor Leonis (Final Fantasy 15)

It Would Have Made Sense To Make Cor A Part Of The Gang Considering His Loyalty To Noctis

Core with a concerned look on his face
Final Fantasy 15

PS4 , Xbox One , PC , Stadia
November 9, 2016
Square Enix
Action RPG

Admittedly, Cor does show up to fight alongside the player at one point in the story and during the Episode Gladiolus DLC, but both of these sections are very brief and don't give players much opportunity to customize him in any meaningful way. It honestly seems a little baffling that Cor wasn't made to be a part of the main crew, not only because his edgy boy-band fashion sense fits right in with the other four, but also because he's officially the royal guard of the Lucian family.

Therefore, it would make sense that he would be there to accompany Noctis along his journey, rather than just showing up here and there to provide the player with some crucial information to further the plot. While Gladiolus is capable of using big and bulky greatswords, Cor's inclusion could have made him the agile swordfighter of the party, giving players more options to choose from in terms of jobs and playstyles.

5 Jessie Rasberry (Final Fantasy 7)

Jessie's Explosive Expertise Could Have Opened up Plenty Of Interesting Opportunities In Combat

Jessie Giving Cloud A Materia in Final Fantasy 7 Remake
Final Fantasy 7 Remake

PC , PS4 , PS5
April 10, 2020
Square Enix Business Division 1
Action RPG

Jessie's character became a lot more involved in Final Fantasy 7's wider overarching story in the remake, but even in the 1997 original, she still stood out from the other Avalanche members for her infectious charisma and quirky relationship with Cloud. While Biggs and Wedge tend to do their own thing and can remain somewhat distant from the main party, Jessie is always trying to get closer to Cloud by any means necessary. As a result, she could even have become an extra romance option if she ever did end up joining the party.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: All Conversations and Best Responses

Choosing the best responses in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's many optional conversations will strengthen Cloud's relationship with the rest of the party.

Of course, it wouldn't all be about the romantic side of things though, as Jessie has proven time and time again that she's an expert at making and using explosives, which could have opened up some interesting avenues in terms of her role in combat. Some may say the fact Jessie meets her end in the story would have made it hard for her to join, but as is proven through another certain young lady who's featured in the game, a sudden death shouldn't prevent anyone from being eligible to become a party member.

4 Gadot (Final Fantasy 13)

Gadot's Presence In The Party Could Have Helped Add Some Extra Depth To Snow

Gadot firing an assault rifle
Final Fantasy 13

PS3 , Xbox 360 , PC
March 9, 2010
Square Enix

Out of all the playable party members in Final Fantasy 13, Snow is often the one most people have the biggest gripes about. The truth is though, if there had been someone else in the party who was closer to Snow from the beginning, it could have added much more depth to his character, while also adding more variation to the party in general. Near the beginning of the game, Gadot is actually the one who calls out Snow for his silly "Hero" antics, and considering this is Snow's whole shtick, Gadot would have been the perfect counterweight to question Snow's motives and actions throughout the story.

On the other hand, Gadot's fast-firing playstyle could have slotted nicely into the party as a contrast to Sazh, who's more of a slow but powerful firearms specialist. He's barely seen again after the main party begins to form, but Gadot still stands out as one of the more interesting side characters who's more than worthy of being promoted to party member status.

3 Fujin (Final Fantasy 8)

Fujin Is One Of Final Fantasy 8's Most Interesting Side Characters Who Stands Out For Her Look And Fighting Style

Fujin holding her arm out in Final Fantasy 8
Final Fantasy 8

February 11, 1999
Square Enix

Fujin is a member of the disciplinary committee at Balamb Garden in Final Fantasy 8 who comes across as very stern and stoic during her minor appearances throughout the story. One thing that's really noticeable about Fujin's character, aside from her unique manner of speech, is her design. The bandaged eye and permanent scowl which never leaves her face signify that Fujin has been in her fair share of battles, and it would have been an absolute joy to be able to learn more about her, and her deeper bonds with the rest of the committee, if she were given the chance to join the party.

The 10 Best Final Fantasy Games, Ranked

The best Final Fantasy games have influenced countless titles over the years and have also left an indelible mark on many of those who played them.

Players are even able to get an idea of what Fujin's fighting style would be like through her boss battles, where she uses her unique chakram-like weapon and wind magic to overwhelm her opponents and catch them off guard. It would also be interesting if Fujin were to join Squall and the gang after being beaten at Balamb or later on at the Lunatic Pandora, as it would make her feel like a really big deal after pushing the party to their limits in battle.

2 Aishya (Final Fantasy 6)

Aishya Has A Complicated Relationship With The Empire Which Could Have Been Explored In More Depth

Aiysha talking to the player with an imperial guard to the side of her
Final Fantasy 6

October 11, 1994
Square Enix , Square

Upon entering the town of Maranda in Final Fantasy 6, players will be able to see a woman being chased by an imperial soldier near the bottom right of the area. At first, it can seem as though the woman, Aishya, might be on the run after messing with the Gestahlian Empire, but the truth is, she's being hounded by a creep who's desperate to marry her. Though she seems less than impressed with him at first, once the Imperial soldiers withdraw from her hometown, Aishya starts to admit that she has begun to miss the trooper and his wild antics.

At first, this can seem like nothing more than a throwaway bit of dialogue, but it could have led to a much bigger personal story if Aishya was able to become a party member. Final Fantasy 6 is no stranger to taking seemingly unimportant characters and expanding on their own personal character arc in subtle ways, as is seen with Shadow and Mog, for example. Therefore, Aishya's love for this soldier but underlying disdain for the Empire as a whole could have been a really fun idea to explore, and who knows what sort of whacky fighting style she could have ended up having.

1 Rikken (Final Fantasy 12)

It Would Be So Much Fun Getting To Hang Around the Effortlessly Charismatic Rikken During The Adventure

Mass speaking to Rikken who offers to help him out after competing in a sport game
Final Fantasy 12

PS4 , PS2 , Xbox One , Switch , PC
October 31, 2006
Square Enix

Rikken is a carefree and fun-loving Sky Pirate who acts as the right-hand man to the incredibly powerful yet mysterious Reddas. When players first meet Rikken at the Balfonheim Port, he will gladly tell the party how they can reach Feywood to continue on with their quest, despite Elza arguing he shouldn't be speaking so openly to outsiders. Unlike a lot of the Sky Pirates Vaan and the gang come across along their journey, Rikken is a lot more casual, and just a fun guy to be around in general, which is why it feels like a real missed opportunity to not have him become a party member.

There are actually 3 minigames that players can take part in which also involve Rikken, including a rather intense footrace, but there's never any option for him to fight side by side with the party against actual enemies. Considering how much of a fan-favorite Rikken has become since Final Fantasy 12's release, it feels as though Square Enix dropped the ball when they had the opportunity to make him fully playable after he shows up in the story.

10 Best Final Fantasy Duos

Final Fantasy's characters are always memorable, and sometimes the best things come in pairs.