
  • Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth breathes new life into the beloved story, offering a fresh take for dedicated fans of the franchise.
  • The Seventh Infantry plays a crucial role in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, setting up the main theme of bonds and relationships within the game.
  • In fact, the improved and expanded section featuring Midgar's Seventh Infantry makes the group so much better that it should appear in the third part of the remake trilogy and any potential spin-offs that come in the future.

After remaining a strong, fondly remembered presence in gamers' hearts for the last 27 years, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth breathes new life into another part of Final Fantasy 7's story. While players will need to wait for the next game that follows Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth to bring this epic to a close, it's easy to say that the Remake trilogy does a great job at presenting a classic story in a new but familiar way to any player willing to pick the games up.

While FF7 Rebirth is perfectly enjoyable on its own, it's very easy to say that the enjoyment level one gets out of it is significantly higher if they've played the original Final Fantasy 7 first. Important locations like the Gold Saucer, fights like the one against Dyne, and mini-games like the race with Mr. Dolphin both look incredible and feel upgraded when one's experienced their previous iterations. The parade in Junon gets the same treatment, being taken from a mini-game that Cloud finds himself unwittingly roped into to an entire crucial section of the game.

Now is the Perfect Time to Watch This Forgotten FFVII Anime

In the lead-up to Rebirth, now is the perfect time to check out this forgotten Final Fantasy anime.

The Seventh Infantry Leave an Important Mark That Shouldn't Be Ignored


How the Seventh Infantry Sets Up Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's Main Theme

After Final Fantasy 7 Remake introduced characters and got players attached to them, Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth is about their bonds, emphasizing such through combat and relationship-developing mechanics. Of course it's a bit hard to say just how easily Cloud will get along and let everyone in underneath his cool exterior, but that's where the Seventh Infantry come in with a little help from Tifa and Aerith. Roughly the same as it always was, Cloud - along with Tifa and Aerith - aim to sneak through Junon and reach Rufus through his welcoming parade.

While Cloud just wanted to find a uniform, he ends up being told to lead an entire group of military units through a performance in the same way fans made Cloud dance Final Fantasy 7 Remake's Honeybee Inn mini-game. First, Cloud has to gather them up to make the unit fit at least a minimum number of people, and after that, he has to rally them into action with a speech. After Tifa and Aerith help when his tongue gets tied, he gets far too into it.

Cloud's Soft Side Makes Its Most Important Appearance with the Seventh Infantry

It's rather amusing to see Cloud go from unable to find the words to being so fired up that he has to be pulled away, but this fire ends up being put into the performance if the player succeeds at the rhythm mini-game. Even though the time with Midgar's Seventh Infantry is short, and their bond isn't as obvious as the notifications that Cloud's strengthened his ties with Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth's party, the recruits stand by Cloud till the very end, even against Shinra's orders. Cloud even returns the gesture, saying that they can count on meeting again someday.

While there were smaller instances of Cloud's kind heart being seen, this moment serves as a sign of what's to come, being celebrated by powerful music and further events down the line that see Cloud opening up more and more to those who matter to him. Considering how much they wanted to stand by Cloud, and how much they helped the mercenary come out of his shell, it would be a shame to let characters like the Seventh Infantry fall down the wayside in future Final Fantasy 7 projects. Even if the entire squad isn't used, there's plenty of potential in unmasking a few and letting them cause trouble somewhere down the line, or showing them living happily after the events of the Remake trilogy. Either way, these faceless, endearing characters could serve as some fan-favorite figures in future RPGs while remaining a great reference at the same time.