The Final Fantasy series began in 1987, with its first entry quickly paving its way into becoming the biggest Japanese RPG franchise in the world next to the Dragon Quest series. There have been fifteen mainline entries that include two MMORPGs but Final Fantasy quickly became a franchise that includes spin-offs, remakes, and remasters.

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The spin-off titles in particular have helped Square-Enix to bridge the gap during the long waiting times between the mainline entries and satisfy fans of the series. Many spin-offs from the Final Fantasy series have maintained the kind of quality fans have come to expect of the series, and in some cases, they might even surpass it in many gamers' eyes. Let’s take a look at ten of the best spin-offs in the Final Fantasy series according to Metacritic.

10 Final Fantasy Type-0 HD (Metascore 72)

Final Fantasy-Type-0: Class Zero

Released in 2015, Final Fantasy Type-0 HD is an enhanced remaster of the PSP original that released exclusively for the handheld in Japan. It is a spin-off from the Fabula Nova Crystalis series which also includes the Final Fantasy XIII series and Final Fantasy XV.

The game’s story focuses on a group of military students called Class Zero and the battle against the Militesi Empire. It’s much darker in tone than most of the mainline entries in the Final Fantasy series, focusing on the tragedies of war and its impact.

9 World Of Final Fantasy (Metascore 77)

World of Final Fantasy is a spin-off RPG featuring characters and locations from various entries of the Final Fantasy series using stylized graphics and visuals aimed at a younger audience. It has been released on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita, Xbox One, PC, and the Nintendo Switch.

Visually the game uses a similar art style to the Kingdom Hearts series, and like that series it pays homage to its source material in a way that appeals to fans of all ages.

8 Final Fantasy: Dissidia/Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (Metascore 79)

Released worldwide in 2009, Final Fantasy: Dissidia is a fighting-RPG that features many of the mainline series' protagonists and antagonists and pits them against each other in one game. It’s a dream concept for fans of the series that have always wanted to make characters like Cloud and Squall fight each other, or have the ultimate showdown of villains between Sephiroth and Kefka.

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Despite the limitations of the PSP control system, the Dissidia’s complex combat systems worked well. A follow-up title Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy was also released on the PSP which is both a prequel and a remake of the original game.

7 Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles (Metascore 80)

final fantasy crystal chronicles remastered

Released in 2004 for the Nintendo GameCube, Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles is an action RPG spin-off which has a similar art style to Final Fantasy IX. This is unsurprising when considering that Crystal Chronicles has the same director (Kazuhiko Aoki) and character designer (Toshiyuki Itahana).

Despite its departure in gameplay, Crystal Chronicles still felt and looked like Final Fantasy title. In addition, it has a great soundtrack that harkens back to the NES and SNES era of the mainline series and is among some of the series' best. A remaster for the Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, and mobile devices is due to be released in 2020.

6 Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire Of The Rift (Metascore 80)

Released in 2008 for the Nintendo DS, Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift is a tactical RPG set in the same world as Final Fantasy XII and the original Final Fantasy Tactics. It forms a part of the Ivalice Alliance series and is a sequel to the GBA title Final Fantasy Advance.

The game’s story revolves around a young boy that finds a magical book that transports him into the world of Ivalice. There he meets characters from Final Fantasy XII like Vaan and Penelo. Just like its predecessor, the gameplay centers on turn-based tactical combat and hundreds of side quests and missions.

5 Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (Metascore 81)

Released in 2007 for the Nintendo DS, Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings is another series entry that Ivalice Alliance and a follow-up to Final Fantasy XII. It’s a real-time strategy game that’s lighter in tone than the mainline game but does a great job of fleshing out its characters Vaan and Penelo.

Unlike its Tactics predecessors, Revenant Wings is a real-time strategy game instead of turn-based, but it still manages to incorporate many of the same gameplay mechanics.

4 Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call (Metascore 83)

Released on the Nintendo 3DS in 2014, Curtain Call is a rhythm game that incorporates the brilliant music of the Final Fantasy series into its gameplay mechanics. In addition, it is one of the best fanservice games ever released in any generation, paying tribute to over 30 years of some of the best soundtracks in gaming.

The game’s mechanics and responsive controls are incredibly satisfying to pull off and there is a ton of gaming to discover for fans of the series.

3 Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII (Metascore 83)

Released in 2008 for the PSP, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Compilation of Final Fantasy VII series and a prequel to Final Fantasy VII starring Zack as its lead protagonist. It’s an action RPG with its combat mechanics working similarly to the Kingdom Hearts series.

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Twelve years later and Crisis Core still holds up very well, though it's obviously long overdue a remaster for modern consoles, especially in light of the Final Fantasy VII Remake. It’s the perfect game for those looking to explore the FF7 universe and its lore.

2 Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (Metascore 87)

Released in 2003 for the Game Boy Advance, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is the follow-up to the critically acclaimed Final Fantasy Tactics on the PlayStation. The story isn’t anywhere near as deep or as dark as its predecessor but its depth can be found in the gameplay.

It’s a light-hearted fantasy tale that takes inspiration from the classic 80s fantasy movie The Neverending Story. The game’s story centers on four young children from the real world that have been transported into the realm of Ivalice and their quest to get back home.

1 Final Fantasy Tactics: The War Of The Lions (Metascore 88)

Released in 2007, Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions is an enhanced PSP remaster of the original Final Fantasy Tactics that was released on the PlayStation in 1997. It features an improved translation and brand new cutscenes.

Final Fantasy Tactics is still highly regarded as having one of the best stories in the series and is a much darker tale than many fans will be used to. Taking inspiration from real-life historical accounts of the War of the Roses from medieval history, Final Fantasy Tactics is every bit as complex and as mature as one would expect. The only major disappointment regarding this title is that it hasn’t been ported to modern consoles like the Nintendo Switch.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For The Final Fantasy VII Remake