The Final Fantasy series is known for its iconic weapons. Whether it be the villains or heroes, most characters in the series have an instantly recognizable weapon. These are often intricately designed, boast their own unique move-sets, and have interesting stories behind them.

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Final Fantasy as a franchise is also the home of some of the biggest and most comically oversized weapons in video game history. The biggest swords in Final Fantasy leave players awestruck at how characters somehow manage to wield them with such dexterity despite their ridiculous size.

1 Buster Sword

FFVII Buster Sword

The Buster Sword is symbolic of the entire Final Fantasy franchise. It has its own story intertwined with Final Fantasy 7 and its spin-offs and sequels, from Angeal giving it to Zack Fair, to it finding its way to Cloud, this weapon has seen a lot of action over the years.

The Buster Sword is about as tall as Cloud’s character model, and arguably just as wide. It’s a wonder he can slice and dice his way through hordes of Final Fantasy enemies with it. The sword's massive size also makes it an effective defensive weapon, capable of parrying attacks and knocking opponents off balance.

2 Durandal

FF15 Combat

The Durandal is one of the most iconic swords in video game history. It has appeared in nearly a dozen Final Fantasy games, with its most noticeable iterations being in Final Fantasy 10, in which it's wielded by Tidus as a huge golden impractical slab of metal with a comical design. The Durandal also features in Final Fantasy 11 with a much more somber design. Here it's one of the strongest weapons in the game, but somehow, despite its towering size, it’s a one-handed sword.

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In every iteration, this sword acts as one of the strongest weapons in the game and is almost always huge. The Durandal is a testament to the series in a unique way, it shows the franchise’s commitment to being creative and quirky but also staying true to the series' roots. The version in FF15 was a slight departure; being one-handed and a different color.

3 Tournesol


The Tournesol features as an ultra-greatsword in Final Fantasy 12. The sword is golden and crooked with runes etched all around it. The Tournesol is as fancy as a sword can get, its hilt is carved with a sun on one side and a moon on the other.

Again, as is the theme with the biggest Final Fantasy swords, the Tournesol is comically oversized. Even so, it's one of the most expensive and powerful weapons in the series, with very few drawbacks.

4 Masamune


The Masamune is Sephiroth’s massive blade. It was inspired by Japanese folklore and resembles a Katana in many ways. With its massive hilt, this blade spans at least six feet, as it's taller or at least as tall as the villain himself. Sephiroth wields the Masamune in one hand and uses it to impale his way through his foes.

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The Masamune can easily go toe to toe with the Buster Sword, which is surprising given its slender build. Sephiroth is one of the most recognizable villains in video game history, and a lot of this is due to his design, which is complemented perfectly by the Masamune.

5 Apocalypse

Apocalypse FFXV

The Apocalypse is another sword used by Cloud in the Final Fantasy 7 games. This crimson blade has tons of crevices and features an edgy design, perhaps reflecting the mood of the games in which it can be found. The apocalypse is huge; not as tall as the Buster Sword, but definitely wider and more clunky looking.

This sword is found in the Ancient Forest and boasts some really impressive stats. It stands as one of two weapons that provide triple AP growth for Materia slots, making it useful for leveling up materia. In terms of raw stats, it gets outshined by several weapons in the game, but that takes nothing away from its massive stature.

6 Excalibur

Excalibur ff14

The Excalibur has a monumental role in pop culture, and, similar to the Durandal, has remained a mainstay of the series, featuring in over a dozen games. It has always been one of the largest swords in every game in which it features and boasts some of the best stats and abilities in the series.

The Excalibur often has a regal design, suited to its place as one of the best weapons a player can use. Often featuring the holy element, the Excalibur is painted with silver and gold and is usually of a relatively simple design. Despite this simplicity though, it always stands out as a massive, finely crafted killing machine.

7 Ultima Weapon

The Ultima Weapon in Final Fantasy VII

Since its debut in Final Fantasy 6, the Ultima Weapon has featured as one of the best swords in Final Fantasy history, almost always boasting incredible stats and acting as an end-game weapon for most protagonists. The Ultima Weapon usually features a simple gold hilt that diverges at the top and has a multi-tonal blue color. It is usually a pain to get a hold of too but is almost always worth it.

The Ultima Weapon stands as a towering sword, often larger than the protagonist who is wielding it. It serves as a reminder of the stage of the game that players find themselves at, and as a reminder of the final bosses that await. It might not be the largest sword in Final Fantasy, but it's definitely up there.

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