Every Final Fantasy game is different from the last which is why this series is so refreshing. Players don’t have to play these games in order, or all of them if they so choose. That’s different for direct sequels and prequels, like in the case of Final Fantasy 7, but the point remains clear.

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There are some factors that carry over between games though, like the inclusion of Moogles. Final Fantasy 3 was the first game to include Moogles in 1990, but that remained a Japanese exclusive until the West got a remake on the DS in 2006. The West’s first introduction to Moogles instead was Final Fantasy 6 in 1994. History aside, let’s see which Final Fantasy games have the coolest Moogles in them.

8 Mog – Final Fantasy 6

Mog talking to Terra in Final Fantasy 6

Mog is one of the playable Moogles in Final Fantasy 6. In the early parts of the game, Locke gets paired up with ten Moogles that include Molulu, Moghan, Moguel, Moglin, Mogret, Moggie, Mogsy, Mogwin, Mugmug, and Cosmog.

All of these Moogles are temporary party members, so Mog is the only one that will stay once he joins later in the game. He doesn’t stand out much in the story since he is a side recruit. However, Mog's design is one of the more classic iterations in the series.

7 Cait Sith – Final Fantasy 7

Cait Sith talking to Cloud and Aerith in Final Fantasy 7

Cait Sith is actually two characters in Final Fantasy 7. Cait Sith is the name of the cat that rides on top of the giant Moogle which looks like a cuddlier version of The Hulk. Both of these characters are robots that are being controlled by Reeve, an employee of Shinra.

So, technically Reeve is the party member who puts on a fun Scottish accent to aid Cloud and the others in their quest against Sephiroth. There is also the Choco/Mog summon Materia which sees a Moogle ride into battle on top of a Chocobo.

6 Stiltzkin – Final Fantasy 9

Vivi exploring in Final Fantasy 9

Final Fantasy 9 has one of the more unique inclusions of Moogles in the franchise. They act as Save Points and there is also a mail side quest associated with them. Among all of the Moogles Zidane and the others will meet in the adventures, Stiltzkin is the coolest.

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He is a traveling salesman that will sell the party rare items. It’s always fun to see Stiltzkin pop up in the most unlikely of places and is also great to hear other Moogles revere him as this legendary explorer.

5 Mog – Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Painting Mog in Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles

Mog is the name of another familiar Moogle in this series but this particular one comes from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. This multiplayer-based RPG has up to four players adventuring together to stop the Miasma from spreading.

The world is covered in Miasma, so one player in the party must carry around a bucket to shield the other from harm. Solo players will instead be assisted by Mog, who will carry this bucket. Mog is a cooler addition in the remaster of Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles because players can customize its body.

4 Montblanc – Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

A cutscene featuring characters in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

The first Final Fantasy Tactics is a dark game because Moogles are extinct. Final Fantasy Tactics Advance rectifies this darker timeline and adds them in but with one of the weirdest designs in the series.

They look more like rabbits than classic Moogles. Montblanc will meet Marche when he first makes his way into this new mystical land. He’s the tutorial character who helps Marche build a guild to squash the competition.

3 Mog – Final Fantasy 13-2

Mog in Final Fantasy 13-2

Mog is the name of yet another Moogle in this franchise. This one comes from Final Fantasy 13-2 and is a guide for Sarah and Noel. Mog has the power to turn back time and open up gateways within this sequel’s universe.

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That's one of the overall themes of the gameplay: time travel. Now, Mog looks like the classic Moogle design in the series except with a giant nose and head atop a tiny body. Mog, from this game, is certainly the cutest in the series in both looks and voice.

2 Racing Hero X – Chocobo GP

Racing Hero X in Chocobo GP

Racing Hero X is from Chocobo GP, the latest racing spinoff in the series. There was one before it, Chocobo Racing, and it was a PS1 exclusive. Chocobo GP is a lot like other Super Mario Kart clones wherein players choose characters to race in wacky courses.

There is a story as well and Racing Hero X is sort of like the antagonist. The little Moogle just wants to be the best racer in the world but he keeps getting thwarted, adorably, by the player.

1 Moogle Kupo – Final Fantasy: Unlimited

Moogle Kupo in Final Fantasy Unlimited

Moogle Kupo is a weird name but that is his official title in Final Fantasy: Unlimited. He is a late addition to the anime and looks exactly like Kaze except as a Moogle. Kaze is a dark brooding character and the hero of the show who is both a gunslinger and a Summoner.

The anime only got one season but the story did continue in Japan via novels and other expanded work. Moogle Kupo didn’t do anything quite as heroic as Kaze, but he certainly looked cool in his outfit.

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