If there is one thing that can really make or break a playthrough of any Final Fantasy game, it would be the stats of each party member. Much like any other JRPG, the Final Fantasy series has presented characters with various specialties, with poor stat distribution often leading to disastrous situations.

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Each stat has proven to have its own benefits and detriments, but one such stat that is extremely vital in any playthrough is defense, also known as vitality. In any situation, both extreme and otherwise, the ability to withstand attacks remains a cherished skill, and these particular characters have it down to a science.

7 Squall Leonhart (Final Fantasy 8)

Squall Leonhart in Dissidia NT Final Fantasy

With Final Fantasy 8's versatile junction system, players can make any of the six playable into a defensive wall. So long as players know what spells to junction to the Vitality stat, withstanding enemy attacks should be no issue at all.

But out of all six playable characters in Final Fantasy 8, it is Squall who has the highest defense, even when excluding the Junction system as a factor. With a natural defense stat of 41, combined with already high damage output due to his Limit Break, Squall definitely has the potential to be a true force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

6 Barret Wallace (Final Fantasy 7)

final fantasy 7 remake barret closeup shot

Unlike the Junction System in Final Fantasy 8, the Materia system in Final Fantasy 7, while phenomenal in its own right, does not impact stats as directly as attaching certain spells to certain stats. But when it comes to making a character into a defensive wall, the best character for the job would be the Avalanche Leader Barret Wallace.

With a maximum defense stat of 100 at Level 99, Barret is an optimal candidate for a supportive Materia spread; he can potentially withstand enemy attacks while reliably restoring himself and his party members. In conjunction with his high strength, Barret has the potential to become one of the most versatile party members in Final Fantasy 7.

5 Umaro (Final Fantasy 6)

Official artwork of Umaro from Final Fantasy 6

A rather underrated playable character, Umaro is one of the last party members players may encounter in Final Fantasy 6, particularly during the events in the World of Ruin. Despite being a late-game addition, Umaro boasts high physical stats, including his raw defense of 89, which is higher than any other party member in the game.

Related: Final Fantasy 7: Things You Never Knew About Barret Wallace

In battle, Umaro is a surprisingly strong and durable party member, allowing him to go toe-to-toe with the strongest enemies in Final Fantasy 6, such as the eight legendary dragons. Unfortunately, the only downside of using Umaro is that his actions cannot be controlled, nor does he come with any special abilities unique to himself.

4 Cecil Harvey (Final Fantasy 4)

Cecil Harvey as a Paladin during the opening of Final Fantasy 4

As the main protagonist ofFinal Fantasy 4, it is without surprise that Cecil has some of the highest stats, including defense, in the game. Even as a Dark Knight, Cecil's stats make him a prime physical combatant, giving him an edge against similar opponents, but leaving him vulnerable to magic.

Upon becoming a Paladin, however, Cecil's already high physical stats skyrocket, accentuated by the fact that he automatically learns the Cover ability immediately after Mount Ordeals. In fact, a common tactic in battle is to have Cecil take physical attacks for a covered party member with the Draw Attack augment before making a counterattack.

3 Auron (Final Fantasy 10)

Auron standing before Tidus in Dream Zanarkand in Final Fantasy 10

Due to the versatile nature of the Sphere Grid system, any playable character in Final Fantasy 10 has the potential to have the highest defense. But as it turns out, even when the Sphere Grid is excluded as a factor, Auron, one of the standout characters in Final Fantasy 10, retains his highest base defense stat of 15, being one of two characters in the game to have this characteristic.

Related: Things You Didn't Know About Cecil from Final Fantasy 4

Building off of his high defense, Auron's Sphere Grid path is defined by its high amount of Defense and HP nodes, making him the bulkiest member of the party. For players looking to improve their party's defense, taking them down Auron's path may prove to be a worthwhile idea.

2 Kimahri (Final Fantasy 10)

Cutscene still of an enraged Kimahri from Final Fantasy 10

Kimahri is the other Final Fantasy 10 character who has a base defense stat of 15, much like Auron. Though players have the option to build on his naturally high defense by taking him down Auron's path on the Sphere Grid, following Kimahri's original path will instead give him a balanced distribution of stats.

Being both a Dragoon and a Blue Mage, Kimahri serves as an option for players who want to fill two simultaneous roles with one character. But for players who wish to use Kimahri exclusively as a Blue Mage, capitalizing on his naturally high defense will serve them well in the long run, especially when trying to obtain his Ronso Rage abilities from particularly strong fiends.

1 Sabin Rene Figaro (Final Fantasy 6)

Sabin (Final Fantasy 6)

Umaro may have the highest raw physical stats in the game, but his late-game recruitment as well as his lack of control over his actions may be more than enough for players to put him on the sidelines. Instead, players may choose to utilize Sabin, Edgar's twin brother who joins near the beginning of the game with a base defense stat of 53.

Befitting the Monk job, Sabin is quite the powerhouse in the early stages of Final Fantasy 6, withstanding attacks while making short work of enemies with his various Blitz techniques. To capitalize on his defense, players may choose to equip him with a few defense-boosting relics, namely the Mythril Glove or the Bone Wrist.

Final Fantasy 16 will launch on June 22, exclusively for PS5.

More: Final Fantasy: Playable Characters with the Highest HP