The Final Fantasy series is home to some of the most iconic villains in video game history. Most of these villains proved themselves worthy of the title through both the fear they could evoke in their enemies and their determination to achieve their goals. However, not all villains in the series proved themselves to be capable combatants.

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Much of what makes a Final Fantasy villain so compelling is how long the player must wait before they get the chance to face them in battle. Most players will assume these antagonists will pack a serious punch whenever they launch their first attack, but this isn't always the case. Though most villains in the series earn their titles during their battle against the protagonists, some reveal themselves to be surprisingly weak fighters.

5 Vayne Solidor (Final Fantasy 12)

Depicted as Final Fantasy 12's main antagonist, Vayne Solidor should provide a real challenge, but sadly, he does not. While the battle with his first form can be a little tricky depending on how strong Vaan and his friends are, the player will have faced several more difficult enemies on their journey to reach him.

Vayne is introduced as a corrupt politician who seeks to rule over all of Ivalice. To obtain the means to do so, he aligns himself with Venat, a god-like entity that possesses extreme power. With Venat by his side, Vayne should be a thorn in the player's side, but he just isn't. To make matters worse, Gabranth will also aid players during this fight, which further helps to prove how weak Vayne actually is. Though his final form provides a much greater challenge, his first, original form is surprisingly weak, especially when one considers how arrogant he acted throughout the main story.

4 Sephiroth (Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion)

Final Fantasy VII Crisis Core Reunion Zack fighting Sephiroth

Sephiroth is one of the most popular Final Fantasy villains to date. First introduced in Final Fantasy 7, he was made out to be one of the greatest threats to the planet. His presence could be felt from start to finish, which made him feel even more terrifying than he already was. Sephiroth wasn't always evil; however, he was once a somewhat ordinary mercenary who worked for the Shinra Corporation.

Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7 Reunion documents Sephiroth's time as a Shinra employee, while also showcasing his transition from hero to villain. Those who played Final Fantasy 7 will likely expect the battle against him to be quite difficult, but sadly, he is nowhere near as powerful as how he once was. It wouldn't really make sense if Sephiroth was bafflingly powerful, as the fight against him takes place just after the halfway point of the game. That said, it's still pretty surprising for him to go down as easily as he does.

3 Xande (Final Fantasy 3)

Xande in Final Fantasy 3

As the primary antagonist of Final Fantasy 3, Xande should have been the greatest threat the Warriors of Light faced on their journey. He is more than capable of inflicting some serious pain on all those who oppose him, so why was the battle against him so easy?

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During the climax of Final Fantasy 3, Xande is revealed to be nothing more than a pawn of the Cloud of Darkness, an enigmatic entity whose main goal is to flood the world with inescapable darkness. It's certainly an impressive goal, but it completely derailed Xande's role in the narrative. Xande can provide players with a decent challenge if they are under-leveled, but he is surprisingly weak when compared to the game's true final boss. This is quite disheartening, considering he was described and depicted as one of the most powerful sorcerers to ever exist. If not for the Cloud of Darkness, Xande could have been a true force to be reckoned with.

2 Gi Nattak (Final Fantasy 7)

Gi Nattak in Final Fantasy VII

Gi Nattak can be found lurking in the appropriately named Cave of Gi during Red 13's side quest in Cosmo Canyon. According to Bugenhagen, Gi Nattak attacked Cosmo Canyon a long time ago during his quest to rid the world of Red 13's kind.

Gi Nattak is made out to be an extremely powerful figure, but he is ridiculously easy to defeat if the player knows his weakness. As an undead enemy, Gi Nattak can be injured with restorative magic and items. One Phoenix Down or Life spell will deplete all of the undead's health, permitting the player to end the battle quicker than it began. Gi Nattak is built up to be an immensely powerful being, but the battle against him reveals him to be embarrassingly easy to defeat. He may have possessed great power when he was alive, but his unliving counterpart does not.

1 Yu Yevon (Final Fantasy 10)

Yu Yevon in Final Fantasy 10

Seeing that Yu Yevon is, in many ways, the primary source of all Spira's sorrow, most Final Fantasy 10 players would expect him to pose one of the greatest challenges in the game. Sadly, when Tidus and his companions eventually face him, he turns out to be something of a pushover, especially when compared to the boss they fought prior to the confrontation.

Though Yu Yevon has a few tricks up his sleeve, it is impossible for him to defeat the party thanks to the Auto-Life ability granted to each character at the beginning of the battle. He can also be tricked into damaging himself if the player inflicts him with the Zombie status effect. Yu Yevon only became relevant prior to the game's finale, but he quickly managed to become of the most feared presences in the game. For one of the most powerful summoners to ever exist; however, Yu Yevon is surprisingly easy to take down.

MORE: Final Fantasy: Great But Underused Villains