Final Fantasy 7 Remake is only a few months away from releasing and Square Enix continues to share more information about the upcoming RPG. Perhaps as a holiday present, Square Enix has a new selection of Final Fantasy 7 Remake screenshots to share. These new screenshots focus on Aerith, one of Final Fantasy 7's most important protagonists and certainly one of Final Fantasy 7 Remake's most exciting characters.

Four screenshots in total were shared by Square Enix via the official Final Fantasy 7 Twitter account. All four feature Aerith's abilities, though only one of the abilities is named. The named ability is called Tempest and is exclusive to Aerith. According to the tweet, Tempest can be charged up to increase its damage. Aerith's other abilities include one that can drain MP and another that creates a protective magical shield. These two abilities sound a lot like Absorb MP and Protect from previous Final Fantasy games.

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The ability descriptions aren't necessarily as interesting as the visuals shown in the new Final Fantasy 7 Remake screenshots. While Square Enix doesn't label the screenshots, they can probably be assumed. The first two are likely Tempest, the third is Absorb MP, and the final one is Protect. What's interesting about all four abilities is that they're all connected visually. Tempest seems to have a sakura blossom theme, Protect is a large flower, and even Absorb MP has a very colorful style with pink floral detail.

The visuals for Aerith's abilities are so unique that it seems like they're all exclusive to her, or at least the animations are. It makes perfect sense that Aerith, the flower girl, has a floral Protect. It wouldn't make sense for another character to have a flower as their Protect spell visual, however. So maybe other characters will have their own unique spell effect for shared abilities. It would be a great way for Square Enix to give each character some more individuality.

Expect further information from Square Enix about Final Fantasy 7 Remake and Aerith in the weeks to come. In the past several months, Square Enix has focused on sharing information about Cloud, including screenshots for his abilities, gameplay clips, and even a new trailer. Perhaps Aerith will also receive a character-focused trailer to accompany these new screenshots. It'd be great to see Aerith's abilities in motion, especially if they're as flowery and colorful as the screenshots imply.

Final Fantasy 7 Remake releases March 3, 2020, on PS4.

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