The Final Fantasy series is highly renowned for its incorporation of ridiculous characters and storylines. It is rare for the franchise to distance itself from these iconic tropes as fans have come to adore them, but sometimes it would be better if it did.

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With each Final Fantasy character comes a unique and, sometimes questionable, outfit. For the most part, these outfits will tend to serve a purpose, but there are cases where a character's costume will rely solely on aesthetics over practicality. Some outfits are made even more impractical due to the armor-clad world in which they exist.

10 Lulu - Final Fantasy 10

final fantasy 10 lulu moogle

To Yuna, Lulu acts as a big sister who has her sibling's best intentions at heart. She accompanies Yuna on her journey to become a summoner as she intends to protect her but, unfortunately, her clothing has little benefit in combat situations.

Lulu's design is reminiscent of a typical Black Mage with a few added perks. Beneath her black dress, she sports a corset, stockings, and a frightening number of belts. Though the idea of wearing a corset in combat seems restrictive enough, Lulu chooses to wrap her entire lower body in belts, rendering her outfit completely nonsensical.

9 Noctis - Final Fantasy 15

Noctis from Monster Of The Deep: Final Fantasy XV

The opening of Final Fantasy 15 sees Noctis and his companions journeying through the desert after their car breaks down. The group is forced to push the Regalia to the nearest filling station to continue their journey more comfortably.

If comfort was Noctis' primary concern, however, he should have chosen an alternative outfit. Noctis opts to wear the completely black Prince's Fatigues outfit during his time in the scorching desert. As stylish as it may be, surely a prince would have access to more sun-suited vestments.

8 Ashe - Final Fantasy 12

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As the last remaining descendant of King Raithwall, Ashe is destined to rule Dalmasca. Before the events of Final Fantasy 12, Ashe's throne was taken from her by the Empire, but she refuses to let them keep it from her any longer.

Ashe's clothing is as ludicrous as it is ineffective. Sporting a thin shirt with gold trim, a pink miniskirt, and a pair of open-toed shoes, the only item of substance she wears is a pair of metal shin guards. The fact she wears these shin guards suggests that she cares about her wellbeing, but if this was the case, surely she would opt for more practical clothing overall.

7 Tidus - Final Fantasy 10

Final Fantasy 10 Iconic Tidus

Tidus' outfit is arguably the most chaotic, yet iconic combination of clothes in the entire series. Though the colors do not overly clash, the items he chooses to incorporate into his style defy all notions of symmetry.

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Tidus wears a yellow cropped hoodie with one blue arm. His dungarees have been altered in a way to reveal a portion of his left thigh, while the other leg stretches to cover halfway point of his knee. The only practical element of this clothing combination is its ability to confuse those who happen upon it.

6 Fran - Final Fantasy 12

As a Viera, Fran is designed to resemble a human-rabbit hybrid. She is the co-pilot of the Strahl, an airship she operates alongside Balthier, and is arguably one of the most intelligent party members in the game.

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In a world where many opt to don all-encompassing armor to ensure their safety, the attire Fran is forced to wear is baffling. Like many Vieras like her, Fran's primary means of defense relies on a thin layer of lingerie. Though some parts of her body are shielded by armor, this piece of clothing renders any other means of protection null and void.

5 Kefka - Final Fantasy 6

final fantasy 6 kefka

Kefka's choice of attire does an incredible job in symbolizing his fractured mind, but a terrible job in anything else. Hellbent on driving the world into chaos, Kefka is a complete nihilist with a love for all things eccentric.

Kefka sports a lavish gown that features a vast array of fabrics and patterns. Similar to a medieval jester in design, Kefka wears very little to defend himself in combat. Perhaps if he chose armor instead of ridiculously colorful spandex he may have achieved his goals.

4 Cindy Aurum - Final Fantasy 15

Presented as an incredibly gifted mechanic, Cindy uses her skills to both repair and enhance the Regalia, the party's primary mode of transport. She wears jean shorts, a cropped yellow jacket, and a bikini top, due to the harsh heat of the desert.

Cindy is entitled to wear what she likes as she is the lead mechanic in the Hammerhead garage, but a pair of overalls would be much better suited for her line of work. The sole purpose of her main outfit is to titillate, which is a shame as she could have been a very strong female character if designed more respectfully.

3 Eiko Carol - Final Fantasy 9


The attire Eiko chooses to wear resembles a parachute more than a collection of clothing. Combining a baggy red turtleneck with an even baggier pair of yellow trousers is unusual, but how they are designed renders them a completely illogical choice of clothing.

The yellow trousers have been altered to the point where they no longer resemble trousers. Instead, they act as connectors that attach the fabric to a belt. The wearing of these ridiculous garments would make sense if they were all she had, but since Eiko wears a pink bodysuit beneath her baggy clothes, their inclusion seems unnecessary.

2 Kuja - Final Fantasy 9

Kuja is one of the most mysterious villains present in the Final Fantasy series. Often lurking in the shadows, his impact on the story is only briefly seen through the destruction he leaves in his path. Kuja will do everything in his power to enforce his rule on the world of Gaia unless it involves wearing appropriate clothing.

Before Kuja's reveal, the party learns that he is capable of traversing the skies on a silver dragon. It is an impressive feat, but surely he could bundle up to negate the freezing breeze he is subject to.

1 Cloud Strife - Final Fantasy 7

Final Fantasy VII remake opening cloud striking a pose with buster sword

For a man who claims to be a competent SOLDIER First Class, Cloud's choice of clothing suggests a lack of foresight. As a hirable mercenary, Cloud is destined to encounter an array of frightening foes, so why does he choose to don an altered SOLDIER uniform?

Having retired from working for Shinra, Cloud is no longer required to wear a sleeveless shirt paired with indigo trousers, but he does so anyway. If these vestments had magical properties it would seem logical to wear them, but they do not. Presented as nothing more than a t-shirt and cargo pants, Cloud's attire prompts one to question why he, or any SOLDIER for that matter, would choose to wear them.

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