Final Fantasy 8, released in 1999, is one of the most unique entries in the Final Fantasy franchise. Despite receiving mixed reviews upon release, it has since garnered a cult following and is considered a classic by many fans.

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From its deep and intricate plot to its innovative combat system to its unforgettable characters, Final Fantasy 8 offers a gaming experience that is truly its own. Whether one is a long-time fan or a newcomer to the series, there's something in this game that's sure to impress. So let's dive into the things that Final Fantasy 8 does better than its predecessors and successors in the series.

9 Unleashing the Power: The Innovative Junction System In Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy Squall Magic Junctions Menu

The junction system in Final Fantasy 8 is one of its unique features that sets it apart from other main games in the series. In FF8, the player can junction magic to their stats, such as strength and defense, to increase them. The magic can be drawn from enemies and then used to junction to the characters.

The system allows for a deeper level of customization and strategy, as players must decide which magic to junction and to which stat. The junction system also adds an element of resource management as players must choose when to use their magic in battle or save it for later. This system provides a fresh and engaging twist on the traditional FF combat system and makes FF8 a standout game in the series.

8 A Challenging Test Of Skill and Strategy: The SeeD Exam

A Question From The SeeD Exam In Final Fantasy 8

The SeeD Exam is another unique aspect of the Final Fantasy 8 game that sets it apart from other main Final Fantasy games. The SeeD Exam is a series of challenges and tests that the player character must complete in order to become a member of the elite mercenary group, SeeD. This exam tests the player's combat skills, strategy, and knowledge of the world of Final Fantasy 8.

The player must complete various tasks, such as fighting enemies and solving puzzles. The SeeD Exam adds an extra layer of depth to the game as it not only provides an opportunity for the player to hone their skills but also serves as a means of advancing the story and uncovering secrets about the world.

7 Triple Triad: A Unique And Addictive Mini-Game Experience

A Screenshot From Trible Triad Mini Game From Final Fantasy 8

Final Fantasy 8's Triple Triad mini-game is widely considered one of the best mini-games in the series. It's a card game that can be played against NPC characters or other players, and it's integrated seamlessly into the main game world. Players collect cards throughout the game and can use them to play against other players in order to win even more cards.

The rules of the game are simple, but the strategies and tactics involved can become very complex. The mini-game adds an extra layer of depth and excitement to the game and provides players with a fun and engaging way to spend their time between battles. In many ways, it's a perfect example of how a well-designed mini-game can add to a game's overall enjoyment.

6 In-Depth Character Arcs: Exploring The Depths Of FF8's Characters

Illustrations Of The Main Charachters Of Final Fantasy 8, Squall, Rinoa, Quistis, Selphie, Ultimecia

Final Fantasy 8's does a fantastic job of exploring each character's backstory and personal motivations, allowing players to better understand and connect with the cast. Squall, the protagonist, undergoes a transformative character arc that sees him evolve from a solitary, aloof individual to a charismatic leader. Meanwhile, supporting characters like Quistis, Zell, and Selphie each have their own unique stories that are woven into the main narrative, making them feel like fully-realized individuals rather than mere sidekicks.

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The game also allows players to further delve into each character's personality through the use of Guardian Forces (GFs). GFs are powerful creatures that players can junction to their characters to grant them special abilities and stats. However, each GF also has its own personality and backstory, adding an extra layer of depth to the game's character development.

5 Romance In the Realm: Final Fantasy 8's Heartwarming Love Story

Final Fantasy 8, Squal and Rinoa Dance Scene

The love story in Final Fantasy 8 is unique compared to other main Final Fantasy games, as it is a central aspect of the game's plot. The relationship between the main characters Squall and Rinoa is a major driving force of the story and their emotional development is intricately woven into the main narrative.

The game explores themes of love, loss, and sacrifice in a way that is both poignant and powerful. The cinematics and character interactions serve to deepen the player's investment in the characters, making their journey all the more impactful. From the iconic "Eyes on Me" sequence to the touching final moments, the love story in Final Fantasy 8 will stay with players long after the credits roll.

4 Melodic Mastery: Final Fantasy 8's Iconic Soundtrack

Final Fantasy 8, Squall and Rinoa, Eyes On Me Song Cover Art

Final Fantasy 8's music is one of the most memorable and iconic soundtracks in video game history. Composed by the legendary Nobuo Uematsu, the music perfectly captures the epic scale and emotion of the game's story and characters. From the heart-wrenching piano of "Eyes on Me" to the triumphant horns of "Liberi Fatali", each track perfectly fits the moment, immersing players in the world of Final Fantasy 8 and leaving a lasting impression.

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In addition, the game's use of full orchestrations elevates the soundtrack to another level, making it one of the best-produced soundtracks in the history of video games. It's no wonder that the music of Final Fantasy 8 is still widely celebrated and remembered to this day.

3 Exploring A Vast And Beautifully Crafted World: The Final Fantasy 8 Map

Final Fantasy 8 Wolrd Map

Final Fantasy 8 features a vast and detailed world map, unlike other main entries in the series that utilized either a side-scrolling or a more abstract depiction of the world. Players can travel by foot, car, or airship to various locations, each with its own unique landscape, people, and lore.

The world map is also essential for character progression, as players can encounter powerful monsters and access new Guardian Force junction points. Additionally, the world map is full of engaging side quests and mini-games, further adding to the depth and replay value of the game.

2 Spectacular Scenery: Final Fantasy 8's Visuals

Final Fantasy 8 Rinoa IN A Field Full With Roses

Final Fantasy 8 boasts some of the best visuals in the franchise, showcasing stunning environments, character designs, and CG cutscenes that are a feast for the eyes. The game's world is richly detailed and full of character, with each location offering its own unique feel and style. The character models are highly detailed and animated, bringing each character to life in a way that is truly impressive.

The pre-rendered backgrounds, combined with the detailed character models, give the game a level of visual quality that is unmatched by many of its contemporaries. The game's battles are also visually stunning, with dynamic camera angles and flashy spell animations that are sure to leave an impact. Final Fantasy 8's visuals set a new bar for the franchise and still hold up to this day.

1 Unexpected Twists: Final Fantasy 8's Surprising Storyline (Spoiler Alert!)

Ultimecia Final Fantasy 8 Looking Up

Final Fantasy 8 features a number of plot twists that keep players engaged throughout the game. One of the most notable twists is the revelation that the sorceress who is being sought after by the game's main characters is actually a teenage girl named Ultimecia. This twist completely changes the player's understanding of the game's central conflict and adds an unexpected layer of depth to the story.

Additionally, the game features several other twists, such as the discovery that the use of GFs leads to amnesia and that the sorceress and the main characters are all connected in unexpected ways. These twists keep players guessing and add a sense of unpredictability to the game, making it a standout among the Final Fantasy franchise.

Final Fantasy 8 has left a lasting legacy, having made a significant impact on the gaming industry and solidifying its place as one of the best RPGs of all time. Despite being released over two decades ago, it remains one of the most highly regarded entries in the Final Fantasy franchise and continues to be celebrated by fans around the world.

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