There are many great games that come to mind when the Final Fantasy series is included in a conversation. That being said, there's one title that is almost always unfairly excluded from said conversation for some truly befuddling reasons — Final Fantasy VIII. While it's true that the eighth Final Fantasy was overshadowed by the impressive success of VII and the nostalgic callbacks of IX, there's still no denying the fact that Final Fantasy VIII is still a great game in its own right that any fan of good JRPGs should try out.

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The Junction system is one of the most divisive aspects of this title, but people who loved the increased emphasis on what was essentially gamified number-crunching will definitely find themselves addicted to this system. This is essentially a good thing since there are some enemies in Final Fantasy VIII that will completely wipe the floor with Squall and his troops if they don't bring their A-game in battle.

Keeping this in mind, here are ten of the strongest monsters that one can encounter in Final Fantasy VIII.

10 Ochu

Ochu from Final Fantasy VIII

When one talks about some of the most iconic enemies in Final Fantasy, then it goes without saying that the Ochu would be a major part of this conversation.

The iteration of the Ochu in Final Fantasy VIII is easily one of the most deadly ones in the series, especially due to how early players can encounter this enemy.

9 T-Rexaur

T-Rexaur from Final Fantasy VIII

Speaking of enemies that can be encountered early, how can one fail to mention the dreaded T-Rexaur that one can encounter in the early stages of Final Fantasy VIII?

RELATED: Final Fantasy 8 Remastered: 10 Things Cut From The PS1 Classic

The T-Rexaur is easily one of the most daunting enemies that players can face in the game, and serves as a great tutorial on how status effects are almost necessary at times to deal with certain enemies.

By the time this enemy reaches Level 100, the player will definitely find themselves stuck between a rock and a hard place after encountering this enemy.

8 Chimera

Chimera from Final Fantasy VIII

The Chimera is definitely not the first enemy that comes to mind when people think about tough enemies in the Final Fantasy series, but the fact of the matter is that this enemy has consistently proven to be a deceptively tough challenge across the franchise.

Final Fantasy VIII is no exception to this golden rule, with the Chimera proving to be a rather tough foe that can wipe out an unprepared party. The fact that it's one of the rarer encounters in the game is not a mistake — the developers intentionally did this so that players wouldn't be frustrated after defeating this enemy over and over again.

7 Tonberry

Tonberry from Final Fantasy VIII
Via: YouTube (YOYO-DODO)

The Tonberry is another legendary enemy in Final Fantasy, whose iteration in Final Fantasy VIII proves to be more frustrating than challenging at times.

Basically, the player needs to beat 20 Tonberrys in one go before facing a GF by the name of Tonberry King. While this might imply that the player should just passively play along and finish this arduous task as soon as possible, a single misstep in an otherwise ironclad strategy can cause a wealth of problems for the player, especially when a lucky Tonberry unleashes the Everyone's Grudge attack.

6 Marlboro

Marlboro from Final Fantasy VIII

It would be impossible for a list featuring some of the toughest monsters in Final Fantasy VIII to not mention one of the most infamous enemies in the series.

The Marlboro might have some of the most important items in the game, but there's no denying the fact that fighting even one of these enemies can prove to be an arduous task indeed. One Bad Breath can put the party in an extremely tough spot, if not wipe them out altogether.

5 Iron Giant

Iron Giant from Final Fantasy VIII

The Iron Giant is another iconic enemy in the Final Fantasy series, who even appeared as a superboss in Final Fantasy III!

While his role has mostly been relegated to being a regular enemy in later games, there's no denying that fighting this enemy is a massive challenge in any Final Fantasy game, including VIII. Having to deal with scores of these enemies before reaching the end of the Deep Sea Research Center can make any gamer pull their hair out after a point.

4 Ruby Dragon

Ruby Dragon from Final Fantasy VIII

The Ruby Dragon is one of the hardest enemies in Final Fantasy VIII, with his Breath attack being the stuff of nightmares for players who've fallen prey to this powerful attack.

This can prove to be especially frustrating in the Deep Sea Research Center, where players are pretty much forced to fight these enemies at least twice.

3 Gargantua

Gargantua from Final Fantasy VIII

Vysage is an enemy that is annoying enough as is, but players who have a decent knowledge of the combat and Junction system will be able to take care of these enemies after some time.

The same can't be said for Gargantua, which fools players by starting off as a Vysage before showing its true form. Gargantua is easily the hardest mini-boss in Ultimecia's castle, and will send players into an early grave if they end up underestimating this boss fight.

2 Ultima Weapon

Ultima Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII

Going through the Deep Sea Research Center will allow players the opportunity to obtain the Eden GF... that is, after facing off against an extremely powerful boss in the form of Ultima Weapon.

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Sporting Cloud's best weapon from Final Fantasy VII, Ultima Weapon is not a boss that should be taken lightly. He can easily wipe the floor with the party in a few seconds, and the party's offense and defense need to be completely solid if they wish to take this enemy out without facing any major problems.

1 Omega Weapon

Omega Weapon from Final Fantasy VIII

However, Ultima Weapon doesn't even hold a candle to its superior counterpart that can be fought in Ultimecia's Castle.

Omega Weapon is easily the strongest enemy in Final Fantasy VIII, and can easily wipe out the entire party in mere seconds if the player goes into this battle without a proper strategy.

His most powerful attack is easily Terra Break, which can destroy the entire party if they aren't using Protect, Zombie, or Defend... and even then the chances of survival are extremely slim.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Final Fantasy 8 Remastered You Should Know