The Final Fantasy series is renowned for transforming ordinary items into incredibly powerful pieces of equipment. Many tend to rely solely on armor to enhance one's defense, but accessories are often shown to be a player's best means of surviving the series' more challenging encounters.

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Upon discovering the first accessory in a Final Fantasy entry, the player may assume it is nothing more than a decorative item. It is only upon equipping one of these unusual objects that some of the game's best character buffs become implemented. Accessories can grant multiple status enhancements, but some prove to be more beneficial than others.

10 Power Wrist - Final Fantasy 7

Power Wrists in FF7 Remake

The Power Wrist is a recurring item in the Final Fantasy series that typically offers its wearer a nice boost in strength. It is particularly helpful during the early stages of a story as it allows for much greater damage to be dealt to one's enemies.

The Power Wrist boasts a modest +10 strength and, though this may not seem like much, its ability to turn the tide on a losing battle is incontrovertible. It is recommended to equip this accessory to the party's heavy hitter to further improve their damage output.

9 Black Belt - Final Fantasy 6

The Black Belt Job Class in FF3

The Black Belt is only as effective as the player makes it. When equipped, this accessory allows its wearer to counter an enemy's physical attack with their own. If equipped alongside an accessory that allows the same character to cover an ally, the Black Belt proves to be exceptionally useful in all attacks aimed at the party.

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It has a 75% chance of countering an enemy's attack, so it should be equipped to the strongest hitter in the party to ensure optimum damage output. While equipped, the player can breathe a sigh of relief against the game's weaker enemies knowing that the Black Belt will automatically dispatch them.

8 Bubble Belt - Final Fantasy 12

The Bubble Belt in FF12

The Bubble spell allows the player to double the hit points of their characters, but sadly, this effect only lasts for so long. Acquiring and equipping the Bubble Belt, however, will negate this spell's limitations by automatically doubling the wearer's HP.

Though it is presented as one of the game's rarer items, it is guaranteed to appear in a chest located in the Feywood. The Ice Field of Clearsight houses a small chest in the middle of the area containing this accessory, so the player should ensure to collect a few of them during their first visit.

7 Genji Gloves - Final Fantasy 13

Lightning in FF13

Most entries in the Final Fantasy series see the damage output limited to 9,999 points of attack. Though certain enhancements allow the player to increase this, it is usually capped off at 99,999 to not overpower a character.

Final Fantasy 13 attempts to reshape this trope with the implementation of the Genji Gloves, a unique pair of hand warmers that permit incredible damage to be dealt against its game's enemies. Possessing these gloves is essential for besting the challenges of the post-game, but the true scale of the damage it provides is only evident when dealing with the game's weaker opponents.

6 Revival Earrings - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

The Revival Earrings in FF7 Remake

The Revival Earrings can be purchased from the Chapter 3 merchant in Final Fantasy 7 Remake for the deceptively low price of 500 Gil. Like their name would suggest these earrings harbor the power to resurrect their wearer upon their first death in combat.

These earrings can be exceptionally useful for those who chose to skip some of the more menial encounters up to this point. Not only are they effective during the early game, but they can also be worn for some of the most challenging late-game bosses to allow the player a second chance at victory.

5 Black Hood - Final Fantasy 15

Noctis in the Pitioss Ruins in FF15

Noctis will obtain the Black Hood after besting the perplexing platformer that is Pitioss Ruins. The player will have been forced to manually phase dodge oncoming attacks before discovering this accessory, but equipping it to Noctis discards the need to continue doing so.

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While wearing the Black Hood, Noctis will automatically dodge the attacks of his enemies, rendering him somewhat invincible against certain foes. Though this accessory doesn't grant immunity against all enemy attacks, its effectiveness against the vast majority makes it a must-have for those pursuing post-game content.

4 Gotterdammerung - Final Fantasy 7 Remake

Available in the Final Fantasy 7 Remake, the Gotterdammerung is arguably the best accessory present in the game. It allows its wearer to begin each battle with a fully charged Limit Gauge, a feature that permits them to unleash their strongest attacks immediately upon engaging an enemy.

This accessory is confined to the 63rd floor's Combat Simulator in the Shinra Building, meaning that it can only be obtained toward the end of a playthrough. Though this somewhat restricts the item's usage, its true power shines while returning to the game's earlier boss battles.

3 Key To Success - Final Fantasy X-2

Tobli in FFX-2

Obtaining the Key to Success can be difficult to do without a guide to assist, but there is a reason why this item is so elusive. Available in Tobli's house in Chapter 5, the Key to Success will only appear if the player has completed the story pertaining to the Moonflow without completing the Mt. Gagazet mission in Chapter 3.

Like its name would imply, the Key to Success multiplies the rewards obtained during combat. It doubles the experience gained and the items acquired, making the process of grinding a far less arduous one. It is unlikely the player will obtain this accessory during their first playthrough, but that does not prevent them from doing so later if they complete the appropriate steps.

2 Ribbon - Final Fantasy 6

The Ribbon accessory in Final Fantasy

The Ribbon is one of the rarest accessories present throughout Final Fantasy and for good reason. It is a bafflingly powerful item that oftentimes negates the need for battle preparation due to its fascinating abilities. With many available in Final Fantasy 6 prior to entering Kefka's Tower, the player would do well to stock up on a few to diminish the challenge of the game's finale.

Upon equipping these elusive strips of fabric, the player will quickly learn of its benefits in combat. Sporting this charming piece of thread negates the powers of all negative status effects in the game, granting the wearer complete immunity to the threats they pose.

1 Charm Bangle - Final Fantasy X-2

The Charm Bangle in FFX-2

The Final Fantasy series has become notorious for the arduous tasks included in each entry's post-game. The player will often have to return to previously explored areas to grind or to new areas to fight the super bosses of the game.

The process can quickly become mundane, especially due to the random encounters the player will be forced to face. Thankfully, the Charm Bangle accessory allows Yuna to explore the vast world of Spira without the need to engage in combat.

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